Automating Process Capability Analysis Reporting for Multi-Product Parameter Sets
Automating Process Capability Analysis Reporting for Multi-Product Parameter Sets Thomas D. Steinmetz and Byron A. Wingerd, PhD, Merck Manufa...
Automating Process Capability Analysis Reporting for Multi-Product Parameter Sets Thomas D. Steinmetz and Byron A. Wingerd, PhD, Merck Manufa...
Adventures in Solid Phase Optimization – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love DOE Steve Figard, Ph.D., Abbott Laboratories Experimental de...
Data Mining with JMP – Product Performance and Customer Behavior Peter Wiebe, Krista Birch, and Anthony Orzechowski, Abbott Diagnostics JMP p...
Linkage Map Optimization in JMP® Genomics to Improve Agronomic Crops Kelci Miclaus and Rebekah Oliver, SAS Institute Inc.; and Eric Jackson, ...
JMP® Data Server for Multi-User Organization with Diverse Data Source Neal Verzwyvelt, Atmel Corporation JMP® has proven its ability to add v...
Using Stepwise Regression to Find Possible Interactions in a Non-interaction Model DOE Jed Campbell, US Synthetic Corporation Because traditi...
Using Dynamic JMP® Dashboards to Provide Decision Analysis Support for Critical Staffing Metrics Jay V. Schindler, PhD, Northrop Grumman, and...
Reliability Parametric Z-score Monitoring HanCheng Ong, Seagate Technology International Reliability engineering has very much been centered ...
Using SAS® and JMP® to Monitor Energy Conservation Efforts John Mills and Sarah Thornton, Progress Energy Progress Energy’s Free Customized H...
You Can’t Experiment On That! The Use of Stochastic Modeling and Experimentation to Optimize Processes Kurt Johnson The Church of Jesus Chris...
Comparison of K-means, Normal Mixtures and Probabilistic-D Clustering for B2B Segmentation Satish Garla, Goutam Chakraborty, Oklahoma State U...
Moving from SPSS to JMP®: A Transition Guide Dr. Jason Brinkley, East Carolina University There can be vast differences in the way analytic s...
Did It Have an Impact or Not? Using JMP® for the Design and Analysis of an Experiment in a Vaccine Product Root Cause Investigation Janet Alv...
Role of Statistics in Quality by Design (QbD) Implementation in Product Development Inna Ben-Anat, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Statistical metho...
A System for Analyzing Drug Safety Data Using JMP® Peter Mroz, J&J Pharmaceutical Development, LLC A system has been developed that uses JMP®...
Stochastic Simulation Of Laundry Cold Water Temperature in North American High-Efficiency Washers Mark G. Cipollone, Procter & Gamble Co. A s...
JMP and Visual Six Sigma: A Recipe for Optimal Healthcare Outcomes William J. Baum, Cactus Consulting, and Philip Ramsey, North Haven Group J...
Variance Budgeting and Monte Carlo Techniques to Aid Specification Setting Ronald Andrews and Joseph McGee, Bausch + Lomb Raw material specif...
Have You Stressed Your Bell Curve Today? Lee Guthrie, Pre-Stressed Products A mechanical sine wave system is formed from a relatively thin sh...
Automated Reporting: JMP® Graphics and JSL for Benchmarking Dashboards Karen Copeland, Ph.D., Boulder Statistics, LLC and Erin Vang, PMP, Glo...
Having Fun with SPC Using JMP® Scripting Language Wenyu Su, Jeff Sweeney, and Wayne Zirk, The Dow Chemical Company Statistical Process Contro...
Using JMP to Teach Business Statistics Courses Dr. Marlene A. Smith, University of Colorado Denver I’ve begun writing a collection of cases t...
Pricing Analytics Application on Defining the Product Cost Using JMP® Scripts Emma Johnson, Cypress Semiconductor This project will showcase ...
SAS® BI and JMP® Signal Detection of Adverse Drug Events in the FDA/AERS Database David Olaleye, PhD, SAS Institute Objectives:Evaluate the p...
JMP® Applications in Photovoltaic Reliability D.C. Jordan, PhD, Senior Reliability Engineer – National Renewable Energy LaboratoryChris Gotwa...