JMP Pro’s Neural Network platform provides a powerful and flexible tool for generating predictive models for many types of data. Users optimize the models by adjusting various parameters and then compare individual models within the platform. This process is carried out manually, however, which takes a significant amount of user interaction and may not necessarily uncover an optimal model.


This presentation demonstrates the use of a JMP Pro add-in designed to screen neural network tuning parameters. The add-in creates a fast, flexible space-filling design based on user input, then runs a neural network model for each set of parameters. A graphical report helps users identify optimal models, so they can then run the selected model(s) or continue tuning the parameters to build their understanding of the system. Finally, the add-in allows users to save the results from the tuning optimization and return to it later, which is helpful when dealing with complex neural network models that might take considerable computing time.


Various JMP customers and Community members have inquired about a neural network tuning capability in JMP; this feedback was used to guide the development of this add-in.


The NN Tuning add-in is available for download in the add-in section of the JMP Community. Any updates will be posted there. If you find the add-in helpful, please let me know how you are using it and if you have any suggestions for future versions!



All  right. Hello  everyone.

My  name  is  Scott  Allen.

I'm  a  Systems  Engineer  at  JMP.

I'm  going  to  be  presenting a  neural  network  tuning  add- in

that  I've  developed  really to  help develop  neural  network  models

in  an  automated  way  to  build  many  models,

find  out  which  parameters  are  most effective  in  building  the  best  model.

What  I'd  like  to  do  is go through just a little bit of background

on  motivation  for  building  this  add- in.

I'm  going  to  do  maybe  a  walkthrough, the  description,

what's  going  on  in  the  background when  you  run  the  add- in

and  then  show  a  use  case  for  it. A  sample  workflow.

Then just really wrap  up   with  some  lessons  learned.

This  was  my  first  big  scripting  project, so  certainly  learned  a  lot  along  the  way.

I'd like  to  share  that   and  then  as  well  as  what's  next.

First,  just  I  want  to  take 3, 4 minutes here

just  on  the  background  and  motivation.

A lot  of  other  machine  learning platforms in JMP  have  some  sort of

parameter  tuning  function,

whether  it's  a  tuning  table  that  you create  outside  the  platform,

like  in  bootstrap  forest  or  boosted  trees, or  an  integrated  tuning  design

like in  support  vector  machines and  the  new  XGBoost  platform.

But  there's  not  one  for  neural  networks.

That  led  to  some  customers   that I work with asking about it.

"Is  this  something  that's  available?

Are  there  scripts  out  there   that  we  can  use?

Is  there  an  add- in?"

There  are  a  few  things  out  there, but  maybe  not  everything  in  one  place.

Then  on  a  personal  level,  I've  never undertaken  a  large  scripting  project.

I've  done  some  small  JSL  scripts to  automate  workflows,

or  to  clean  up  data, but  I  had  never  built  an  application.

This was, I  really  wanted  a  project   to  help me learn.

I  used  this  as  an  excuse  to  learn  JSL.

The  neural  network  platform  in JMP is really  powerful,

and  so  I'll  just  launch  it  really  quick.

I'm  sure  if  you've  seen  it...

I  will  mention  I  am  using JMP PRO version  17.1 .

That's  where  all  the  testing  has  happened for  this  add- in.

I  have  not  gone  backwards  many  versions.

I  would  suggest if  you  are  going  to  use this

you  need  to  have JMP  PRO  and  at  least  version 17.1.

The  JMP  neural  network platform is  really  powerful

and  I  just  want  to  take  a  few  minutes to  go  through  what  this  looks  like.

I  think  everybody  has...

If  you've  used  neural  networks, you've  gone  through  this workflow

and  it's  a  really  nice  flexible platform  for  developing  these  models.

You  can  start  off  with  a baseline model and  maybe  you're  not  satisfied

with  the  performance of  your  model  in  this  case.

You  can  just  go  back  to  the  model launch and  you  can  adjust  the  parameters  here.

You  can  go  and  generate  another  model.

It's  easy to  start changing  these  parameters

and  finding  models  that  might  be the  most  appropriate  for  your  system.

But  there  are  a  lot  of  options  in  here.

You've  got  different  number  of  nodes, you've  got  one  or  two  layers,

there's  boosting  options  as  well  as a  lot  of  different  fitting  options.

You  don't  always  know...

It's  not  always  clear  which  of  these parameters you need to change

in  order  to  get  the  best  model for  the  data  table  that  you're  working  in

and  the  predictors  that  you're  using.

It's  not  always  clear if  adjusting  a  parameter

is  going  to  lead  to  a  better  model.

You  just   adjust  up a nd  down, maybe  take  big  steps

to  figure  out  what's  going  on.

It does  require  a  lot  of   manual  adjustments  by  the  user

in  order to  generate  these  models.

They  are  pretty  fast, so  it's  not  time- consuming  to  create  these

but  it d oes  require  a  lot  of  clicks.

My  goal  here  and  some  of  my  inspiration was  really  to  provide  a  single  platform

for  tuning  and  evaluating those  neural  network  models.

I  was  also  inspired there  were  some  tuning  scripts  out  there.

Nick  Shelton  had  a  script that  would  help  you  build that table

and  run  it  and  evaluate  those  models.

Mark  Bailey  had  developed an  add- in  for  this  as  well,

and  there  were s ome  community  posts  that were  trying  to f igure  out  how  to  do this.

Those  were  all  some  starting  points for  this  add- in.

Then  I  really  like the  XGBoost  add- in  interface.

It's  really  clean, it's  got  some  graphical  outputs

and  it's  really  easy  to  navigate and  lets  you  auto tune  those  networks.

The  add- in  that  I'm  developing   isn't  auto tuning,

it's  really  more  of  a  brute  force  method.

Just  build  lots  of  models and  then  have  a  graphical  interface  there

to  help y ou  find  the  best  one for  your  system.

Let's  go  on  and  move  on t o  just   what  the  add- in  does  and  how  to  use  it.

To  launch  the  add- in,  just  like  most  add- ins,

you  go  to  the  add- in  menu, and  it's  called  Neural  Network  Tuning.

That  takes  you  to  the  launch  dialog.

This  gives  you  a  column role  interface that's very  similar

to  many  other  platforms.

We  can  just  select  all o f  our  factors  here and  our  response.

Currently,  it  allows  a  single  Y  response,

and  it  can  be  either  continuous or  categorical.

The  add- in  currently  only  has the  two  validation  methods,

so  you  can  specify  a  validation  column with  both  validation  and testing.

Settings  if  you  have  that,  if  you  don't, it's  just  going  to  do  a  random  holdback,

the  default  for t he  neural  network.

Then  you  can  specify  and  toggle or  toggle  the  informative  missing  as  well.

But  we'll  just  go  with  this  for  now.

We  click  OK,  and  that  takes  you   to  the  tuning  launch.

This  tuning  dialog,  first,   gives  you  a  little  bit  of  information

about  what's  in  the  data  table and  what  you  specified  as  column  roles.

Right  now  we've  got  the  data  table here, the  model  validation  method,

as  well  as  whether  or  not   we  have  informative  missing  on  or  off.

Then  we've  got  the  DOE  option.

What  this  add- in  will  do,  is  look  at  all the  parameter  ranges  that  you've  set

and  create  a  fast,  flexible,   space- filling  design.

Really  the  only  design  specification   you  need

is  to  set  the  number  of  trials   in  this  design.

In  this  case  we've  got  by default it's  going  to  be  set  to  20,

and  there are  some  rules  of  thumb.

Maybe  you  want  to  specify at  least  10  treatments  in  this  design

for  every  factor  that  you're  looking  at, but  it's  completely  up  to  the  user,

and  so  we'll  come  back  and  adjust that  if  we  need  to.

You  can  also  replicate  this  design with  a  different  random  seed.

In  some  cases  if  you  want  to  see how  robust  you  might  be

to  certain  parameters,  you  can  run the  same  neural  network  model  20  times,

but  all  with  different  random  seeds to  see  how  robust  the  model  is  to  that.

Then  you  can  toggle  whether  or  not  you want  to  see  the  DOE  dialog  that  shows  up.

Once  you've  gone  through the DOE  options  here,

you  can  come  down to  the  neural  network  tuning.

I  tried  to  stay  pretty  true to  the  original  platform

in  the  neural  network  by  using similar  language  and  options  here.

This  is  where  you  go, a nd  instead  of  specifying  a  single  value

for  one  of  these  parameters, we're  going  to  specify  a  range.

Also,  I'm  limiting  a  little  bit  the  available  options

for  the  type  of  neural  network  that you're  going  to  create.

In  this  case  you  can  generate   a  single  hidden  layer,

you  can  generate  two  hidden  layers, or  one  hidden  layer  with  boosting.

Currently,  the  neural  network  platform  doesn't  allow

a  second  layer  with  boosting.

If  you  try  to  do  that in  the  neural  network  platform,

it  will  give  you  a  warning  saying  that   it's  going  to  ignore  that  second  layer.

In  this  add- in,  I  just  make  it  so  that  you  zero  out  all  those  second  layers

when  you  activate  boosting.

In  this  case  we're  going  to e xplore this  data  table  a  bit

and maybe  we're  going  to  set  some wide  range  of  tuning  parameters.

I'm  going  to  go  from  0-9  on  each  of  those activation function  number  of  nodes.

Over  on  the  fitting  options,  you  don't  have  to  necessarily

know what  might  be  best  for  your  system, you  can  just  select  them

to  be  part  f  the  DOE,   or  in  the  case

of these  transform  covariates  and  robust  fit  options.

You  can  toggle  them  to  always  be  off, always  be  on,  or  include in the DOE.

We'll  include  both  of  those  in  the  DOE for  this  example.

Penalty  methods.

You  can  test  any or  all  the  different  methods.

If  you  don't  specify  any  penalty  method, it  will  run

the  default  penalty  method  squared.

But  we're  going  to  check  all  of  those.

You  can  also  specify the  number  of  tours  per  model.

In  retrospect,  I  probably  didn't  need to  add  this

but because  you  could  do  something  similar by  just  replicating  all  of  the  designs

and  seeing  the  results from  each  of  those  models.

But  it's  here  in  case  you  want to  adjust  the  number  of  tours.

You  can  also  specify  a  random  seed.

In  this  case,  I've  got, 3,4,5,6. Six different  factors  in  this  design,

and so  I'm  just  going  to  maybe   turn t his  up  to  60.

I'm  going  to  create  60  models.

Before  I  click  Run,   I'm g oing  to  talk  a  little  bit  about

what's  going  on  when  you  click  Run.

The  first  thing  that  happens when y ou  click  Run,

is  it's  going  to  create  a  factor  table with  only  the  selected  parameters.

We select it.

In  this  case  it'll  create  a  factor  table   with  single- layer  nodes,

all  of  the  different  fitting  options.

It's  not  going  to  put  the  second l ayer   or  any  of  the  boosting  parameters

into  the  factor  table.

Then I'm  going  to  create  a  response table where  the  training,  validation,

and  testing  R- squared  values are specified

a nd  then  it's  going to  combine  those  into  a  single  table.

This  is  what  the  sample DOE  table   will  look  like.

It's  just  going  to  have  the  responses as  the  R- squared  values

and  then  all  the  different  parameters.

Then  these  just  get  passed  into  the neural  network  platforms  row- by- row,

and  the  results  show  up  in  the  data  table.

Just  like  we're  saying,  each  of  those  runs in  the  design  is  going  to  go  into  the

neural  network  model  platform  sequentially  and  then  we  have  a  little  dialog  box

that's  going to  indicate  the  overall  process.

In  the  case  of  really  long- running   neural  networks,

it's  good  to  just  see  how  quickly   the  whole  design  is  going  to  go.

I  would  recommend  before  specifying  a  large  number  of  trials  in  this  design

that  you  run  one  or  two  ahead  of  time  just  to  see

how  long  they're  going  to  take.

If  you  have  fairly  small  data  set,  then   they  go  pretty  quickly,  but  if  you  have

a  complex  data  set,  they  can  take   sometimes  quite  a  while  to  run.

In  this  case  I'm  just  using  a  sample data  set  from  the  sample  data  set  library.

This  tablet  production.

It's  not  the  best  data  set  to  run for  neural  networks  just  because

there  aren't  a  whole  lot  of  observations, but  I'm  using  it  just b ecause

the  neural  networks  run  really  quick.

In  this  case,  if  we're  satisfied   with  all  of  the  specifications

that  we  have  in  our  model,   we  can  just  go  ahead  and  click  Run.

What  this  has  done  is  it's  created that  design  table

and  now  it's  passing  through   each  of  those  trials

into t he  neural  network  platform and  giving  an  output.

If  we  look  at  the  home  window, all  this  has  done  is  it's  taken

that  tuning  result  table  and  I've  hidden  it

and  I  just  bring i t  out   into  the  same  window  here.

Let's  just  go  on  to  the  next  one.

We  can  work  through  that  data  table  here,  so  it's  interactive.

What  you  first  see  up  here  is  graph  builder  report.

T his  shows  you   all  of  your  different  parameters,

so  the  different  activation  functions as  well  as  the  number  of  nodes

is  the  scale, and  how  the  validation  R- squared  changes

with  respect  to  each  of  those individual  parameters.

In  the  case  of  categorical  parameters, you g et  a  box  plot  showing  the  difference

in  the  values  this  way.

We  can  see  in  this  case maybe  for  robust  fit,

it's  got  a  wider  range,  but  on  average  it's g oing  to  be  better.

The  median  value  is  better.

Is  higher  R- squared.

We  can  also  look  down  here at  the  data table,

it's  going  to  sort  the  data  table by  the  validation  R- squared

and  it  just  shades  those  a  deeper  purple depending  on  the  value.

Let's  see.

We can use...

One  reason  I  just  kept   this  data  table  as  it  is,

is  we  can  explore  it  just  like  we  explore any  data  table  in  JMP,

so  you  can  look  at  column  headers or  you  can  launch  graph  builder

or  do  various  analyses  on  this  data  table as  it  is  right  here.

There  are a  few  additional  data  columns or  columns  that  are  added

to  this  data  table.

One,  it  records  the  random  seed.

If  you  want  to  reproduce  this, you  know  what  random  seed  was used

in  generating  the  n eural  network  models,  shows  you  the  informative  missing,

shows  you  the  elapsed  time   for  each  of  the  models.

If  you  are  building  large  models or  you  might  want  to  minimize  the r untime,

then  you  can  get  an  estimate o f  how  long it  might  take  for  you  to  run

additional  models.

nDOE  just  records  what  DOE  was  run.

This  was  the  first,  so  it  gets  a  1.

As  you'll  see  we  can  run  a  second  and  third,  and  you  can  then  use  those

as  some  graphing tools.

Also  tells  you  the  type  of  neural  network that  was  run.

Whether  it  was  single- layered,   double-  layer,

or  a  single- layer  with  boosting.

There's  a  couple  of  other

columns  that  are  added.

This  factor  column  just  lets  you   keep track  of  the  factors

that  were  used  in  the  design in  case  you  want  to  compare  models

that  have  different  factors  that  were  used  instead  of  just  parameters,

and then  also  a  row  column.

The  next  steps  so  we can  continue  building  out.

Maybe  in  this  case   we're  exploring  the  parameters.

Now  we've  got  a  baseline of  a  single  neural  network

and  maybe  we  want  to  see  how  this compares  to  a  two- layer  neural  network.

We  can  go  back  to  the  tuning  launch which  was  just  minimized.

You  can  see  that  all  of  this  report, the  graph  builder  report

as  well  as  the  table  are  just a ppended to  the  tuning  launch.

We  can  go  back  up  to t his  tuning  launch   and  maybe  I  want  to  look  at

two  hidden  layers.

We'll  go  to  two, and  now  I'll  put  in  a  range  of

those  results  or  those  parameters and  keep  everything  else  the  same.

You  can  see  it's  going  to  preload  the  random  seed  that  I  generated

in  the  first  DOE  just  to  make  sure everything's  using  the  same  random  seed.

We'll  keep  it  at  60,  even  though  we  might  want  to  increase  it

by  a  little  bit  since  we're a dding   some  more  factors,

but  keep  it  simple,  we'll  just go  with  60.

One other  thing  just  to  mention  is, in  the  case  it's  probably  pretty

low  likelihood t hat  all  of  these   would  be  set  to  zero  in  a  design,

but  if  they  are   it'll  just  go  to  the  default  with  JMP,

which  is  a  single  10H  layer.

You  don't  have  to  worry  about  having  a  neural  network  with  zero  layers

or  zero  nodes.

If  we're  satisfied  with  this,  we're  just  going  to  click  Run.

While  this  is  running,  I'm  just  going   to  bring  up  the  home  window.

You  can  see  what  it's  doing.

We've  got   our  original  tuning  result  table  here,

and  it's  built   a  second t uning  result  table,

and when  it's  done, i t  just  appends  that to  our  original  table.

Now  I  can  see  in  orange, is  all  of  those  second- layer  models.

We  can  see  in  this  case, maybe  having  two  layers

was  not  very  beneficial  in  this  case.

Looks  like  in  pretty  much  all  cases, those  neural  networks  are  not  as  good.

Then  maybe  just  to  round  this out,  we're  going  to  go

and buld some  neural  networks  with  boosting.

Boosting  is  a  really  nice  way  to  increase the  prediction  power  of  our  model.

We're  going  to  specify  some boosting  levels  from  1-10,  as  well  as

the  learning  rate  from  0.1  to  1.

Once  again  our  random  seed  is  the same, and  these  are  going  to  take

a  little  bit  longer,  so  I'm  just  going to  decrease the  number  of  runs

just  in  the  interest  of  time.

We  can  click  Run  here,  we  get  our  dialog  box  that  tells  us

our  overall  progress,   and  we  can  see  these  in  the  cases

where  we've  probably  got  lots  of  boosting, they  might  be  taking  a  little  bit  of  time.

In  this  case  boosting  neural  networks, or  neural  networks  that  had  boosting

are  now  this  purple,  and  we  can  see   in  pretty  much  all  the  cases

purple  is  higher,  especially  when  it  looks  like

we  can  see  by  these  box  plots  as  well.

Then  we  can  also  see  in t his  case   over  here  our  boosting.

Maybe  we  haven't  found   the  maximum  number  of  boosts,

it  looks  like  it  continues  going  up,

so  we  might  want  to  add  some  additional boosting  layers  or  maybe

our  learning  rate  is  best at  this  middle  to  high  value

instead  of  at  the  lowest learning  rate  values.

The  next  thing  we  might w ant  to  do   once  we  have  this  initial  view

of  our  system,  is  to  run  a  few  of  these neural  networks  and  compare  them.

We  can  do  that  a  few  ways.

We  can  look  in  our  table  here a nd  run or  and  select  some  neural  networks

based  on  the  graph,  and  you  can  see they're  highlighting  down  below

in  our  data  table  as  well.

Maybe  what  we  want  to  do  is  run  the  top  four  or  five.

I  want  to  run  the  top  five.

I don't  have  to  go  back  into   the  neural  network  platform  to  do  this,

I  can  just  run  it  by  clicking this  button,  run  selected  models.

Now  it's  going  to  run  those   back  into  the  neural  network  platform

and  give  us  a  little  output  that  shows  us the  row  in  our  data  table  that  was  run.

This  is  just  the  standard neural  network  output  now.

We  pass  through  the  same  random  seed, so  if  we  take  a  look  at R-squared values,

we're  going  to  get  the  same  neural  network  that  was  developed

because  we're  using  that, passing  through  that  same  seed.

Then  we  can  come  through and  we  can  take  a  look  at more...

Either  the  more  summary  statistic  values or  the  actual  versus  predicted,

or  get  the  profilers.

Whatever  we  might  want  to  do to  compare  these  neural  networks.

One  other  thing  we  might  want to  do  at  this  stage

is  create  some  additional  visualizations.

We  can  go  through and  we  can  show  this  tuning  table.

If  we  don't  want  to  work  on i t  here,   we  can  just  unhide  it,

and  now  we've  got  a  data  table  that  we  can  use,

and  we  can  go  into  graph  builder and  maybe  we  want  to

take  a  look  at  validation  versus  training  R- squared

just  to  see  how  that's  looking,  or  we  can  go  through.

Because  we've  got  the  number  of  DOE, we can  track  how  our  neural  networks

have  improved  with  our  tuning.

I  can  go  into  graph  builder   and  I  can  use  that  nDOE,

and  maybe  we  want  to  look  at  training  and validation R-squared,

we  can  turn  on  box  plots  and  we  can  see how  our  tuning  has  progressed  over  time

with  each  subsequent  design  that  we  ran.

Other  option  is  if  you  want  to  do   some  more  analytical  type  analysis  here,

we  can  go  into  screening and  we  can  run  predictor  screening.

We  can  take  all  of  those  parameters,  load  them  in  as  predictors,

and  look at  our  training   and  validation  R- squared.

Click  OK,  and  now  we  can  see  which  factors  might  be  most  influential

in the  training  or  validation.

Not  surprisingly,  those  learning  rates   and  boosting a re  good  at  this  validation.

There's  no  end  to  what  analysis you  might  want  to  do,

on  here  it's  just   what  your  goal  of  the  neural  network  was

and  where  you  want  to  go  with  it.

But  you  can  do  that  all  in t his  data  table  which  now  has  160  neural  network  models.

Maybe  these  neural  network models  take  a  little  bit  of  time,

so another  thing  you  can  do is  we  can  just  save  this.

I  want  to  go  file,  and I  can  save  this.

I'm  just g oing  to  save  it  to  my  desktop as T uning  Results.

I  can  come  back  to  this  later.

Now  that  I've  got  it  saved, I'm  going  to  close  this.

One  thing  that  you'll  get  a  warning, when  you  close  it.

You  should  just  hide  this  data  table.

If  you  close  it,  it's  going  to  take  it out  of  the  neural  network  platform

and  you  won't  be  able   to  continue  your  work,

but  you  can  hide  it.

When  you  get  back  to  the  add- in, when  you  close  this  window,

it's  just  going  to  remind  you .

You can  close  it  without  saving   or  you  can  cancel  to  go  back  and  save  it.

We're  just  going  to  click  OK.

When  I  save  this  tuning  table  for  later, so  what  I  can  do  is,

is  now  I  can  relaunch  that  add- in and  I  can  go  into  the  tuning  add- in,

click  OK.

But  instead  of  resetting  any  parameters and  clicking  Run,  I  can  go  to  Load.

What  I  can  do  is  I  can  load a  previously  saved  tuning  table,

and  what  this  does  is  let  me  in  the  case  of  neural  networks

that  take  a  long  time, you  don't  have  to  start  over  from  scratch.

You  can  just  keep  building  on  the  table that  you  wanted,  or  maybe  you  do

some  additional  analyses  offline   and  want  to  come  back  in

and  build  some  more  models, so  you  can  go  through and  when  you  specify

all  the  different  parameters  and  number of  tuning  runs  you  want  to  have,

it's  just  going  to  continue  appending  it   to  this  table.

With  that  let's  minimize  this.

That's  quick  run  through   of a ll  the  different  options

in  this  tuning  table.

It's  really  a  brute  force  way.

You  can  see  there's  no  auto tune. Right  now  it's  just  running

all  those  different  parameter  combinations  giving  you  an  idea

of where  your  optimal  model  might  be .

How  you  might  work  this  into  your  workflow so  you  can  explore  those  parameters,

this  is  essentially  what  we  did  today.

We  looked  at  single- layer  models, we  looked  at  models  with  two  layers.

Single- layer  with  boosting.

Another  thing  you  might  do   is  go  back  and  say,

"W ell,  where  are  my  optimal  models?"

They're  here.

I  can  go  back  to  the  tuning  launch and  maybe  I  want  to  recreate  those  models

and  go  more  towards  this  range.

It  looks  like I'm in  the  middle  range  here,  is  optimal,

so  instead  of  going  from  0-9, maybe  I  go  from  5-7 .

Linear  models  also  might  be  best in  the  middle,

and  maybe  the  gaussian,   there are  some  good  ones  on  the  left,

so  we'll  go  from  1-8  or something  like  that,  seven  or  eight.

Then  we  can  look  at  which... In  this  case,  there  wasn't  an  advantage

to  having  it  on  or  off,  so  we  could  just  have  those  off,

or  off  or  on.

But  it  looks  like  maybe  in  this  case the  weight  decay  was  the  best  method,

so  we  could  just  include  that  one and  then  go  through

and  build  some  more  models with  a  narrow  range  of  those  parameters.

We  can  also  check  parameter  sensitivity to  a  random  seed.

In  this  case  we  can  pass  through  either constant  values

o r  a  narrow  range.

You  can  pass  through   a  constant  set  of  parameters

just  by  setting  each parameter  equal  to  each  other,

and  it'll  pass  that  through   the  neural  network  as  five  every  time,

or  you  can  just  specify  the  min  value,  and  that  will  pass  it  through

as  a  constant  value.

If  we  wanted  to  we  could  look  at

maybe this  was  a  neural  network  that  was  one  that  we  identified  as  optimal,

but  I  want  to  see  how  robust it  is  to  the  random  seed.

What  we  can  do  is   we  can  just  say  just  run  it  once,

but  let's  replicate  it with  20  random  seeds.

That  might  actually  take a  little  bit  of  time,

so  let's  go  down  to  10.

Then  we  can...

Actually,  I  don't  want  to  do that  on  this  one,

because  I've  got  all  those  others,  but  we'll  just  run  this.

You  might  want to  do  this  on  a  clean  data  table

where  you're  not  adding  it  to  the  design, but  we  can  use b ecause  we  have

the  number  of  DOEs  we  could  find where  that  random  seed  was.

We  can  see  here,   all  the  different  random  seeds

and  I  can  go  into  graph  builder   and  I  could  just  put  in

the  training  and  validation  R- squareds, and  then  I  can  use  local  data  filter  now

on  my  random  seed  to  show  everything   except  the  one  where  we  had  all  those.

Now  I  can  see  how  robust my  model  is  to  that  random  seed.

That's  the  same  design now  run  10  times,

and  so  on  average  we  can  see what  the  median  value  is

or  the  range  of  expected  results.

Then  finally,  w e  can  load  those  saved  data  tables.

Those  are  really  beneficial   for  neural  networks that might have

really  long  computing  times,   so  you  can  save  it  off

and  come  back  to  it  later.

Those  are  some  workflows   that  might b e  helpful  to  you  as  you  build

your  neural  network  models.

I  just  want  to  wrap  up with  a  few  lessons  learned.

This  was  the  first  scripting  project   that  I  went  through

that  developed an  application,

and  so  I  think  this  is  pretty  obvious to  anybody  that's  developed  any JSL

or  built  any  applications,  the  JMP  community  is  really

an  invaluable  resource.

I  would  say  95%  of  all  my  questions, I  would  just  go  to  the  community

and  someone else  had  a  similar  issue.

Really  recommend  if  you  are  interested in  building  add- ins,

building  applications,  the  community is  really  the  first  place  to  go.

Really,  your  imagination  and  your  targets are  the  limiting  factor

in  developing  these  applications.

A ligned  with  that is because  there are  so  many  possibilities,

there  was  a  need  to  keep  this  focused.

In  this  case,  I  just  have... I  think  in  one  iteration

I  had  many  different  outputs,   different  graphs,

but  they  weren't  really the  heart  of  the  application.

Because  there's  so  many  possibilities, I really  tried  to  keep  this  focused

on  just  giving  some  graphical  output   to  navigate  the  different  models

and  run  them  and  identify   which  might  be  most  appropriate.

What's  next?

I  really  want  feedback.

It's  selfish,  but  it's  what  I  really  want.

I  would  love  to  hear  how  people   can  use  this,  how  it's  benefiting  them.

You  can  find  this  in  the  community, in  the  add- in  section  of  the  community.

Please  feel  free  to  make  a  post  here, tell  me  how  you're  using  it.

I  do  have  a  few  known  issues, and  as  I  gather  more,

I'm  sure  it's  not  100%  bug- proof,   but  this  will  be  the  place  to  go

to  get  the  current  version  of  the  add-in  as  well  as  understand  any  known  issues.

But  I'd  love  to  hear  how  you're  using  it,

and  the  community   is  a  great  place  to  do  that.

I  would  also  like  to  hear ideas  on  additional  reports.

I  kept  this  pretty  simple,  but  if  you  find  that  there's  a  report

that  you're  generating every  time  you  run  this,

I'd  like  to  know  what  that  is a nd  maybe we  can  build  that  into  the  add- in.

I'm  also  going  to  continue  debugging.

There  are  a  few  known  issues  that  I'm working  through  right  now,

and  then  maybe  a  larger  goal  is  to  try to  do  that  auto tune.

Instead  of  doing  this  brute  force  method, maybe  start  out  with

a small  number o f  parameters, figure  out  which  ones

are a ffecting  the  response  the  most, and  then  having  a  directed  tuning.

With  that,  I'd  like  to  thank you for  listening  to  this  presentation.

This  is  a  really  fun  project  and  I hope  you  find  it  useful,

and  would  love  to  hear  about  it.


Published on ‎03-25-2024 04:55 PM by Staff | Updated on ‎04-01-2024 01:48 PM

JMP Pro’s Neural Network platform provides a powerful and flexible tool for generating predictive models for many types of data. Users optimize the models by adjusting various parameters and then compare individual models within the platform. This process is carried out manually, however, which takes a significant amount of user interaction and may not necessarily uncover an optimal model.


This presentation demonstrates the use of a JMP Pro add-in designed to screen neural network tuning parameters. The add-in creates a fast, flexible space-filling design based on user input, then runs a neural network model for each set of parameters. A graphical report helps users identify optimal models, so they can then run the selected model(s) or continue tuning the parameters to build their understanding of the system. Finally, the add-in allows users to save the results from the tuning optimization and return to it later, which is helpful when dealing with complex neural network models that might take considerable computing time.


Various JMP customers and Community members have inquired about a neural network tuning capability in JMP; this feedback was used to guide the development of this add-in.


The NN Tuning add-in is available for download in the add-in section of the JMP Community. Any updates will be posted there. If you find the add-in helpful, please let me know how you are using it and if you have any suggestions for future versions!



All  right. Hello  everyone.

My  name  is  Scott  Allen.

I'm  a  Systems  Engineer  at  JMP.

I'm  going  to  be  presenting a  neural  network  tuning  add- in

that  I've  developed  really to  help develop  neural  network  models

in  an  automated  way  to  build  many  models,

find  out  which  parameters  are  most effective  in  building  the  best  model.

What  I'd  like  to  do  is go through just a little bit of background

on  motivation  for  building  this  add- in.

I'm  going  to  do  maybe  a  walkthrough, the  description,

what's  going  on  in  the  background when  you  run  the  add- in

and  then  show  a  use  case  for  it. A  sample  workflow.

Then just really wrap  up   with  some  lessons  learned.

This  was  my  first  big  scripting  project, so  certainly  learned  a  lot  along  the  way.

I'd like  to  share  that   and  then  as  well  as  what's  next.

First,  just  I  want  to  take 3, 4 minutes here

just  on  the  background  and  motivation.

A lot  of  other  machine  learning platforms in JMP  have  some  sort of

parameter  tuning  function,

whether  it's  a  tuning  table  that  you create  outside  the  platform,

like  in  bootstrap  forest  or  boosted  trees, or  an  integrated  tuning  design

like in  support  vector  machines and  the  new  XGBoost  platform.

But  there's  not  one  for  neural  networks.

That  led  to  some  customers   that I work with asking about it.

"Is  this  something  that's  available?

Are  there  scripts  out  there   that  we  can  use?

Is  there  an  add- in?"

There  are  a  few  things  out  there, but  maybe  not  everything  in  one  place.

Then  on  a  personal  level,  I've  never undertaken  a  large  scripting  project.

I've  done  some  small  JSL  scripts to  automate  workflows,

or  to  clean  up  data, but  I  had  never  built  an  application.

This was, I  really  wanted  a  project   to  help me learn.

I  used  this  as  an  excuse  to  learn  JSL.

The  neural  network  platform  in JMP is really  powerful,

and  so  I'll  just  launch  it  really  quick.

I'm  sure  if  you've  seen  it...

I  will  mention  I  am  using JMP PRO version  17.1 .

That's  where  all  the  testing  has  happened for  this  add- in.

I  have  not  gone  backwards  many  versions.

I  would  suggest if  you  are  going  to  use this

you  need  to  have JMP  PRO  and  at  least  version 17.1.

The  JMP  neural  network platform is  really  powerful

and  I  just  want  to  take  a  few  minutes to  go  through  what  this  looks  like.

I  think  everybody  has...

If  you've  used  neural  networks, you've  gone  through  this workflow

and  it's  a  really  nice  flexible platform  for  developing  these  models.

You  can  start  off  with  a baseline model and  maybe  you're  not  satisfied

with  the  performance of  your  model  in  this  case.

You  can  just  go  back  to  the  model launch and  you  can  adjust  the  parameters  here.

You  can  go  and  generate  another  model.

It's  easy to  start changing  these  parameters

and  finding  models  that  might  be the  most  appropriate  for  your  system.

But  there  are  a  lot  of  options  in  here.

You've  got  different  number  of  nodes, you've  got  one  or  two  layers,

there's  boosting  options  as  well  as a  lot  of  different  fitting  options.

You  don't  always  know...

It's  not  always  clear  which  of  these parameters you need to change

in  order  to  get  the  best  model for  the  data  table  that  you're  working  in

and  the  predictors  that  you're  using.

It's  not  always  clear if  adjusting  a  parameter

is  going  to  lead  to  a  better  model.

You  just   adjust  up a nd  down, maybe  take  big  steps

to  figure  out  what's  going  on.

It does  require  a  lot  of   manual  adjustments  by  the  user

in  order to  generate  these  models.

They  are  pretty  fast, so  it's  not  time- consuming  to  create  these

but  it d oes  require  a  lot  of  clicks.

My  goal  here  and  some  of  my  inspiration was  really  to  provide  a  single  platform

for  tuning  and  evaluating those  neural  network  models.

I  was  also  inspired there  were  some  tuning  scripts  out  there.

Nick  Shelton  had  a  script that  would  help  you  build that table

and  run  it  and  evaluate  those  models.

Mark  Bailey  had  developed an  add- in  for  this  as  well,

and  there  were s ome  community  posts  that were  trying  to f igure  out  how  to  do this.

Those  were  all  some  starting  points for  this  add- in.

Then  I  really  like the  XGBoost  add- in  interface.

It's  really  clean, it's  got  some  graphical  outputs

and  it's  really  easy  to  navigate and  lets  you  auto tune  those  networks.

The  add- in  that  I'm  developing   isn't  auto tuning,

it's  really  more  of  a  brute  force  method.

Just  build  lots  of  models and  then  have  a  graphical  interface  there

to  help y ou  find  the  best  one for  your  system.

Let's  go  on  and  move  on t o  just   what  the  add- in  does  and  how  to  use  it.

To  launch  the  add- in,  just  like  most  add- ins,

you  go  to  the  add- in  menu, and  it's  called  Neural  Network  Tuning.

That  takes  you  to  the  launch  dialog.

This  gives  you  a  column role  interface that's very  similar

to  many  other  platforms.

We  can  just  select  all o f  our  factors  here and  our  response.

Currently,  it  allows  a  single  Y  response,

and  it  can  be  either  continuous or  categorical.

The  add- in  currently  only  has the  two  validation  methods,

so  you  can  specify  a  validation  column with  both  validation  and testing.

Settings  if  you  have  that,  if  you  don't, it's  just  going  to  do  a  random  holdback,

the  default  for t he  neural  network.

Then  you  can  specify  and  toggle or  toggle  the  informative  missing  as  well.

But  we'll  just  go  with  this  for  now.

We  click  OK,  and  that  takes  you   to  the  tuning  launch.

This  tuning  dialog,  first,   gives  you  a  little  bit  of  information

about  what's  in  the  data  table and  what  you  specified  as  column  roles.

Right  now  we've  got  the  data  table here, the  model  validation  method,

as  well  as  whether  or  not   we  have  informative  missing  on  or  off.

Then  we've  got  the  DOE  option.

What  this  add- in  will  do,  is  look  at  all the  parameter  ranges  that  you've  set

and  create  a  fast,  flexible,   space- filling  design.

Really  the  only  design  specification   you  need

is  to  set  the  number  of  trials   in  this  design.

In  this  case  we've  got  by default it's  going  to  be  set  to  20,

and  there are  some  rules  of  thumb.

Maybe  you  want  to  specify at  least  10  treatments  in  this  design

for  every  factor  that  you're  looking  at, but  it's  completely  up  to  the  user,

and  so  we'll  come  back  and  adjust that  if  we  need  to.

You  can  also  replicate  this  design with  a  different  random  seed.

In  some  cases  if  you  want  to  see how  robust  you  might  be

to  certain  parameters,  you  can  run the  same  neural  network  model  20  times,

but  all  with  different  random  seeds to  see  how  robust  the  model  is  to  that.

Then  you  can  toggle  whether  or  not  you want  to  see  the  DOE  dialog  that  shows  up.

Once  you've  gone  through the DOE  options  here,

you  can  come  down to  the  neural  network  tuning.

I  tried  to  stay  pretty  true to  the  original  platform

in  the  neural  network  by  using similar  language  and  options  here.

This  is  where  you  go, a nd  instead  of  specifying  a  single  value

for  one  of  these  parameters, we're  going  to  specify  a  range.

Also,  I'm  limiting  a  little  bit  the  available  options

for  the  type  of  neural  network  that you're  going  to  create.

In  this  case  you  can  generate   a  single  hidden  layer,

you  can  generate  two  hidden  layers, or  one  hidden  layer  with  boosting.

Currently,  the  neural  network  platform  doesn't  allow

a  second  layer  with  boosting.

If  you  try  to  do  that in  the  neural  network  platform,

it  will  give  you  a  warning  saying  that   it's  going  to  ignore  that  second  layer.

In  this  add- in,  I  just  make  it  so  that  you  zero  out  all  those  second  layers

when  you  activate  boosting.

In  this  case  we're  going  to e xplore this  data  table  a  bit

and maybe  we're  going  to  set  some wide  range  of  tuning  parameters.

I'm  going  to  go  from  0-9  on  each  of  those activation function  number  of  nodes.

Over  on  the  fitting  options,  you  don't  have  to  necessarily

know what  might  be  best  for  your  system, you  can  just  select  them

to  be  part  f  the  DOE,   or  in  the  case

of these  transform  covariates  and  robust  fit  options.

You  can  toggle  them  to  always  be  off, always  be  on,  or  include in the DOE.

We'll  include  both  of  those  in  the  DOE for  this  example.

Penalty  methods.

You  can  test  any or  all  the  different  methods.

If  you  don't  specify  any  penalty  method, it  will  run

the  default  penalty  method  squared.

But  we're  going  to  check  all  of  those.

You  can  also  specify the  number  of  tours  per  model.

In  retrospect,  I  probably  didn't  need to  add  this

but because  you  could  do  something  similar by  just  replicating  all  of  the  designs

and  seeing  the  results from  each  of  those  models.

But  it's  here  in  case  you  want to  adjust  the  number  of  tours.

You  can  also  specify  a  random  seed.

In  this  case,  I've  got, 3,4,5,6. Six different  factors  in  this  design,

and so  I'm  just  going  to  maybe   turn t his  up  to  60.

I'm  going  to  create  60  models.

Before  I  click  Run,   I'm g oing  to  talk  a  little  bit  about

what's  going  on  when  you  click  Run.

The  first  thing  that  happens when y ou  click  Run,

is  it's  going  to  create  a  factor  table with  only  the  selected  parameters.

We select it.

In  this  case  it'll  create  a  factor  table   with  single- layer  nodes,

all  of  the  different  fitting  options.

It's  not  going  to  put  the  second l ayer   or  any  of  the  boosting  parameters

into  the  factor  table.

Then I'm  going  to  create  a  response table where  the  training,  validation,

and  testing  R- squared  values are specified

a nd  then  it's  going to  combine  those  into  a  single  table.

This  is  what  the  sample DOE  table   will  look  like.

It's  just  going  to  have  the  responses as  the  R- squared  values

and  then  all  the  different  parameters.

Then  these  just  get  passed  into  the neural  network  platforms  row- by- row,

and  the  results  show  up  in  the  data  table.

Just  like  we're  saying,  each  of  those  runs in  the  design  is  going  to  go  into  the

neural  network  model  platform  sequentially  and  then  we  have  a  little  dialog  box

that's  going to  indicate  the  overall  process.

In  the  case  of  really  long- running   neural  networks,

it's  good  to  just  see  how  quickly   the  whole  design  is  going  to  go.

I  would  recommend  before  specifying  a  large  number  of  trials  in  this  design

that  you  run  one  or  two  ahead  of  time  just  to  see

how  long  they're  going  to  take.

If  you  have  fairly  small  data  set,  then   they  go  pretty  quickly,  but  if  you  have

a  complex  data  set,  they  can  take   sometimes  quite  a  while  to  run.

In  this  case  I'm  just  using  a  sample data  set  from  the  sample  data  set  library.

This  tablet  production.

It's  not  the  best  data  set  to  run for  neural  networks  just  because

there  aren't  a  whole  lot  of  observations, but  I'm  using  it  just b ecause

the  neural  networks  run  really  quick.

In  this  case,  if  we're  satisfied   with  all  of  the  specifications

that  we  have  in  our  model,   we  can  just  go  ahead  and  click  Run.

What  this  has  done  is  it's  created that  design  table

and  now  it's  passing  through   each  of  those  trials

into t he  neural  network  platform and  giving  an  output.

If  we  look  at  the  home  window, all  this  has  done  is  it's  taken

that  tuning  result  table  and  I've  hidden  it

and  I  just  bring i t  out   into  the  same  window  here.

Let's  just  go  on  to  the  next  one.

We  can  work  through  that  data  table  here,  so  it's  interactive.

What  you  first  see  up  here  is  graph  builder  report.

T his  shows  you   all  of  your  different  parameters,

so  the  different  activation  functions as  well  as  the  number  of  nodes

is  the  scale, and  how  the  validation  R- squared  changes

with  respect  to  each  of  those individual  parameters.

In  the  case  of  categorical  parameters, you g et  a  box  plot  showing  the  difference

in  the  values  this  way.

We  can  see  in  this  case maybe  for  robust  fit,

it's  got  a  wider  range,  but  on  average  it's g oing  to  be  better.

The  median  value  is  better.

Is  higher  R- squared.

We  can  also  look  down  here at  the  data table,

it's  going  to  sort  the  data  table by  the  validation  R- squared

and  it  just  shades  those  a  deeper  purple depending  on  the  value.

Let's  see.

We can use...

One  reason  I  just  kept   this  data  table  as  it  is,

is  we  can  explore  it  just  like  we  explore any  data  table  in  JMP,

so  you  can  look  at  column  headers or  you  can  launch  graph  builder

or  do  various  analyses  on  this  data  table as  it  is  right  here.

There  are a  few  additional  data  columns or  columns  that  are  added

to  this  data  table.

One,  it  records  the  random  seed.

If  you  want  to  reproduce  this, you  know  what  random  seed  was used

in  generating  the  n eural  network  models,  shows  you  the  informative  missing,

shows  you  the  elapsed  time   for  each  of  the  models.

If  you  are  building  large  models or  you  might  want  to  minimize  the r untime,

then  you  can  get  an  estimate o f  how  long it  might  take  for  you  to  run

additional  models.

nDOE  just  records  what  DOE  was  run.

This  was  the  first,  so  it  gets  a  1.

As  you'll  see  we  can  run  a  second  and  third,  and  you  can  then  use  those

as  some  graphing tools.

Also  tells  you  the  type  of  neural  network that  was  run.

Whether  it  was  single- layered,   double-  layer,

or  a  single- layer  with  boosting.

There's  a  couple  of  other

columns  that  are  added.

This  factor  column  just  lets  you   keep track  of  the  factors

that  were  used  in  the  design in  case  you  want  to  compare  models

that  have  different  factors  that  were  used  instead  of  just  parameters,

and then  also  a  row  column.

The  next  steps  so  we can  continue  building  out.

Maybe  in  this  case   we're  exploring  the  parameters.

Now  we've  got  a  baseline of  a  single  neural  network

and  maybe  we  want  to  see  how  this compares  to  a  two- layer  neural  network.

We  can  go  back  to  the  tuning  launch which  was  just  minimized.

You  can  see  that  all  of  this  report, the  graph  builder  report

as  well  as  the  table  are  just a ppended to  the  tuning  launch.

We  can  go  back  up  to t his  tuning  launch   and  maybe  I  want  to  look  at

two  hidden  layers.

We'll  go  to  two, and  now  I'll  put  in  a  range  of

those  results  or  those  parameters and  keep  everything  else  the  same.

You  can  see  it's  going  to  preload  the  random  seed  that  I  generated

in  the  first  DOE  just  to  make  sure everything's  using  the  same  random  seed.

We'll  keep  it  at  60,  even  though  we  might  want  to  increase  it

by  a  little  bit  since  we're a dding   some  more  factors,

but  keep  it  simple,  we'll  just go  with  60.

One other  thing  just  to  mention  is, in  the  case  it's  probably  pretty

low  likelihood t hat  all  of  these   would  be  set  to  zero  in  a  design,

but  if  they  are   it'll  just  go  to  the  default  with  JMP,

which  is  a  single  10H  layer.

You  don't  have  to  worry  about  having  a  neural  network  with  zero  layers

or  zero  nodes.

If  we're  satisfied  with  this,  we're  just  going  to  click  Run.

While  this  is  running,  I'm  just  going   to  bring  up  the  home  window.

You  can  see  what  it's  doing.

We've  got   our  original  tuning  result  table  here,

and  it's  built   a  second t uning  result  table,

and when  it's  done, i t  just  appends  that to  our  original  table.

Now  I  can  see  in  orange, is  all  of  those  second- layer  models.

We  can  see  in  this  case, maybe  having  two  layers

was  not  very  beneficial  in  this  case.

Looks  like  in  pretty  much  all  cases, those  neural  networks  are  not  as  good.

Then  maybe  just  to  round  this out,  we're  going  to  go

and buld some  neural  networks  with  boosting.

Boosting  is  a  really  nice  way  to  increase the  prediction  power  of  our  model.

We're  going  to  specify  some boosting  levels  from  1-10,  as  well  as

the  learning  rate  from  0.1  to  1.

Once  again  our  random  seed  is  the same, and  these  are  going  to  take

a  little  bit  longer,  so  I'm  just  going to  decrease the  number  of  runs

just  in  the  interest  of  time.

We  can  click  Run  here,  we  get  our  dialog  box  that  tells  us

our  overall  progress,   and  we  can  see  these  in  the  cases

where  we've  probably  got  lots  of  boosting, they  might  be  taking  a  little  bit  of  time.

In  this  case  boosting  neural  networks, or  neural  networks  that  had  boosting

are  now  this  purple,  and  we  can  see   in  pretty  much  all  the  cases

purple  is  higher,  especially  when  it  looks  like

we  can  see  by  these  box  plots  as  well.

Then  we  can  also  see  in t his  case   over  here  our  boosting.

Maybe  we  haven't  found   the  maximum  number  of  boosts,

it  looks  like  it  continues  going  up,

so  we  might  want  to  add  some  additional boosting  layers  or  maybe

our  learning  rate  is  best at  this  middle  to  high  value

instead  of  at  the  lowest learning  rate  values.

The  next  thing  we  might w ant  to  do   once  we  have  this  initial  view

of  our  system,  is  to  run  a  few  of  these neural  networks  and  compare  them.

We  can  do  that  a  few  ways.

We  can  look  in  our  table  here a nd  run or  and  select  some  neural  networks

based  on  the  graph,  and  you  can  see they're  highlighting  down  below

in  our  data  table  as  well.

Maybe  what  we  want  to  do  is  run  the  top  four  or  five.

I  want  to  run  the  top  five.

I don't  have  to  go  back  into   the  neural  network  platform  to  do  this,

I  can  just  run  it  by  clicking this  button,  run  selected  models.

Now  it's  going  to  run  those   back  into  the  neural  network  platform

and  give  us  a  little  output  that  shows  us the  row  in  our  data  table  that  was  run.

This  is  just  the  standard neural  network  output  now.

We  pass  through  the  same  random  seed, so  if  we  take  a  look  at R-squared values,

we're  going  to  get  the  same  neural  network  that  was  developed

because  we're  using  that, passing  through  that  same  seed.

Then  we  can  come  through and  we  can  take  a  look  at more...

Either  the  more  summary  statistic  values or  the  actual  versus  predicted,

or  get  the  profilers.

Whatever  we  might  want  to  do to  compare  these  neural  networks.

One  other  thing  we  might  want to  do  at  this  stage

is  create  some  additional  visualizations.

We  can  go  through and  we  can  show  this  tuning  table.

If  we  don't  want  to  work  on i t  here,   we  can  just  unhide  it,

and  now  we've  got  a  data  table  that  we  can  use,

and  we  can  go  into  graph  builder and  maybe  we  want  to

take  a  look  at  validation  versus  training  R- squared

just  to  see  how  that's  looking,  or  we  can  go  through.

Because  we've  got  the  number  of  DOE, we can  track  how  our  neural  networks

have  improved  with  our  tuning.

I  can  go  into  graph  builder   and  I  can  use  that  nDOE,

and  maybe  we  want  to  look  at  training  and validation R-squared,

we  can  turn  on  box  plots  and  we  can  see how  our  tuning  has  progressed  over  time

with  each  subsequent  design  that  we  ran.

Other  option  is  if  you  want  to  do   some  more  analytical  type  analysis  here,

we  can  go  into  screening and  we  can  run  predictor  screening.

We  can  take  all  of  those  parameters,  load  them  in  as  predictors,

and  look at  our  training   and  validation  R- squared.

Click  OK,  and  now  we  can  see  which  factors  might  be  most  influential

in the  training  or  validation.

Not  surprisingly,  those  learning  rates   and  boosting a re  good  at  this  validation.

There's  no  end  to  what  analysis you  might  want  to  do,

on  here  it's  just   what  your  goal  of  the  neural  network  was

and  where  you  want  to  go  with  it.

But  you  can  do  that  all  in t his  data  table  which  now  has  160  neural  network  models.

Maybe  these  neural  network models  take  a  little  bit  of  time,

so another  thing  you  can  do is  we  can  just  save  this.

I  want  to  go  file,  and I  can  save  this.

I'm  just g oing  to  save  it  to  my  desktop as T uning  Results.

I  can  come  back  to  this  later.

Now  that  I've  got  it  saved, I'm  going  to  close  this.

One  thing  that  you'll  get  a  warning, when  you  close  it.

You  should  just  hide  this  data  table.

If  you  close  it,  it's  going  to  take  it out  of  the  neural  network  platform

and  you  won't  be  able   to  continue  your  work,

but  you  can  hide  it.

When  you  get  back  to  the  add- in, when  you  close  this  window,

it's  just  going  to  remind  you .

You can  close  it  without  saving   or  you  can  cancel  to  go  back  and  save  it.

We're  just  going  to  click  OK.

When  I  save  this  tuning  table  for  later, so  what  I  can  do  is,

is  now  I  can  relaunch  that  add- in and  I  can  go  into  the  tuning  add- in,

click  OK.

But  instead  of  resetting  any  parameters and  clicking  Run,  I  can  go  to  Load.

What  I  can  do  is  I  can  load a  previously  saved  tuning  table,

and  what  this  does  is  let  me  in  the  case  of  neural  networks

that  take  a  long  time, you  don't  have  to  start  over  from  scratch.

You  can  just  keep  building  on  the  table that  you  wanted,  or  maybe  you  do

some  additional  analyses  offline   and  want  to  come  back  in

and  build  some  more  models, so  you  can  go  through and  when  you  specify

all  the  different  parameters  and  number of  tuning  runs  you  want  to  have,

it's  just  going  to  continue  appending  it   to  this  table.

With  that  let's  minimize  this.

That's  quick  run  through   of a ll  the  different  options

in  this  tuning  table.

It's  really  a  brute  force  way.

You  can  see  there's  no  auto tune. Right  now  it's  just  running

all  those  different  parameter  combinations  giving  you  an  idea

of where  your  optimal  model  might  be .

How  you  might  work  this  into  your  workflow so  you  can  explore  those  parameters,

this  is  essentially  what  we  did  today.

We  looked  at  single- layer  models, we  looked  at  models  with  two  layers.

Single- layer  with  boosting.

Another  thing  you  might  do   is  go  back  and  say,

"W ell,  where  are  my  optimal  models?"

They're  here.

I  can  go  back  to  the  tuning  launch and  maybe  I  want  to  recreate  those  models

and  go  more  towards  this  range.

It  looks  like I'm in  the  middle  range  here,  is  optimal,

so  instead  of  going  from  0-9, maybe  I  go  from  5-7 .

Linear  models  also  might  be  best in  the  middle,

and  maybe  the  gaussian,   there are  some  good  ones  on  the  left,

so  we'll  go  from  1-8  or something  like  that,  seven  or  eight.

Then  we  can  look  at  which... In  this  case,  there  wasn't  an  advantage

to  having  it  on  or  off,  so  we  could  just  have  those  off,

or  off  or  on.

But  it  looks  like  maybe  in  this  case the  weight  decay  was  the  best  method,

so  we  could  just  include  that  one and  then  go  through

and  build  some  more  models with  a  narrow  range  of  those  parameters.

We  can  also  check  parameter  sensitivity to  a  random  seed.

In  this  case  we  can  pass  through  either constant  values

o r  a  narrow  range.

You  can  pass  through   a  constant  set  of  parameters

just  by  setting  each parameter  equal  to  each  other,

and  it'll  pass  that  through   the  neural  network  as  five  every  time,

or  you  can  just  specify  the  min  value,  and  that  will  pass  it  through

as  a  constant  value.

If  we  wanted  to  we  could  look  at

maybe this  was  a  neural  network  that  was  one  that  we  identified  as  optimal,

but  I  want  to  see  how  robust it  is  to  the  random  seed.

What  we  can  do  is   we  can  just  say  just  run  it  once,

but  let's  replicate  it with  20  random  seeds.

That  might  actually  take a  little  bit  of  time,

so  let's  go  down  to  10.

Then  we  can...

Actually,  I  don't  want  to  do that  on  this  one,

because  I've  got  all  those  others,  but  we'll  just  run  this.

You  might  want to  do  this  on  a  clean  data  table

where  you're  not  adding  it  to  the  design, but  we  can  use b ecause  we  have

the  number  of  DOEs  we  could  find where  that  random  seed  was.

We  can  see  here,   all  the  different  random  seeds

and  I  can  go  into  graph  builder   and  I  could  just  put  in

the  training  and  validation  R- squareds, and  then  I  can  use  local  data  filter  now

on  my  random  seed  to  show  everything   except  the  one  where  we  had  all  those.

Now  I  can  see  how  robust my  model  is  to  that  random  seed.

That's  the  same  design now  run  10  times,

and  so  on  average  we  can  see what  the  median  value  is

or  the  range  of  expected  results.

Then  finally,  w e  can  load  those  saved  data  tables.

Those  are  really  beneficial   for  neural  networks that might have

really  long  computing  times,   so  you  can  save  it  off

and  come  back  to  it  later.

Those  are  some  workflows   that  might b e  helpful  to  you  as  you  build

your  neural  network  models.

I  just  want  to  wrap  up with  a  few  lessons  learned.

This  was  the  first  scripting  project   that  I  went  through

that  developed an  application,

and  so  I  think  this  is  pretty  obvious to  anybody  that's  developed  any JSL

or  built  any  applications,  the  JMP  community  is  really

an  invaluable  resource.

I  would  say  95%  of  all  my  questions, I  would  just  go  to  the  community

and  someone else  had  a  similar  issue.

Really  recommend  if  you  are  interested in  building  add- ins,

building  applications,  the  community is  really  the  first  place  to  go.

Really,  your  imagination  and  your  targets are  the  limiting  factor

in  developing  these  applications.

A ligned  with  that is because  there are  so  many  possibilities,

there  was  a  need  to  keep  this  focused.

In  this  case,  I  just  have... I  think  in  one  iteration

I  had  many  different  outputs,   different  graphs,

but  they  weren't  really the  heart  of  the  application.

Because  there's  so  many  possibilities, I really  tried  to  keep  this  focused

on  just  giving  some  graphical  output   to  navigate  the  different  models

and  run  them  and  identify   which  might  be  most  appropriate.

What's  next?

I  really  want  feedback.

It's  selfish,  but  it's  what  I  really  want.

I  would  love  to  hear  how  people   can  use  this,  how  it's  benefiting  them.

You  can  find  this  in  the  community, in  the  add- in  section  of  the  community.

Please  feel  free  to  make  a  post  here, tell  me  how  you're  using  it.

I  do  have  a  few  known  issues, and  as  I  gather  more,

I'm  sure  it's  not  100%  bug- proof,   but  this  will  be  the  place  to  go

to  get  the  current  version  of  the  add-in  as  well  as  understand  any  known  issues.

But  I'd  love  to  hear  how  you're  using  it,

and  the  community   is  a  great  place  to  do  that.

I  would  also  like  to  hear ideas  on  additional  reports.

I  kept  this  pretty  simple,  but  if  you  find  that  there's  a  report

that  you're  generating every  time  you  run  this,

I'd  like  to  know  what  that  is a nd  maybe we  can  build  that  into  the  add- in.

I'm  also  going  to  continue  debugging.

There  are  a  few  known  issues  that  I'm working  through  right  now,

and  then  maybe  a  larger  goal  is  to  try to  do  that  auto tune.

Instead  of  doing  this  brute  force  method, maybe  start  out  with

a small  number o f  parameters, figure  out  which  ones

are a ffecting  the  response  the  most, and  then  having  a  directed  tuning.

With  that,  I'd  like  to  thank you for  listening  to  this  presentation.

This  is  a  really  fun  project  and  I hope  you  find  it  useful,

and  would  love  to  hear  about  it.


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