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  • Could JMP optimize factors with uncertainty?

    Hello community!!,A question: will it be possible for the profiler to find the best combinations of factors with uncertainty when performing a simulation, which maximize the total utility and minimize the total cost, generating a table of the best combinations found? For example: 

    Marco1 Marco1
    Discussions |
    Nov 21, 2023 9:08 AM
    645 views | 0 replies
  • Sample Size Calculation

    Hi All, I am planning an experiment to understand the lifetime of a product. Samples will be cut-out from the product. A batch of product is 15000 and I will cut smaller pieces suitable for bending test. Samples will be stored in different chemicals and there will at least 5 time-periods. I take out after each t1, t2, ... samples out of the solution an test. By this my goal is to fit the degradati...

    Metin_Tueluemen Metin_Tueluemen
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    Nov 21, 2023 6:48 AM
    728 views | 1 replies
  • Multiple analysis does not include all paramters in results

    So I have some catagorical data where one category never shows up in the Parameter Estimates part of any analysis I try with this data (for example Generalized Linear Models, Nominal Logistic, and Ordinal Logistic). It is always the "highest/latest" catagory of the column (in my case Methods 3 or Cycle 5). Even when I Hide/Exclude the other categories these never show up. If I change another categ...

    Lost_Ecologist Lost_Ecologist
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    Nov 21, 2023 3:09 AM
    989 views | 2 replies
  • Density contours in ternary diagrams

    Hello,Is there a way to plot density contours on a ternary diagram in JMP17?If not, is there a way to do this by using a custom Contour Formula in the ternary plot platform? What would be this formula? Thanks

    dp30 dp30
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    Nov 21, 2023 1:20 AM
    2413 views | 8 replies
  • How do I import only the latest files in JMP.

    Hi All,I currently have a script that imports multiple files from a directory using the IMF function with a date and name filter enabled. I import about 4000 files and then clean up the data tables into one data table that is saved. The directory keeps getting updated with new files and I would like to import the new files only so I can append it to the last date table.   I was wondering if I can ...

    Ahmed1 Ahmed1
    Discussions |
    Nov 20, 2023 9:55 PM
    1997 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Could JMP optimize factors with uncertainty?

    Hello community!!,A question: will it be possible for the profiler to find the best combinations of factors with uncertainty when performing a simulation, which maximize the total utility and minimize the total cost, generating a table of the best combinations found? For example: 

    Marco1 Marco1
    Discussions |
    Nov 21, 2023 9:08 AM
    645 views | 0 replies
  • Sample Size Calculation

    Hi All, I am planning an experiment to understand the lifetime of a product. Samples will be cut-out from the product. A batch of product is 15000 and I will cut smaller pieces suitable for bending test. Samples will be stored in different chemicals and there will at least 5 time-periods. I take out after each t1, t2, ... samples out of the solution an test. By this my goal is to fit the degradati...

    Metin_Tueluemen Metin_Tueluemen
    Discussions |
    Nov 21, 2023 6:48 AM
    728 views | 1 replies
  • Density contours in ternary diagrams

    Hello,Is there a way to plot density contours on a ternary diagram in JMP17?If not, is there a way to do this by using a custom Contour Formula in the ternary plot platform? What would be this formula? Thanks

    dp30 dp30
    Discussions |
    Nov 21, 2023 1:20 AM
    2413 views | 8 replies
  • carte de contrôle avec des données qui sont déjà des moyennes

    Bonjourje cherche à indiquer à la plate forme qualité que les données que je récolte sont déjà des moyennes (de 9-21-49 valeurs selon les cas).je n'ai pas trouvé où indiquer à JMP que les valeurs de la table sont déjà des moyennes. Du coup, les limites calculées sont fausses par rapport à ce que je calcule pour mes données sous Matlab.Un indice de la bonne case à cocher ?merci d'avance.

    Francis38 Francis38
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    Nov 20, 2023 3:48 PM
    1360 views | 4 replies
  • graphique

    Bonjour à tous, Dans ma base de données, chaque semaine de nouvelles données sont rajoutées à partir de différents calculs.
    J’ai donc des colonnes par semaine (Ex : Y2023-W45...) et ces colonnes se remplissent au fur et à mesure des semaines. Je représente ces données dans un graphique comme ci-dessous :  Je cherche à améliorer mon graphique de cette façon : ne représenter que les semaines pour les...

    hcarr01 hcarr01
    Discussions |
    Nov 20, 2023 5:58 AM
    1303 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Could JMP optimize factors with uncertainty?

    Hello community!!,A question: will it be possible for the profiler to find the best combinations of factors with uncertainty when performing a simulation, which maximize the total utility and minimize the total cost, generating a table of the best combinations found? For example: 

    Marco1 Marco1
    Discussions |
    Nov 21, 2023 9:08 AM
    645 views | 0 replies
  • Choice platform, analysis of discrete choice: random parameters logit analysis?

    Hi there,I have a question concerning the choice platform. I have conducted a discrete choice experiment and analysed it using JMP. I have the choice profiles dataset, and the choices run (or responses) on another. I have done my analysis, and it bears interesting results.A colleague suggested performing a random parameters logit analysis. Is it possible to do it in JMP? How does it differ from th...

    gav2013 gav2013
    Discussions |
    Nov 17, 2023 8:07 AM
    553 views | 0 replies
  • Caution: Places where Jmp does something unexpected

    Definitely, JMP is Not a Spreadsheet . And that's great!!Besides this difference, there are more places where Jmp doesn't do/behave/produce what a newbie / innocent Jmp user expects.
    If a user knows these topics and the remedies and workarounds -  he/she
    a) can save a lot of timeb) is safe against loss of datac) can be sure that the results are as expected.

    [More Topic Containers like this] Topicdesc...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Nov 17, 2023 4:15 AM
    870 views | 0 replies
  • Is it possible to change the color of the median line in a box plot (with graph builder) via JSL?

    Is it possible to change the color of only the median (horizontal) line in a box plot (with graph builder) via JSL? If yes, could I get an example please (I am on JMP 16.2)?

    Neo Neo
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    Nov 15, 2023 7:25 AM
    627 views | 0 replies
  • JSL script to open a SharePoint .xlsx worksheet.

    Hi!I am getting the below error when I tried to implement this method of opening an excel worksheet from SharePoint. Is there another method ?(Solved: How to extract data from an Excel file on Sharepoint? - JMP User Community) 

    MIchaels MIchaels
    Discussions |
    Nov 15, 2023 12:58 AM
    653 views | 0 replies
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