Lack of fit test issue
Hi, I built a simple logistic model to predict loan chargeoffs. The variables included all appear to be significant and the model passed the whole mod...
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view all learning resourcesHi, I built a simple logistic model to predict loan chargeoffs. The variables included all appear to be significant and the model passed the whole mod...
I' dlike to create a formula indicator column for double data by applying the following JSL Code: dt << Clear Column Selection();
dt << Select Duplica
Hi All, I like to use Graph builder for X-Y correlation charts instead of using Bivariate. Does someone knows weather in graph builder we can do a re...
Dear all I would like to show the values in a Map shape coloured graph. I try to label all rows and plot the desired column but my graph did not show ...
Hello,I am trying to do a factor analysis (PCA) on a large data set. It has 181 columns and 163 rows, values are between -6 and 8. I have started the ...
I have datasets with many response variables (~15K) and many samples (~7K). I have clustered the samples based on prior knowledge into 10 clusters, a...
Hi i want to create a JSL for following table title1Title2Title3stack1stack2stack3..............stack(n-1)stacknACE0.55.0100..........2045.65BDF1.5210...
I have data for two species and two types of leaves. Species A and B, type R and L. I would like to check how species and type of leaves affects for e...
Okay, so i have to decide whether i should use chi-square or Cochran's Q test for one of my study.If i assume meat as experimental unit (EU) and impos...
One way to select possible number of clusters in hierarchical methods is to identify the relatively large changes in distance as number of clusters ch...
I have a data set from a two-choice rodent feeding trial. We were testing the effectiveness of 10 deterrents by coating them on seeds and offering the...
Dear JMP Community, When I run repeated measures ANOVAs with JMP (RMS, with Subject as a random factor), I have noticed that when a certain factor is ...
I'm working with a dataset of about 27,000 rows and am trying to use 9 factors to predict a response using the partition function and a decision tree....
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
This Club is is a participant-driven meeting designed to encourage attendee involvement and kno...
DOE Club This Club is is a participant-driven meeting designed to encourage attendee invo...