An approach is described in Statistical Methods for Reliability Data 1st. ed. by Meeker and Escobar. Please check out section 22.5 Planning Accelerated Degradation Tests.
To do it, you need:
- Prior knowledge about the model and parameters, with which you can simulate data.
- The range of settings, which you can experiment with, e.g. total sample size, sample time (value of t1, t2), number of testing units at individual sample times.
The detailed procedure is described in subsection 22.5.3 Simulation Procedure. The idea is to repeatedly simulate data at different combinations of settings, fit models, get results of interest. And finally, evaluate the results and find the setting that gives you the desired properties.
The section discusses accelerated degradation, but it is also applicable to non-accelerated situation (sounds like yours is so), your simulation just does not involve an acceleration factor.
The section discusses repeated measures degradation, but it is also applicable to destructive degradation. Your simulation simulate individual points, not individual paths. And you use a destructive degradation model to estimate your quantity of interest.