How to get exact cumulative Prob at specified value in CDF Plot?
For attached example, how to get the exact cumulative Prob at specified value(500) in CDF Plot?Thanks!
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view all learning resourcesFor attached example, how to get the exact cumulative Prob at specified value(500) in CDF Plot?Thanks!
In recent versions of JMP we now have the option to lock journals. How can I incorpoerate that into my scripts? I expect it to be something like:current journal() << lock;
Hi, I'm trying to reorder over 2000 columns by data type (character vs numeric), however, the "Reorder by Data Type" option is greyed out in the Column menu (see image). The columns are not grouped. I'm using JMP18 on a Mac.
Hello, I'm trying to create a script that will sample a data table with a 'sliding window' (sampling a set number of rows of a set 'width', then moving up a row to sample the next set, resulting in a data set of rows 1-10, 2-11, 3-12 and so forth) sampling of my data table, creating a new data set that I can use for pattern analysis. My script is operational, but doesn't work well for larger dat...
Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. I'm facing an issue creating a script to generate a Pareto plot from a table that I want to filter by dates (date1 and date2).As a first step, I called my table using:dt2 = Open( "/D:/Project JMP/Tables/Table NOK", invisible );
Next :dt2_top5 = dt2 << Summary(
Group( :Date, :Ref Produit, :ProductName, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :CodeError),
Freq( "Aucun(e)"
Hello, I'm trying to create a script that will sample a data table with a 'sliding window' (sampling a set number of rows of a set 'width', then moving up a row to sample the next set, resulting in a data set of rows 1-10, 2-11, 3-12 and so forth) sampling of my data table, creating a new data set that I can use for pattern analysis. My script is operational, but doesn't work well for larger dat...
hi, I tried to use the script below to access Mysql data but failed.Names Default To Here( 1 );
request =
New HTTP Request(
url( "" ),
Method( "Get" ),
Username( "ross" ),
Password( "Abc123" ),
data = request << Send;
The url/username/password are all dummy just for demonstration.But it always says that connection refused. I can make sure that the ip+port is available. Co...
Hi, Does anyone knows if Kerberos autehtication can be used with the HTTP request method from jmp? I have a API I would like to connect using this authentication method. What are the different authentication methods that can be used? Is there any cURL object in JMP ( It would be nice if you could provide an example, if available. Thank you in advance. Here is a sample of a ...
helloI tried to request JSON from an API using the following script:request_neu = New HTTP Request(
URL( "" ),
Method( "GET" ),
//headers( {"Accept: text/plain", "Accept: text/html", "Accept: */*"} ),
//headers( {"Accept: */*"} ),
//I tried everything here
Headers( {"Accept: application/json"} ),
Username( "api.user" ),
Password( "redacted" ),
Opening a jmp file from Microsoft Teams/Sharepoint is simple enough if I'm the only one using the script. I just go into Teams and click "Add Shortcut to OneDrive" and then am able to map to the file as shown below. dt = Open("C:\Users\{username}\OneDrive - {company}\Data\");
The problem I'm having is that I want this script to be usable by others in the company. I could make {username} a ...
I have created a Boxplot graph and I need to show the Mean and other relevant stats/values and text inside or close to the Box and not on the top as part of the Summary Stats. I also need to be able to manipulate the figures like make it bigger, bold, etc...full customization like the attached Boxplot picture. Any suggestions? Thank you, Helal
Hallo zusammen, ich bin unsicher bezüglich der Methode zur Reliabilitätsanalyse einer Scorecard.Ich möchte eine Scorecard bzgl. Ihrer Reliabilität analysieren. 5 verschiedene Anfragen werden dabei über eine Scorecard von jeweils 4 verschiedenen Personen bewertet. Jede der 5 Anfragen erhält dadurch einen Gesamtscore. Ich möchte gerne untersuchen, wie "gut" unsere Scorecard zur Bewertung unserer Anf...
Setup : JMP 17.0.0 on Win11.I create boxplots and export to HTML (default graphics format = SVG).
On line 16 of the html file, there is an autogenerated link to adobe :pluginspage=""This webpage doesn't exist and I think the Adobe SVG Viewer is not available anymore, so the above link should be removed.
Hello, I am conducting a two-way ANOVA with a random effect and need to report the partial eta squared. Does anyone know how to do this or calculate it from values displayed in the output? I tried the add-on but it does not support models with random effects. For the model I have a dependent variable and my model effects looks like:variable1variable2variable1*variable2variable3 & random all variab...
Hello,I'm trying to reproduce the results obtained on JMP with the "Neural" model by adding nested cross-validation, which is not possible on the software. However, the architecture is very unclear and I can't understand the calculations performed by the model. I don't have access to certain information such as batch size, optimizer used, loss, learning rate (except the one for the boosting), and ...
Are you looking for ways to determine an effective way to trade off power and speed to find a sweet...
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...