What inspired this wish list request?
The Filter menu in the column list is very useful. The user just has to add tiny identifiers to the column names to get a handle to select a set of columns (much more flexible that grouping :).
For larger data tables, it could help to have an automatic way to add strings to column names.
What is possible at the moment:
- use JSL: https://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/Append-a-string-to-column-names/m-p/614825/highlight/true#M...
- use Rename Columns from the Jmp Scripting tools Add-In: https://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/Append-a-string-to-column-names/m-p/614760/highlight/true#M...
Unfortunately, the two approaches are not recorded in Workflow Builder. The user has to script on his own.
@Jed_Campbell found a very creative way to achieve the task with steps which are recorder by Workflow Builder:
This is can be seen as a proof that "actually it is possible" - but less as a viable way which you would suggest your colleagues after 2 weeks with Jmp.
So, under the line, at the moment there is no easy way to achieve the task.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
Please steal some ideas from Scripting Tools /Rename Columns and add them to std. Jmp.
A similar option could also be added to the Recode function -.
Why is this idea important?
It's not - just an improvement of Jmp which will help the users to change column names and entries in a more flexible way.
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