Thanks Experts!
Use both groups x:
d0 << Select Where( age < 16 );
dt = d0 << Subset(
Output Table( "test" ),
Selected Rows( 1 ),
selected columns( 0 )
Try( dt << Delete Table Property( "Source" ) );
d2 = dt << Summary(
Group( age ),
Freq( 0 ),
Weight( 0 ),
Link to original data table( 0 ),
Output Table( "tem" )
Column( d2, 2 ) << set name( "row" );
mi = Min( d2[0, "row"] );
ca = "ratio";
New Column( ca );
Column( ca ) << Formula( Round( row / mi, 2 ) );
d2 << run formulas;
Column( ca ) << deleteFormula;
dt << Update( With( d2 ), Match Columns( age = age ) );
Close( d2, nosave );
Current Data Table( dt );
ca = "list";
New Column( ca );
Column( ca ) << Formula(
If( Row() == 1 | age != Lag( age, 1 ),
r = Row();
Floor( (Row() - r) / ratio + 1 )
d0 << run formulas;
Column( ca ) << deleteFormula;
p1 = dt << Graph Builder(
Size( 690, 466 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend( 0 ),
Show X Axis( 0 ),
Show Y Axis( 0 ),
X( :weight ),
Y( :height ),
Group X( :age, Show Title( 0 ) ),
Color( :sex )
Legend( 5 ),
Response Axis( "X" ),
Summary Statistic( "Sum" )
"graph title",
{Hide( 1 )}
Dispatch( {}, "X title", TextEditBox, {Hide( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Hide( 1 )} )
p2 = dt << Graph Builder(
Size( 686, 404 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend( 0 ),
Show X Axis( 0 ),
Show Y Axis( 0 ),
X Group Edge( "Bottom" ),
X( :list ),
Y( :height ),
Group X( :age, Show Title( 0 ) )
Bar( X, Y, Legend( 5 ), Summary Statistic( "Sum" ) )
"graph title",
{Hide( 1 )}
Dispatch( {}, "X title", TextEditBox, {Hide( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Hide( 1 )} )
I would say you cannot (and should not) have them in same graphs as they are displaying different information (at least based on your graph builder scripts). You could combine then into single "report" if needed by using Combine Windows
you could rescale "list" by x 30 and use it on the X axis - which will give this graph:
dt << New Column( "list*30",
Formula( :list * 30 )
dt << Graph Builder(
X( :weight ),
X( :"list*30"n, Position( 1 ) ),
Y( :height ),
Y( :height ),
Group X( :age, Show Title( 0 ) ),
Color( :sex )
Position( 1, 1 ),
X( 1 ),
Legend( 5 ),
Response Axis( "X" ),
Summary Statistic( "Sum" )
Position( 1, 2 ),
Bar( X( 2 ), Y, Color( 0 ), Legend( 6 ), Summary Statistic( "Sum" ) )
Is this a mistake?
Thanks Experts!
Thanks, I corrected it in the code.
with the original column ("list") the bottom graph will be squeezed to the left.
with "list*30" the bars will fill the whole graph.
d0 = Current Data Table();
d0 << Select Where( age < 16 );
dt = d0 << Subset( Output Table( "test" ), Selected Rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ) );
Try( dt << Delete Table Property( "Source" ) );
d2 = dt << Summary( Group( age, height ), Sum( weight ), Freq( 0 ), Weight( 0 ), Link to original data table( 0 ), Output Table( "tem" ) );
ma = Max( d2[0, 4] );Close( d2, nosave );
d2 = dt << Summary( Group( age ), Freq( 0 ), Weight( 0 ), Link to original data table( 0 ), Output Table( "tem" ) );Column( d2, 2 ) << set name( "row" );
mi = Min( d2[0, "row"] );
ca = "ratio";New Column( ca );Column( ca ) << Formula( Round( row / mi, 2 ) );d2 << run formulas;Column( ca ) << deleteFormula;
dt << Update( With( d2 ), Match Columns( age = age ) );Close( d2, nosave );
Current Data Table( dt );ca = "list";New Column( ca );
Column( ca ) << Formula(If( Row() == 1 | age != Lag( age, 1 ),r = Row();1,Ceiling( (Row() - r + 1) / ratio * ma / mi ) ));d0 << run formulas;Column( ca ) << deleteFormula;