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Level IV

How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

Hello everyone,


I hope you're doing well. I'm facing an issue creating a script to generate a Pareto plot from a table that I want to filter by dates (date1 and date2).

As a first step, I called my table using:

dt2 = Open( "/D:/Project JMP/Tables/Table NOK", invisible );

Next :

dt2_top5 = dt2 << Summary(
	Group( :Date, :Ref Produit, :ProductName, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :CodeError),
	Freq( "Aucun(e)" ),
	Weight( "Aucun(e)" ),
	output table name( "Table2 Top 5" ),

// Subset of data for Pareto plot filtered by Date
dt_pareto_subset = dt2_top5 << Select Where( Num( Char( :Date ) ) >= Num( date1 ) & Num( Char( :Date ) ) < Num( date2 ) );
dt_pareto_subset = dt2_top5 << Subset(
	Selected Rows(1),
	output table name("Pareto Subset"),

and i did creat the Pareto plot in my window  :

Border Box(Left(25), Top(50), Bottom(200),
	V List Box(
		// Add the Pareto plot here
		paretoPlot = dt_pareto_subset << Pareto Plot(
			Y( :CodeError ),
			Freq( "Freq" ),
			Show Percents( 1 ),
			Show Cumulative Line( 1 )

but after i lanched my script i did get this error :


The script object is expected when accessing or evaluating "Send", dt_pareto_subset << /*###*/
Pareto Plot(


               Show Percents(1),

               Show Cumulative Line(1)



I have a small code snippet that generates a Pareto plot. Currently, I have to manually select the data table each time, and I cannot apply a date filter : 

Pareto Plot(
	Cause( :CodeError ),
		Dispatch( {"Plots"}, "Pareto Report", FrameBox, {Frame Size( 1555, 725 )} )

Thank you all for your help,

Best regards,


Accepted Solutions
Super User

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

There should be no need for the num and char to num conversions.


Maybe something like this?

Names Default To Here(1);

dt = Open("$DOWNLOADS/");

yday = Date Increment(Today(), "day", -1, "start");
tday = Date Increment(Today(), "day", 0, "start");

dt_top5 = dt << Summary(
	Group(:Date, :Ref Produit, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :Result, :CodeError),
	output table name("Table Top 5")

rows_of_interest = dt_top5 << Get Rows Where(yday <= :Date <= tday);

dt_pareto_subset = dt_top5 << Subset(
	Selected Columns(0),
	Output Table("Pareto Subset")

pp = dt_pareto_subset << Pareto Plot(Cause(:CodeError), Freq(:N Rows));



You could also create paretoplot from your initial table (filtering can require a bit of work)


dt << Pareto Plot(
	Local Data Filter(
		Add Filter(
			Where(:Date == 3805056000),
			Display(:Date, N Items(4))

View solution in original post

Super User

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

Do you have the subset you expect in dt_pareto_subset?

Level IV

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

yes and i expect dt_pareto_subset to contain only the rows from dt2_top5 where the value in the :Date column falls between date1 and date2

Super User

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

The error message is telling that the variable dt_pareto_subset doesn't have a scriptable object (in this case data table). There could many different causes for this and it is totally guess work without seeing your data or the full script.

Level IV

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters


Names Default To Here( 1 );

TOP5 = New Namespace(

TOP5:get_dates = Function({},

TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages = Function({dt},

// Define the Do function
TOP5:Do = Function ({nb_date1, nb_date2},
    //Ouverture de la table de données
    dt = Open( "/D:/Project JMP/Tables/TableData", invisible );
    dt2 = Open( "/D:/Project JMP/Tables/Table NOK", invisible );

    {percent_nok_ict, percent_nok_fct} = TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages(dt);

    current_month = Format(Today(), "Format Pattern", "<Month>", << Use Locale(0));

    date1 = Date Increment(Today(), "day", nb_date1, "start");
    date2 = Date Increment(Today(), "day", nb_date2, "start");

    dt_top5 = dt << Summary(
        Group( :Date, :Nom de fichier, :Ref Produit, :ProductName, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :Result, :CodeError),
        Freq( "Aucun(e)" ),
        Weight( "Aucun(e)" ),
        output table name( "Table Top 5" ),

    dt2_top5 = dt2 << Summary(
		Group( :Date, :Ref Produit, :ProductName, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :CodeError),
		Freq( "Aucun(e)" ),
		Weight( "Aucun(e)" ),
		output table name( "Table2 Top 5" ),

	// Subset of data for Pareto plot filtered by Date
	dt_pareto_subset = dt2_top5 << Select Where( Num( Char( :Date ) ) >= Num( date1 ) & Num( Char( :Date ) ) < Num( date2 ) );
	dt_pareto_subset = dt2_top5 << Subset(
		Selected Rows(1),
		output table name("Pareto Subset"),


    Here i have the logic of production repport.
    it's fine it works 

    //Création de la fenetre du top 5
    window = new Window ("TOP5",
        V List Box(
            pb = Picture Box( Open( "D:\Project JMP\Images\logo.png", png ) ),
            Border Box( Top(50),
                V List Box(
                    tb1 = Text Box("Production results report of "||Format( date2, "yyyy-mm-dd" )),
                    tb1 << Set Base Font( "Title" ),
                    tb1 << Set Font Scale (3),
                    tb1 << Justify Text("Center"),
                    tb1 << Set Width(2770),
                    tb1 << Background Color(RGB Color(225, 225, 225)),
                    tb2 = Text Box ("SVI, PY"),
                    tb2 << Justify Text("Center") << Set Font Size(25),
                    tb2 << Set Width(2770),
                    tb2 << Background Color(RGB Color(240, 240, 240)),
            V List Box (
                Border Box (Top (100), Bottom(100), Left (25),
                    H List Box(
                        // TOP 5 ICT
                        V List Box(
                            tb3 = Text Box( "Top 5 NOK results for ICT"),
                            tb3 << Set Base Font( "Title" ),
                            tb3 << Set Font Scale (2),
                            H List Box(
                                // column bay
                                // column product ref
                                // column test number
                                //column %nok
                                // column product name
                        V List Box(
							//nok percent for this month
                Border Box(Left(25), Top(50), Bottom(200),
                    //TOP 5 FCT
                    V List Box(
                        tb4 = Text Box( "Top 5 NOK results for FCT"),
                        tb4 << Set Base Font( "Title" ),
                        tb4 << Set Font Scale (2),
                        H List Box(
                                // column bay
                                // column product ref
                                // column test number
                                //column %nok
                                // column product name
                        V List Box(
							//nok percent for this month
                Border Box(Left(25), Top(50), Bottom(200),
					V List Box(
						// Add the Pareto plot here
						paretoPlot = dt_pareto_subset << Pareto Plot(
							Y( :CodeError ),
							Freq( "Freq" ),
							Show Percents( 1 ),
							Show Cumulative Line( 1 )

    window << Maximize Window (1);
    //Enregistrement du fichier image .png et du fichier texte .txt
    window << Save Picture ("D:\Project JMP\Rapports de Production Quotidiens\Rapport du "||Format( date2, "yyyy-mm-dd" )||".png", "png");
    window << Save Text ("D:\Project JMP\Rapports de Production Quotidiens\Rapport du "||Format( date2, "yyyy-mm-dd" )||".txt");



Super User

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

Does it work as intended if you create the plot after you have created the subset? So don't put it inside the new window

Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Time Series/Steel");

dt << New Column("Errors", Character, Nominal, Formula(
	Match(Floor(:Steel Shipments / 1000),
		4, "1000",
		5, "2000",
		6, "3000",
		7, "4000",
		8, "5000"

rows_of_interest = dt << Get Rows Where(02Feb1985<= :Date <= 09Jan1990);

dt_subset = dt << Subset(Rows(rows_of_interest), Selected Columns(0), Output Table("Subset"));

paretoplot = dt_subset << Pareto Plot(Cause(:Errors));
Level IV

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters


i tried the method in your script, it gives me the pareto plot but without data filter. For example the pareto for today must be 2024-07-29 <= :Date < 2024-07-30.

So I used this functions :

// Function to get today's and yesterday's date
GetTodayAndYesterday = Function({},
    today = Today();
    yesterday = Date Increment(today, "day", -1, "start");
    evallist({Format(yesterday, "yyyy-mm-dd"), Format(today, "yyyy-mm-dd")});
	dt = Open( "/D:/Project JMP/Tables/", invisible );
    {yesterday, today} = GetTodayAndYesterday();

     dt_top5 = dt << Summary(
		     Group( :Date, :Ref Produit, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :Result, :CodeError),
		     Freq( "Aucun(e)" ),
		     Weight( "Aucun(e)" ),
		     output table name( "Table Top 5" ),
    // Create a subset of data for the Pareto Plot filtered by the date range
    rows_of_interest = dt_top5 << Get Rows Where( Num( Char( :Date ) ) >= Num( yesterday ) & Num( Char( :Date ) ) <= Num( today ) );
    dt_pareto_subset = dt_top5 << Subset(Rows(rows_of_interest), Selected Columns(0), Output Table("Pareto Subset"), invisible);

    // Generate the Pareto Plot
    paretoplot = dt_pareto_subset << Pareto Plot(Cause(:CodeError));	

I've attached a sample of my database for reference.

Super User

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

Do you want to have a data filter in your pareto plot or do you just want to filter the data? It seems like you just want to create a subset from your data and NOT have a filter.

Level IV

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

I need to filter the data with Date using a subset with conditions i need, so i can create a Pareto plot for yesterday's production results because i generate a daily production resalts report every morning.

Super User

Re: How to creat a script that generat a Pareto Plot with date filters

There should be no need for the num and char to num conversions.


Maybe something like this?

Names Default To Here(1);

dt = Open("$DOWNLOADS/");

yday = Date Increment(Today(), "day", -1, "start");
tday = Date Increment(Today(), "day", 0, "start");

dt_top5 = dt << Summary(
	Group(:Date, :Ref Produit, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :Result, :CodeError),
	output table name("Table Top 5")

rows_of_interest = dt_top5 << Get Rows Where(yday <= :Date <= tday);

dt_pareto_subset = dt_top5 << Subset(
	Selected Columns(0),
	Output Table("Pareto Subset")

pp = dt_pareto_subset << Pareto Plot(Cause(:CodeError), Freq(:N Rows));



You could also create paretoplot from your initial table (filtering can require a bit of work)


dt << Pareto Plot(
	Local Data Filter(
		Add Filter(
			Where(:Date == 3805056000),
			Display(:Date, N Items(4))