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  • PNG Export Issues for Dashboard in JMP 16

    Hi everyone, I have a question about saving a dashboard as a PNG in JMP 16. I found an example in an old question, but it doesn't work for me.I received this response: Unresolved name: dash at line 13 while accessing or evaluating "dash", dash/*###*/
    at line 440 in D:\Project JMP\Scripts\PourcentageDeNokParJour.jsl.   results_table = Open( "D:/Project JMP/Tables Resultats NOK percentages/

    Yass Yass
    Discussions |
    Aug 14, 2024 6:37 AM
    1014 views | 6 replies
  • Calculate Column Difference for other column levels where lag varies

    I have a column :EVENT (character-nominal) with various values.  Also another column :datetime (numeric-continuous).  I have :datetime column sorted ascending.  I am interested in having another column calculate for whenever there is a "CONNECT" event, what is the time difference between it and the last "DISCONNECT" event.  The issue is that the lag can vary between a CONNECT and previous DISCONNE...

    ashwint27 ashwint27
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    Aug 13, 2024 2:37 PM
    934 views | 5 replies
  • How to save the benchmarks window to the data table ?

    Hi !    Thanks to this script I generate à window of BenchMarks on jmp and I would like to save it to the data table ( like if I was doing "save script to data table") The problem is that the end of my script doesn't work !!  // Ouvrir la table de données dt = Open(fichier1); // Initialiser une liste pour stocker les noms des colonnes avec la note "INGOT CHARACTERISTICS" cols_with_note = {}; // ...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
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    Aug 13, 2024 12:45 PM
    2889 views | 18 replies
  • Table Summary Script Without Hardcoding Table Names

    I have a project that I will be adding tables to. I am trying to make a script that produces a summary with some basic stats.In the following script, MyDataTable is hard coded, looking for help to replace that with something that calls up the table's name.This my first post here, I also spent a couple of hours trying to figure it out with forum and google searches.Thanks!! New Table( "Summary of M...

    Rich Rich
    Discussions |
    Aug 13, 2024 11:03 AM
    1402 views | 8 replies
  • How to save to data Table but with script

    Hello, I would like to save the following script which generates several BenchMarks in a FitGroup via a loop as if I were doing a "save to data table" but dynamically (compared to the loop) how to do it?   // Ouvrir la table de données dt = Open( fichier1 ); // Initialiser une liste pour stocker les noms des colonnes avec la note "INGOT CHARACTERISTICS" cols_with_note = {}; // Parcourir chaque c...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 13, 2024 9:02 AM
    658 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to save the benchmarks window to the data table ?

    Hi !    Thanks to this script I generate à window of BenchMarks on jmp and I would like to save it to the data table ( like if I was doing "save script to data table") The problem is that the end of my script doesn't work !!  // Ouvrir la table de données dt = Open(fichier1); // Initialiser une liste pour stocker les noms des colonnes avec la note "INGOT CHARACTERISTICS" cols_with_note = {}; // ...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 13, 2024 12:45 PM
    2889 views | 18 replies
  • How to save to data Table but with script

    Hello, I would like to save the following script which generates several BenchMarks in a FitGroup via a loop as if I were doing a "save to data table" but dynamically (compared to the loop) how to do it?   // Ouvrir la table de données dt = Open( fichier1 ); // Initialiser une liste pour stocker les noms des colonnes avec la note "INGOT CHARACTERISTICS" cols_with_note = {}; // Parcourir chaque c...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 13, 2024 9:02 AM
    658 views | 3 replies
  • Some Insights on Dynamic Column Formulas

    Being a JSL beginner, I find I often struggle with script interpretation. If I find a script in a discussion that seems to address my problem and try to customize it, I often break it and have a hard time understanding how to fix it. During my JSL scripting journey I have heavily relied on this forum for assistance -- both searching the extensive archives for past answers and asking for help if th...

    scott1588 scott1588
    Discussions |
    Aug 12, 2024 12:45 PM
    731 views | 3 replies
  • How do I count number of non-blank rows across specific rows?

    I have the table displayed here and would like to make a new column that contains "N" which is the number of columns that have numbers but only for the columns labelled "DecodeCount_BW**". For example for the first row, it should return "5", for the second row it should return "2", etcIn Excel I do this with "counta", but trying to learn JMP for improved statistical analysis, but I've getting stuc...

    ConfusedUser123 ConfusedUser123
    Discussions |
    Aug 12, 2024 10:38 AM
    886 views | 2 replies
  • Can't identify the problem

    Hi !  I wanted to generate a list for a user so he ca choose the abscissa he wants (for a graph) here is the script :    // Créer une liste des options pour la liste déroulante options = {"Supplier", "Supplier_Quarter"}; // Créer une boîte de dialogue personnalisée avec une liste déroulante dlg = New Window("Sélectionnez une abscisse de travail", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box("Sélectionnez un...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 8:10 AM
    542 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Characters as Markers: How to get rid of the shadows?

    I like the ability to add outlines to data points. This is very useful for separating partially overlapping data points.Unfortunately, when characters are used as markers, the outline mode looks very unprofessional - kind of like shadows, but without blur.Besides turning off the outline mode - is there a way to get rid of the "shadows"? (view in My Videos)  Names Default to Here(1); dt = Open( "$S...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Aug 9, 2024 3:04 AM
    346 views | 0 replies
  • I would like to find another political scientist or other social scientist who has worked with mapping congressional districts and counties

    There are great bodies of data presented by counties (disease incidence, education, income). There are other bodies of data presented by congressional districts (incumbents, vote percentages, etc.)  I want to find someone who has mapped the counties and the congressional districts into the same space.  I know this can be done with ESRI products, but  I wanted to avoid jumping off the JMP platform....

    LNitz LNitz
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    Aug 8, 2024 8:15 PM
    387 views | 0 replies
  • App Interface saved in a journal

    Hi There 
    Some time ago, I created a nice interface using Application Builder and I saved it as a journal. Now I need to make a few modifications to the interface, rearrange buttons, add boxes, and so on. I am unable to import the journal into the app and have the interface appear in the Module tab. It is a very busy interface ...Is there a way to have it?

    Mioffe Mioffe
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    Aug 7, 2024 5:01 PM
    343 views | 0 replies
  • Multivariate Rho Boostrap option not in Mac Jmp 17.

    I am not getting the bootstrap option after running multivariate Spearson's Rho. How to proceed further? I want a forest plot with correlation and CI. <Jmp17>

    NoSQLBird361 NoSQLBird361
    Discussions |
    Aug 2, 2024 11:00 AM
    359 views | 0 replies
  • Overlying map files and merging content

    I have two map files--one of economic and health conditions by US  county.  The other of  congressional districts. I wish to overlay the county map on the congressional district map and attrribute the county measures to the ( larger opr smaller) congressional districts.  For example, what is the average rate of coronary heart disease in districts represented by  women versus those represented by m...

    LNitz LNitz
    Discussions |
    Aug 1, 2024 2:04 AM
    364 views | 0 replies
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