I am doing a lot of model building (using fit model - stepwise/best subsets regression) right now and am tired of having to manually choose certain output display items such as to show the VIF in my paremeter estimates. How to I set the VIF to default appear each time I run a new model. Also, I am largely using mallows cp to begin my model selection. each time I open up a new fit model and run it I have to right click to display mallows cp as a column, and then sort the columns based on cp values in an ascending order to view the lowest at the top. I am then repeatedly having to chose to open several row diagnostic reports such as residuals by predicted plots, actual by predicted, and durbin watson test. Doing this once, twice, or even ten times isn't a problem but for the number of models I am running is there any way to set these all at defaults in the report? I have looked in preferences where I normally go to set defaults but do not see it.