I have a pandas data frame which has been imported from a database. One column is in the datetime64[ns] type. I want to copy the dataframe into a JMP data table, however the datatime data is lost (missing values) when using the method in this post: https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMPer-Cable/New-in-JMP-18-Python-jmp-DataTable-and-pandas-DataFrame/ba-...
An example is below:
import jmp
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_object_dtype, is_numeric_dtype, is_bool_dtype, is_string_dtype, is_datetime64_dtype
df = pd.DataFrame({'txt': ['A', 'B'],
'num': [ 123, 543 ],
'time': [pd.to_datetime('2024-11-24 12:34:56'), pd.to_datetime('2024-11-25 12:34:56')]})
# ------- WORKAROUNDS BELOW -------
# Creating two new columns to get the datetime column to JMP data table
# Convert datetime to epoch and add Num( 01Jan1970 ) to match JMP's method:
df['datetime_epoch'] = df['time'].astype('int64')//1e9 + 2082844800
# or... create new column with datetime as a string
df['time_str'] = df[ 'time' ].astype('str')
# -------
dt0 = jmp.DataTable( 'tb', df.shape[0] )
# get the column names from the data frame
names = list(df.columns)
for j in range( df.shape[1] ):
# check if the coulumn data type is string or numeric
if is_string_dtype(df[ names[j] ] ):
dt0.new_column(names[j], jmp.DataType.Character )
dt0.new_column(names[j], jmp.DataType.Numeric )
# populate the JMP column with data
dt0[j] = list(df.iloc[:,j])
A couple of workarounds are to either change the datetime to a string then use Parse Date() in a new column, or concert the datetime to an integer, add the necessary offset and then reformat it in the JMP table.
// New column to parse the string format date
Data Table( "tb" ):Column 6 << Input Format( "d/m/y h:m:s", 0 ) <<
Format( "d/m/y h:m:s", 22, 0 ) << Set Formula( Parse Date( :time_str ) );
// Convert the epoch date format to human readable
Data Table( "tb" ):datetime_epoch << Input Format( "d/m/y h:m:s", 0 ) <<
Format( "d/m/y h:m:s", 22, 0 );
Both are OK, but require some work and leave some redundant columns. Is there a proper JMP way of doing this?
I'm using JMP 18.1.1.