Names Default To Here(1);
xor = Function({first, second}, {Default Local},
return((first | second) & !(first & second));
check_rule30 = function({items}, {Default Local},
res = xor(items[1], items[2] | items[3]);
initial_state = function({width}, {Default Local},
m = J(Floor(width / 2) + 1, width + !Mod(width, 2), 0);
m[1, Floor(width / 2) + 1] = 1;
cellular_automaton_rule30 = function({width}, {Default Local},
m = initial_state(width);
For(r = 2, r <= N Rows(m), r++,
For(c = 1, c <= N Cols(m[r, 0]), c++,
If(c == 1, // fill [0] for edges
three = [0] || m[r - 1, c::c + 1];
, c == N Cols(m[r, 0]),
three = m[r - 1, c - 1::c] || [0];
three = m[r - 1, c - 1::c + 1];
res = check_rule30(three);
m[r, c] = res;
magnify_matrix = function({m, magnification = 1}, {Default Local},
If(magnification == 1,
magnified = J(N Rows(m) * magnification, N Cols(m) * magnification);
magnified = Transform Each({z, {row, col}}, magnified,
// and filling each value with one from the small matrix
m[Floor((row - 1) / magnification) + 1, Floor((col - 1) / magnification) + 1]
animate_matrix = Function({m_magnified}, {Default Local},
// Substitute Into(m_magnified, 1, -16777215); // to make white white
start = Tick Seconds();
initial = J(N Row(m_magnified), N Col(m_magnified), 0);
initial[1::magnification, 0] = Substitute(m_magnified[1::magnification, 0], 1, -16777215);
img = New Image(initial);
For(i = 1, i < N Rows(m), i++,
indices = (i * magnification + 1)::((i + 1) * magnification);
cur_row = m_magnified[indices, 0];
If(i == N Rows(m) - 1, // could be moved outside of the loop
Substitute Into(cur_row, 1, -16777215);
Substitute Into(cur_row, 1, -65280);
Substitute Into(cur_row, 1, -65280);
Substitute Into(initial, -65280, -16777215);
initial[indices, 0] = cur_row;
img << Add Frame(10);
img << Set Pixels(initial);
end = Tick Seconds();
Write(Eval Insert("animate_matrix: ^Round(end - start, 3)^s.\!N"));
nw = New Window("Multi-Frame Image", img);
durs = img << Get Frame Durations();
For(i = 0, i < img << Get N Frames, i++, // might be off by one
img << Set Current Frame(i);
nw << reshow();
dur = durs[i + 1] / 800.0; // use to modify the speed of animation
view_matrix = function({m}, {Default Local},
nw = New Window("Matrix",
pic = New Heat Image(m,
gradient({Color Theme("White to Black"), Scale Values([0 1]), Reverse Gradient(1)})
width = 250;
magnification = 5;
start = Tick Seconds();
m = cellular_automaton_rule30(width);
end = Tick Seconds();
Write(Eval Insert("cellular_automaton_rule30: ^Round(end - start, 3)^s.\!N"));
start = Tick Seconds();
m_magnified = magnify_matrix(m, magnification);
end = Tick Seconds();
Write(Eval Insert("magnify_matrix: ^Round(end - start, 3)^s.\!N"));
animation = animate_matrix(m_magnified);
Names Default To Here(1);
xor = Function({first, second}, {Default Local},
return((first | second) & !(first & second));
check_rule30 = function({items}, {Default Local},
res = xor(items[1], items[2] | items[3]);
initial_state = function({width}, {Default Local},
m = J(Floor(width / 2) + 1, width + !Mod(width, 2), 0);
m[1, Floor(width / 2) + 1] = 1;
cellular_automaton_rule30 = function({width}, {Default Local},
m = initial_state(width);
For(r = 2, r <= N Rows(m), r++,
For(c = 1, c <= N Cols(m[r, 0]), c++,
If(c == 1, // fill [0] for edges
three = [0] || m[r - 1, c::c + 1];
, c == N Cols(m[r, 0]),
three = m[r - 1, c - 1::c] || [0];
three = m[r - 1, c - 1::c + 1];
res = check_rule30(three);
m[r, c] = res;
magnify_matrix = function({m, magnification = 1}, {Default Local},
If(magnification == 1,
magnified = J(N Rows(m) * magnification, N Cols(m) * magnification);
magnified = Transform Each({z, {row, col}}, magnified,
// and filling each value with one from the small matrix
m[Floor((row - 1) / magnification) + 1, Floor((col - 1) / magnification) + 1]
animate_matrix = Function({m_magnified}, {Default Local},
// Substitute Into(m_magnified, 1, -16777215); // to make white white
start = Tick Seconds();
initial = J(N Row(m_magnified), N Col(m_magnified), 0);
initial[1::magnification, 0] = Substitute(m_magnified[1::magnification, 0], 1, -16777215);
img = New Image(initial);
For(i = 1, i < N Rows(m), i++,
indices = (i * magnification + 1)::((i + 1) * magnification);
cur_row = m_magnified[indices, 0];
If(i == N Rows(m) - 1, // could be moved outside of the loop
Substitute Into(cur_row, 1, -16777215);
Substitute Into(cur_row, 1, -65280);
Substitute Into(cur_row, 1, -65280);
Substitute Into(initial, -65280, -16777215);
initial[indices, 0] = cur_row;
img << Add Frame(10);
img << Set Pixels(initial);
end = Tick Seconds();
Write(Eval Insert("animate_matrix: ^Round(end - start, 3)^s.\!N"));
nw = New Window("Multi-Frame Image", img);
durs = img << Get Frame Durations();
For(i = 0, i < img << Get N Frames, i++, // might be off by one
img << Set Current Frame(i);
nw << reshow();
dur = durs[i + 1] / 800.0; // use to modify the speed of animation
view_matrix = function({m}, {Default Local},
nw = New Window("Matrix",
pic = New Heat Image(m,
gradient({Color Theme("White to Black"), Scale Values([0 1]), Reverse Gradient(1)})
width = 250;
magnification = 5;
start = Tick Seconds();
m = cellular_automaton_rule30(width);
end = Tick Seconds();
Write(Eval Insert("cellular_automaton_rule30: ^Round(end - start, 3)^s.\!N"));
start = Tick Seconds();
m_magnified = magnify_matrix(m, magnification);
end = Tick Seconds();
Write(Eval Insert("magnify_matrix: ^Round(end - start, 3)^s.\!N"));
animation = animate_matrix(m_magnified);