Thank you, Lou.
I really appreciate your help. I see what you did. You just added T & aging time into factors and ran standard least squares/minimal report. I have 3 additional questions on the report.
1. I watched one tutorial video, and a guys mentions that Prob >F should be less than 0.01 as a rule of thumb. Mine is shown as 0.0938. Do I play around with "model effect" and "degree" in "fit model" window to decrease this value?
2. My response ISOD is percentage and it should be in range of 0-100. In prediction profile for 150 C and 15 days, I can understand ISOD being 120 % as 100 %, but is there a way to set so that prediction does not go over 100?
3. According to this prediction model, I get ISOD = 106 at 100 C and 20 days. My actual data has ISOD = 99 at that condition. Is there a way to refine it?