Most likely it will cause a slowdown, especially if the value isn't found from the list
Names Default To Here(1);
test = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"};
test2 = test || Repeat({""}, 27629);
lookup_val = "a";
repeats = 200;
tests = {};
For(i = 1, i <= repeats, i++,
start = HP Time();
Contains(test, lookup_val);
end = HP Time();
Insert Into(tests, (end-start)/1e6);
tests2 = {};
For(i = 1, i <= repeats, i++,
start = HP Time();
Contains(test2, lookup_val);
end = HP Time();
Insert Into(tests2, (end-start)/1e6);
Show(Mean(tests), Std Dev(tests), Mean(tests2), Std Dev(tests2));
Both of these test scripts are fairly quickly written so there can be some mistakes
Names Default To Here(1);
Random Reset(1);
dt_data = New Table("Data",
Add Rows(30000),
New Column("first", Numeric, Nominal, << Set Each Value(Row())),
New Column("second", Numeric, Nominal, << Set Each Value(Row())),
Column(dt_data, "first") << Set Data Type("Character");
Column(dt_data, "second") << Set Data Type("Character");
dt_lookup = New Table("Lookup",
Add Rows(5000),
New Column("first", Numeric, Nominal, Values(Random Shuffle(1::1000)[1::10])),
New Column("second", Numeric, Nominal, Values(Random Shuffle(1::1000)[1::500])),
Column(dt_lookup, "first") << Set Data Type("Character");
Column(dt_lookup, "second") << Set Data Type("Character");
start = HP Time();
dt_data << Get Rows Where(Contains(As Constant(dt_lookup[0, "first"]), :first));
dt_data << Get Rows Where(Contains(As Constant(dt_lookup[0, "second"]), :second));
end = HP Time();
show((end - start)/1e6);
start = HP Time();
dt_data << Get Rows Where(Contains(As Constant(Associative Array(dt_lookup[0, "first"]) << get keys), :first));
dt_data << Get Rows Where(Contains(As Constant(Associative Array(dt_lookup[0, "second"]) << get keys), :second));
end = HP Time();
show((end - start) / 1e6);
Close(dt_data, no save);
Close(dt_lookup, no save);
Depending on how many values you have and if they are characters (I think in your case they are), using Summarize() instead of Associative Array() to get the unique values will be faster but this won't most likely have that big of an effect in this case
Names Default To Here(1);
dt_lookup = New Table("Lookup",
Add Rows(5000),
New Column("test", Numeric, Nominal, Values(Random Shuffle(1::1000)[1::500])),
Column(dt_lookup, "test") << Set Data Type("Character");
start = HP Time();
Summarize(dt_lookup, uniq_vals = by(Column(dt_lookup, "test")));
end = HP Time();
show((end - start) / 1e6);
start = HP Time();
uniq_vals2 = Associative Array(Column(dt_lookup, "test")) << get keys;
end = HP Time();
show((end - start) / 1e6);
Show(N Items(uniq_vals), N Items(uniq_vals2));
Close(dt_lookup, no save);