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  • String Parsing Question

    Dear Community, I am receiving data with identifying information in 1 cell.Names Default to Here(1); dt = New Table("Sample", add rows(2), New Column( "Field_9630", Character, "Nominal" ) ); dt:Field_9630 << Set Values({"Customer: Mr A LoyalProduct: Cabinet HardwareRegion: Suburban New Dev", "Customer: Jenifer B Ashley LeighProduct: LumberRegion: Suburban Existing"});The target is to produce th...

    modelFit modelFit
    Discussions |
    Apr 6, 2024 12:25 PM
    906 views | 2 replies
  • Plot only the filtered data from a given column on a dashboard

    Hi,I am trying to build a dash board that will plot relevant graphs.My current issue is that it plots the entire data on one graph, highlights the filtered data and the rest is grayed out. I want to graph to be build only with the data of the relevant rows of the given column. 
    For example, if I want to plot height as a function of age, and I have a column for "sex" which holds 'M' and 'F', so I ha...

    Avshish Avshish
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    Apr 6, 2024 8:14 AM
    1098 views | 4 replies
  • Can there be multiple classes in a dependent variable to run a decision tree model

    We want to run a decision tree model to analyze survey responses and the dependent variable has multiple classes. Is it possible to run an accurate model with this or would the dependent variable have to be a binary classification

    PartialGopher16 PartialGopher16
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    Apr 5, 2024 8:57 PM
    723 views | 2 replies
  • JSL question - returning a character string into a new column based on values within another column

    I almost have this; but can't seem to get it generated in a JSL script. The formula editor is doing almost exactly what I want... but when attempting to do it in a script... I can't seem to get it to work.  Desired result is in column 2; I apply the formula shown in the column editor to get the desired result.  //This is what I input into formula editor and it works fine; item_lst = Words( Substit...

    fat_angus fat_angus
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    Apr 5, 2024 7:16 PM
    1004 views | 2 replies
  • Rookie question on data table generation (extraction) from raw probe data

    Hi everyone, this is my first post in this community. I recently changed job and will do lots of prober bench test and data analysis. Our group use JMP. When I need to figure out something, I found google always directed me here and the warmhearted experts always gives professional answers. That's why I am here :). Right now, my probing test typically generate a big CSV file where the measurement ...

    HeroTom HeroTom
    Discussions |
    Apr 5, 2024 2:23 PM
    85366 views | 14 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Plot only the filtered data from a given column on a dashboard

    Hi,I am trying to build a dash board that will plot relevant graphs.My current issue is that it plots the entire data on one graph, highlights the filtered data and the rest is grayed out. I want to graph to be build only with the data of the relevant rows of the given column. 
    For example, if I want to plot height as a function of age, and I have a column for "sex" which holds 'M' and 'F', so I ha...

    Avshish Avshish
    Discussions |
    Apr 6, 2024 8:14 AM
    1098 views | 4 replies
  • Process Screening Chart Options - Show spec limits

    So it looks like this is only available for I-MR and not Xbar-R/S, do I have that correct?  If so does anyone know why?  I can see that spec limits are more valuable when looking at I-MR but its still helpful for xbar charts as well.

    emorris1000 emorris1000
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    Apr 5, 2024 1:59 PM
    2417 views | 8 replies
  • JMP16 HTML + Local Data Filters versus JMP18

    There's a bug in JMP 16 under certain conditions when you save HTML graphs that use a local data filter.  I found the fix where you have to Show Modes and then uncheck Include.  But that doesn't work in this situation:   Create two graphs, from different tables, each with their own local data filter.Combine them into a window using new window, on separate tabsSave as Interactive HTML with dataThe ...

    pmroz pmroz
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    Apr 5, 2024 3:21 AM
    1154 views | 4 replies
  • Project ignoring H Splitter Box Set Sizes . . . sometimes

    I'm working with a JMP 17 Project and have a script to import a CSV file, embed a script into the Data Table, and execute the embedded script. The embedded script creates a graph from the data and sets the Project layout. All of these pieces, executed individually, work as intended. The problem I am having is that when I execute the combined script, the outer H Splitter Box ignores <<Set Sizes and...

    ionatx ionatx
    Discussions |
    Apr 4, 2024 1:25 PM
    418 views | 0 replies
  • Terneary plot - scale - reverse order

    I want to change the scale order. However, the option is not open to do it. Already tried: I also changed to negative numbers to be in the order I want but then the script don't accept negative numbers.mixture profiler: allow only formulas  Is there any other solution? for this parameter be more flexible? 

    bmallmann bmallmann
    Discussions |
    Apr 4, 2024 6:18 AM
    515 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Project ignoring H Splitter Box Set Sizes . . . sometimes

    I'm working with a JMP 17 Project and have a script to import a CSV file, embed a script into the Data Table, and execute the embedded script. The embedded script creates a graph from the data and sets the Project layout. All of these pieces, executed individually, work as intended. The problem I am having is that when I execute the combined script, the outer H Splitter Box ignores <<Set Sizes and...

    ionatx ionatx
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    Apr 4, 2024 1:25 PM
    418 views | 0 replies
  • Multiple imputation of ordinal data

    HiWe're doing a study regarding whole number ordinal data, answers being 0 to 4. It probably being MAR and not knowing the probability of each response, made us wonder how to do multiple imputation of this data. A post showed:go to analyze > consumer research > categorical But we're stuck...Thank you in advance! 

    CovariateFilter CovariateFilter
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    Mar 28, 2024 10:00 AM
    472 views | 0 replies
  • How to categorize the same ID in row with other columns?

    Hi, I have the data set that the same ID in multiple rows. Each rows had 1 to 3 categories. The columns represent costA to costZ that I need to stack in the same Cost column. However, I need to generate group by category 1 ( 1 if category 1 < 2000, 2 if category 1 = 2000 - 4000, 3 if category 1 = 4000 - 6000, 4 if category 1 = 6000 - 10000, 5 if category 1 > 10000). However, I need to delete categ...

    doraemengs doraemengs
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    Mar 25, 2024 9:12 PM
    651 views | 0 replies
  • LCA appears to treat ordinal variables as nominal

    When I run cluster analysis --> LCA with ordinal variables (numeric, ordinal), the probability formula appears to be treating the variables as nominal, rather than ordinal. For each variable, there are 5 levels (i.e., 1-5). If being treated as ordinal, wouldn't the probability formulas reflect an order for each level where 1 may have the smallest probability and 5 the largest? As you can see below...

    AutoMethodsBee1 AutoMethodsBee1
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    Mar 25, 2024 12:41 PM
    406 views | 0 replies
  • RSS, TSS, precent of residual sum of squares

    Is it possible to calculate RSS and TSS and precent of residual sum of squares for a linear calibration curve in JMP?

    gholamhasantey gholamhasantey
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    Mar 25, 2024 3:29 AM
    656 views | 0 replies
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