I’m in the midst of creating a Custom Starter for JMP like the one described here:
My question is a bit involved, so please bear with me.
I have a problem re-creating one of the JMP standard menu items, namely the “Variability / Attribute Gauge Chart” found in the Analyze: Quality and Process menu systems. Here is an example script that I get when using this chart: Attribute Chart( Y( :Op 1, :Op2, :Op 3 ), X( :Sample # ), Standard( :Known ) ).
So, naturally, I’m thinking that the script to use in my Starter would be simply: “Attribute Chart()”.
Attached is a screenshot of the input screen that I get when running this script.

Notice that the Standard field expects a numeric column.
I've also attached a screenshot of the input menu that pops up when using the JMP Variability / Attribute Gauge Chart.

The title is different, but important to me is that I can use nominal variables in the Standard field.
My question is: What is the script syntax to get the same input menu that JMP displays? I’ve looked all over the Scripting Index, but no joy.
Thanks for your help.