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Abbrev Date - Formats?
Format( Today(), "Format Pattern", "<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>" )
518 views | 4 replies -
Row selection includes negative quantity and rows that cannot be selected. BUG?
I am importing ~140000 rows of data from 20 preexisting jmp files using this script in windows 11, JMP 18.1.0
Multiple File Import( <<Set Folder( "C:\here\there\"), <<Set Name Filter( "*.jmp;" ), <<Set Name Enable( 1 ), <<Set Size Filter( {1, 1} ), <<Set Size Enable( 0 ), <<Set Date Filter( {Today() - indays(10), Today()} ), <<Set Date Enable( 1 ), <<Set Add File Name Column( 1 ), <<Set Add F
448 views | 4 replies -
CSVをMultiple File Importする際に、CSV内部の任意の列のみを選択して積み上げることができるでしょうか?
Multiple File Importは非常に速く動作するので、速度的な不満はないのです。ですが、読み込むCSVが完全に同じ列を持っていない場合は複数のファイルに分割されてテーブルにされてしまいます。そのために、各CSVに格納されている任意の列をあらかじめ選択して積み上げを開始すればそれを回避できることができると考えました。 そのようなJSLの書き方はありますでしょうか?ご教授いただけますと幸いでございます。よろしくお願いいたします。 Version:JMP18.1.1
dt = Multiple File Import( <<Set Folder( "C:\Users\624274\Documents\Backup" ), <<Set Show Hidden( 0 ), <<Set Subfolders( 0 ), <<Set Name Filter( "*;" ), <
329 views | 2 replies -
Get a New Window with exsisting radiobuttons
Hello JMP Community,I am new to JMP. I have a doubt. So below attached is my code, When I select combo box button and select a shape and click ok then a new window should pop up by only highlighting required columns. for example, if I select L-shape from ShapeChoice, the new window should pop up with all the given HL,VL,HH, VH, BL,UL, etc.. but only give the option to input the values only for HL,...
899 views | 8 replies -
Extracting characters within certian pattern including square brackets
I have want to extract information from a text in a table row that includes square brackets.
Example Rows in text column:
Plate[QWE147] Reg[ABC123]
Plate[ASD258] Reg[DEF456] Information I want to extract:
ABC123DEF456 What is the best way to do this? I wanted to do it with regex but square brackets makes it complicated.eugur
487 views | 5 replies
Latest Discussions
Abbrev Date - Formats?
Format( Today(), "Format Pattern", "<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>" )
518 views | 4 replies -
Row selection includes negative quantity and rows that cannot be selected. BUG?
I am importing ~140000 rows of data from 20 preexisting jmp files using this script in windows 11, JMP 18.1.0
Multiple File Import( <<Set Folder( "C:\here\there\"), <<Set Name Filter( "*.jmp;" ), <<Set Name Enable( 1 ), <<Set Size Filter( {1, 1} ), <<Set Size Enable( 0 ), <<Set Date Filter( {Today() - indays(10), Today()} ), <<Set Date Enable( 1 ), <<Set Add File Name Column( 1 ), <<Set Add F
448 views | 4 replies -
txt import - point and comma ?
MultiFileImport (MFI())
independent of the settings in the operating system and the settings in the preferences,
text files with point as decimal separator can be imported, files with comma can't. Open(...)
there are several settings in JMP that control whether txt files can be imported or not.
This is how it looks on my Win / JMP18.1.1 system:(to make it easier to read I put the symbols for comma an...hogi
409 views | 2 replies -
Difference between EMP Gauge R&R and AIAG Gauge R&R
On JMP, there 2 options that you could find GRR% value from either EMP or either from AIAG option. Which one is showing GRR% on AIAG standard?I could not understand the logic behind two GRR% values found by two different options. What could be the formulas behind these two?
242 views | 1 replies -
Graph builder auto scale fails when using log scale
When using Graph builder, generally, the axis scale (min, max) is set to reasonable values according to the data range.But when I set the scale type to 'Log', the scale range will be set to 1E-3 to 1, while my minimum data point down to 1E-12 level.This makes the curve outside of the graph window, unless I modify the min/max range manually.But I'm using JSL to process different of data sources. Th...
222 views | 1 replies
Latest Discussions
How to adjust the size of R plot imported with get R graphics(); ?
I'm trying to run R code in JMP to create a plot. I succeeded in importing the plot in png format, but failed to adjust the size of the plot. I can adjust the "plot_from_R" in png format with the set size(); function in jsl, but it is not proportional and distorted. How can I import plot_from_R in the size I want?
R Init(); R Submit( "\[ windows(300,100) #it doesn't work plot(function(x) dnorm(
323 views | 0 replies -
Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print ...
from: https://www.jmp.com/support/help/en/18.1/?os=win&source=application#page/jmp/advanced-expressions-macros-and-lists.shtml# If you assign the expression x+y to a, quoting it as an expression with Expr, then whenever a is evaluated, it evaluates the expression using the current values of x and y and returns the result.
Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print, which do not evaluate e...hogi
310 views | 0 replies -
Extract Expr: Issue with scoped variable
This works:
Extract Expr(:height << set name( "new" ), :height );
But this one doesn't *):Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), myDataTable:height );
Fortunately there is this dirty trick of Extract Expr (it automatically resolves every defined variable **) - which allows this workaround:x = Expr( myDataTable:height); Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), x )
*) why...hogi
254 views | 0 replies -
A custom function evaluates the return value
fyi While debugging @replace Head, I noticed that a custom function evaluates the return values +1x compared to a standard function:
myFunction = function({}, return(Expr(3*5))); add custom functions (newcustom function("my custom", "function", function({}, return(Expr(3*5))))); Show(myfunction()); Show(my custom:function())
so maybe add another Expr() ...add custom functions (newcustom function("m
263 views | 0 replies
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ChinaShanghai May 29
8:00AM - 9:00AM EDTMar 27Korea : JMP 살펴보기(Discovering JMP)
JMP는 15권의 사용자 설명서(JMP Books)가 있습니다.사용자 설명서(JMP Books)는 온라인에서도 확인가능하지만 JMP Marketplace 에서 '...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...
10:00AM - 11:00AM CETMar 28EMEA Mastering JMP - Die volle Leistungsfähigkeit des Graph Builders nutzen
Mastering JMP Webinar Graph Builder bietet eine Drag-and-Drop-Oberfläche mit Zonen, leicht au...
11:00AM - 12:00PM CETMar 28EMEA Mastering JMP - Déverrouiller la puissance avancée de Graph Builder
Graph Builder offre une interface de glisser-déposer avec des zones, des options de graphique facile...