Hi all, Is there any possible way in JMP to select non-duplicate value in the same column and define as variable list, without deleting the duplicate value. Below is an example:
Data Table (1)
Data Point ModelType FeedRate
1/1/2021 AVG 1
1/2/2021 AVG 1.2
1/3/2021 AVG 1.3
1/1/2021 MEAN 0.8
1/2/2021 MEAN 0.7
1/3/2021 MEAN 0.6
1/1/2021 ACTUAL 1.2
1/2/2021 ACTUAL 1.4
1/3/2021 ACTUAL 1.3
1/1/2021 MIN 0.1
1/2/2021 MIN 0.1
1/3/2021 MIN 0.1
I want to create variable list for different modeltyppe (ex: MEAN: ACTUAL, AVG, MIN) by using model_list = Column( dt, "ModelType" ) << get values;
The reason i don't want to delete the duplicate modeltype is because it has different value for each date. Is there any possible way i can define the model type as (MEAN, AVG,ACTUAL) without considering the duplicate modeltype.