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  • Get count for grouping (panels) in graph builder to check the visualisation is sensible

    So I have written a bit of JSL which is able to take a data table and make suggestions of graphs. It checks the number of unique values, column data type and column name to assess which graph would be most appropriate. One issue I am having is when it uses Page, Group X, Group Y and/or Wrap and there aren't many data points in the resulting panels. Below is a silly example using Big Class. Clearly...

    stephen_pearson stephen_pearson
    Discussions |
    Mar 16, 2017 6:00 AM
    5196 views | 4 replies
  • Force Legend with marker and color of row state

    Hello, I am trying to make a legend with markers and colors, but I'd like to choose them. I thought it will be easy thanks to row state (color state, marker state,combine states). But once color and marker are assigned to each row, I am not able to find a way to force them in the legend.I would like to do it by script (I was thinking to add a box with the legend), but I am not able to find a way t...

    ptijerome ptijerome
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    Mar 16, 2017 12:20 AM
    14073 views | 9 replies
  • Copy rows and change one column value

    I'm finding the row documentation very frustrating. Is it possible to copy an entire row and add it to the current data table? My rows have many columns so I do not want to go through every column name doing this. Alternatively, if it's possible to make a single one-way graph from two different data tables, then this will also solve my problem. Does JMP have that capability?

    rossjason rossjason
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    Mar 15, 2017 1:35 PM
    9951 views | 5 replies
  • How to set defaults in Fit Model reports (VIF, cp, etc..)

    I am doing a lot of model building (using fit model - stepwise/best subsets regression) right now and am tired of having to manually choose certain output display items such as to show the VIF in my paremeter estimates.  How to I set the VIF to default appear each time I run a new model.  Also, I am largely using mallows cp to begin my model selection.  each time I open up a new fit model and run ...

    RVhydrA RVhydrA
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    Mar 15, 2017 9:16 AM
    8431 views | 4 replies
  • Saving JMP animation

    Hello, I am quite new to JMP and have a question: Is it possible to save animation?For example, if I do Fit Y by X on some table and  then use data filter animation. Would it be possible to save the animation/clip?Thanks!  

    aumair aumair
    Discussions |
    Mar 14, 2017 1:07 PM
    16334 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Get count for grouping (panels) in graph builder to check the visualisation is sensible

    So I have written a bit of JSL which is able to take a data table and make suggestions of graphs. It checks the number of unique values, column data type and column name to assess which graph would be most appropriate. One issue I am having is when it uses Page, Group X, Group Y and/or Wrap and there aren't many data points in the resulting panels. Below is a silly example using Big Class. Clearly...

    stephen_pearson stephen_pearson
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    Mar 16, 2017 6:00 AM
    5196 views | 4 replies
  • Non-Modal windows/user-interactive script

    Hi, Details of my script:Part 1: open a new table so that user fills valuesPart 2: wait for the user to fill values and take the response to proceedPart 3: proceed with the remaining script I am struggling in part 2 because if I use Modal windows, I cannot fill the values in the table.I would like to generate a new window which will wait on user input OK" to proceed but should not interrupt the us...

    shashivenky shashivenky
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    Mar 9, 2017 4:16 AM
    4661 views | 2 replies
  • Negative R2 in Mixed Models

    How is R2 calculated in JMP (v12.2) when fixed and random effects are included in Fit Model? I can't find any documentation on this. The reason this came up is that I have been getting negative R2 values.   

    jwiltsie jwiltsie
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    Mar 8, 2017 7:52 AM
    7842 views | 6 replies
  • Database stored procedure

    Hi There, I have a database in which I wrote a stored procedure, which generates a table for DOE analysis. Basically selecting the parameters and their values dynamically, which is why a simple table query does not work.In JMP 13, there is the advance database open table window which lists all the stored procedure in the SQL. I'd like to run "Call StoredProc(x)" by using execute sql but nothing ha...

    krisah krisah
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    Mar 8, 2017 4:10 AM
    4466 views | 1 replies
  • Disallowed Combinations Script with conditional statements

    I am using the Space Filling Desing Platform to run a Fast Flexible Filling Design.  I would like to add a disallowed combination script where if a level for one variable equals a certain value, then a separate column is limited to a specific value.  I have the following script, but the script is not working.  I have tried:  F1 == 1 & F11 > 0 | F2 == 1 & F12 > 0, but then this removes all cases of...

    jshaw04 jshaw04
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    Mar 7, 2017 6:27 AM
    7081 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Understanding the Dispatch and Legend Model and what exactly is Base(0,0,0)?

    My problem is two fold. Im writing a JSL Function to create some custom charts at work. Everything is working fine. Thats great. But I dont understand why - and I am trying to break down the code. Most of I wrote myself, but some aspects I made the tweaks within JMP, copied the scripts and used the parts that generated what I needed. Some of the code chunks that get added in are intuitive to read ...

    kevinwtbolger kevinwtbolger
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    Feb 26, 2017 9:30 AM
    3128 views | 0 replies
  • Data Binding Associative Arrays

    I recently had need to create some slightly complex data structures and started to play with associative arrays a little more.  These are similar to dictionaries in other languages.  Where they differ is that most languages to improve speed, when assigning an object in a dictionary to a variable it does a data binding.  Essentially it makes it so both the dictionary and the variable refer to the s...

    msharp msharp
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    Feb 14, 2017 1:53 PM
    4172 views | 0 replies
  • How to Maintain JMP Graphs Table Layout When Copy and Pasting into Word

    For years I've had to build sets of graphs using the Fit Y by X platform. The graphs are simple: X-axis is always (1) a character, nominal column and (2) a numeric, continuous date/time column. The Y-axis is always numeric, continuous data (bins, registers, parameters). The result is a list of box plot on the left, time trend on the right. There could be many plots at a time. In JMP 12 (and I thin...

    Discussions |
    Dec 14, 2016 8:48 AM
    4492 views | 0 replies
  • Odds ratios for multiway tables

    On twitter earlier today, someone asked if the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) odds ratio (OR) test was available in JMP when the stratification variable is not the X in Fit Y by X. Anytime I need to go from two variables to more than two variables, the first place I look is Fit Model. The beauty of fit model is that not only can I use as many variables as I want, but I can consider interactions bet...

    DonMcCormack DonMcCormack
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    Aug 10, 2016 3:35 PM
    4663 views | 0 replies
  • How to find ETA squared effect size for MANOVA?

    Hello, Does anyone know how to calculate the eta squared value from a manova analysis in JMP? I know that the E and H matrices tab shows the sum of squares for each parameter, but which values do I use to calculate SStotal and SSeffect? In my model, I have 2 control variables (age and gender) and then a two way factorial. If only one of these variables (in addition to both control variables) is si...

    nsalmano_stanfo nsalmano_stanfo
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    Aug 8, 2016 7:04 AM
    3568 views | 0 replies
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