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  • Entropy

    Hello,I want to perform some basic descriptive statististics on time series data such as mean, median, kurtosis, etc.. but also the degree of variability over time which is described in the literature as "Entropy". I can not find this in JMPpro. Anybody a suggestion how to calculate this? Lu  

    Lu Lu
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2021 7:47 AM
    3395 views | 9 replies
  • JSL code needed to generate dynamic formula column that sums columns from a list

    Hi All,    This question is in relation to a post here that nicely generates a non-dynamic column for summing up a list of other columns.   The problem I am having is how to sum up the columns (using JSL) when you have a list of N other columns and have it be a dynamic formula.   I have a list of columns in my data table, say ColList, and I want to generate a new column with a formula that simply ...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2021 7:29 AM
    2952 views | 5 replies
  • JMP 16 and the updates to Journaling

    Hi all,  I make Journals as the best way to share my graphs with others that use JMP.  With the new JMP 16 update, it has become tedious. I usually would do "ctrl + J" and the graph that is highlighted would gracefully appear in a new journal.  Now when I do it, I get the picture that is attached and not my gorgeous graph I am trying to share with others.    I haven't been able to figure out A. wh...

    kwmcm kwmcm
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2021 4:42 AM
    1473 views | 5 replies
  • GraphBuilder - customize / reorder segs through JSL

    In GraphBuilder when multiple components are added to the same graph, some components get hidden or are pushed behind others and are less visible.Line segments below are behind the bar segments.   On the graph, there is the option to right-click > customize and re-order components using the up/down arrows and send the bar segments to the back.   I found a way to script this in JMP16 (full code bel...

    rbfinner rbfinner
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2021 1:56 AM
    1152 views | 2 replies
  • Hover Label Scripting Tutorial

    All, Is there a tutorial for how to script Hover Label graphs? I looked at the default generated Hover Label Editor but the code is relatively uncommented and difficult to parse.  Thanks!

    DavidLeber DavidLeber
    Discussions |
    Apr 13, 2021 1:54 PM
    2893 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Entropy

    Hello,I want to perform some basic descriptive statististics on time series data such as mean, median, kurtosis, etc.. but also the degree of variability over time which is described in the literature as "Entropy". I can not find this in JMPpro. Anybody a suggestion how to calculate this? Lu  

    Lu Lu
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2021 7:47 AM
    3395 views | 9 replies
  • JMP 16 and the updates to Journaling

    Hi all,  I make Journals as the best way to share my graphs with others that use JMP.  With the new JMP 16 update, it has become tedious. I usually would do "ctrl + J" and the graph that is highlighted would gracefully appear in a new journal.  Now when I do it, I get the picture that is attached and not my gorgeous graph I am trying to share with others.    I haven't been able to figure out A. wh...

    kwmcm kwmcm
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2021 4:42 AM
    1473 views | 5 replies
  • Hover Label Scripting Tutorial

    All, Is there a tutorial for how to script Hover Label graphs? I looked at the default generated Hover Label Editor but the code is relatively uncommented and difficult to parse.  Thanks!

    DavidLeber DavidLeber
    Discussions |
    Apr 13, 2021 1:54 PM
    2893 views | 4 replies
  • Significant Lack of Fit

    Hi All, I appreciate your time and response. I have built a model using main effects, interactions, and sometimes 2nd orders. I have used Standard Least Squares and 60% of the data. About 20% is used for validation and 20% for test sets.R2, adj R2, and those for validation and test sets are all about 98-99%. VIFs are all between 1 to 2.The only issue is I have a significant lack of fit.What can I ...

    Amir_H Amir_H
    Discussions |
    Apr 13, 2021 1:38 PM
    2965 views | 4 replies
  • Control Legend Layout / Length

    When making a graph - I see it mostly in Fit Y by X but it does happen in others, when I add a row legend to a graph, JMP will create very long lists of legends when there are many categories.

    Can we control the number of columns the legend comes out in? I would like JMP to dynamically match it to the height of the graph so that the legend isn't ever taller than the graph itself. I sometimes have 2...

    nathan-clark nathan-clark
    Discussions |
    Apr 13, 2021 7:59 AM
    1877 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Generation of overdispersed poisson count data (vs gamma poisson)

    Hello, I would like to reconcile the parametrization used in the Random Gamma Poisson(lambda, sigma)with the over-dispersion parameter as estimated in generalized linear model platform. Take for instance the attached table. Here the generating function is  Random Gamma Poisson(exp(1+3*:X1),10)Running glm with poisson/log + overdispersion I obtain: Overdispersion = 6.09.    Is there any way to link...

    matteo_patelmo matteo_patelmo
    Discussions |
    Apr 12, 2021 9:53 AM
    971 views | 0 replies
  • JSL Syntax Change is coming: Name() is being deprecated

    Hi All,   I just read here that the JSL syntax for referencing a column using the Name() parser is going away. The new syntax is currently in use and at some point the old syntax will be removed entirely. There's a lot of people here who script, so thought it would be good to post something here.   I know I have a lot of code I'll need to change! Better to be ahead of the curve and change it befor...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Apr 7, 2021 10:14 AM
    700 views | 0 replies
  • Workflow ideas for new projects

    Hi all, 

    After a year of playing around with JMP, I'm extremely satisfied with using it as my main data exploration platform. However, I'm overwhelmed about the tremendous amount of ways I can begin to explore my data. When starting a new project, let's say a biomonitoring study for instance, where does one begin their workflow? Are there any literature on JMP for starting a project from beginning ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Mar 30, 2021 1:41 PM
    994 views | 0 replies
  • Manipulating data table properties (cell width/height) INSIDE application module

    Hello! I have created and Application consisting of data from multiple data tables, plotted it into few separate cross-linked graph builders and hosting one preview of data table (which has images, which is kind of the point). I would like to manipulate the cell width / height of the data table cells included into this application/dashboard, but the task seems impossible. For only the data table, ...

    plotMaster plotMaster
    Discussions |
    Mar 27, 2021 3:54 PM
    1255 views | 0 replies
  • What does it mean when the solution path for Elastic Net is not single-valued?

    Dear JMP Community,   (W10, 64-bit, JMP Pro 15.2.1)   I am running a model to assess the active predictors. I am doing this by using the Autovalidation add-in to generate a Null Factor for my data. I then use the GenReg platform to find estimates for each possible X-factor and then Bootstrap those estimates to get a better assessment of the contributions to the response. I came across a very stran...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Feb 15, 2021 12:35 PM
    1162 views | 0 replies
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