Goodness of Fit statistics for GLM Probit Fit: Deviance or Pearson?
Which GoF statistic is best to use (Pearson or Deviance) when the results disagree? Is one better suited for Probit than the other? I'm using JMP Pro 17.0.0
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view all learning resourcesWhich GoF statistic is best to use (Pearson or Deviance) when the results disagree? Is one better suited for Probit than the other? I'm using JMP Pro 17.0.0
Im am setting up a 3 continuous factor 13 run design in flexible easy DOE. Is it possible to change numbers in the DOE data entry? There are some comma figures I'd like to round off.
I am trying to pars effects to a fit model in a script. The effects are generated by a script using several runs of stepwise selection using nominal logistic regression. The selected variable names are outputted to a JMP datafile "final". This is no problem if only main effects are selected, but I have not been successful in including a two factor interaction. For main effects onl...
Some while ago I posted a wish
new Column Property: Value Markers
with the idea: add a Column property Value Marker to define markers for specific column values.
Unfortunately, is not planned to implement such a functionality in Jmp 18. With the current limitations of Jmp - what is the easiest way to plot a specific class of data points with a defined marker?I mean: automatically - without the need ...
I have a report which I run that spits out anywhere between 2 and 26 graphs into a report tab so they can all be viewed at one time, in one tab. I'd like to find a way get it to export the Save Summaries for all of the graphs in the report using JSL. At the current time, I just CTRL + click the button in the attached image and it exports everything I need into many data tables. Is there a way I ca...
Which GoF statistic is best to use (Pearson or Deviance) when the results disagree? Is one better suited for Probit than the other? I'm using JMP Pro 17.0.0
Im am setting up a 3 continuous factor 13 run design in flexible easy DOE. Is it possible to change numbers in the DOE data entry? There are some comma figures I'd like to round off.
Hello, I am working to validate if a washer is needed on an assembly. We have a screw which will be threading through 2 surfaces. We want to validate if a washer is needed to prevent the screw from bottoming out. We have dimensions & spec limits for all 3 components.I've started in Excel by generating 10,000 random samples for each of the components, but other than checking if screw length is les...
Hello,How can I include the Lambert W function in a column formula?I didn't find this function on Functions list.Thank you very much.
Hi everyone,I am making a P' chart of Laney with JMP 16.2. (I know that this chart is available with the new JMP version, however I have not this new version).I don't know why bur when I have less than 10 values, the X scale is not adapted. The X scale is set up for 10 values (whatever the number of values if it is lower than 10), and when I have more than 10 values the X scale is being adapted.He...
Which GoF statistic is best to use (Pearson or Deviance) when the results disagree? Is one better suited for Probit than the other? I'm using JMP Pro 17.0.0
The context of my data is from an e-commerce website. I am measuring the number of errors made based on different independent variables: Filtering technique (Alphabetical, Relevance and Search) and Number of Items added (Add one at a time, or add multiple items to cart at once). As the number of errors made is 0 most of the time, I have opted to use the Zero Inflated Poisson Regression. When I per...
I am looking for an example of how to connect to oracle data with JMP 16 via oci. I have seen notes indicating that it is a far faster connection.
Bonjour à tous,Est-il possible de mettre dans le criblage des processus le format/la colonne de notre choix dans le module « dernière alarme ». Pour ma part j’aimerais pouvoir y mettre une colonne Date pour pouvoir contrôler à quels jour interviennent mes dernières alarmes.Merci pour votre aide.
I'm looking at the impact of 4 two level independent categorical variables on a continous dependent variable. How to I choose what effect to use for a posthoc analysis? If I choose forexample size*treatment*shelfcode how do I consider the effect color to explain dependent variable Firmness?Do I do posthoc on all interactions? If yes, how do I interprete separate posthocs on the same variable firmn...
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
Are you looking for ways to determine an effective way to trade off power and speed to find a sweet...
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...