Hi thanks for the help last time.
I am still working on this..
Just curious if we can make a more flexible script where i have specific dimensions for my HLBox and VLBox but use a for loop to append each object of a report with n items. also n is not fixed thats why we need a loop.
biv = Bivariate(); //with n objects
nbiv = N items(biv);
myhlb = V List box();
myvlb = V List box();
for(i=1, i<=nbiv, i++,
myhlb << append( report( biv[i] ) ); //but only 3 objects appended at a time
myvlb << append( myhlb << get picture ); //and this one, only 2 objects appended at a time
goal is to have 3x2 objects per slide
is this possible?