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  • Hierarchical clustering in JMP - Finding inertia to determine cluster number

    Does anybody know if there is a way to get JMP to give you an interia plot or score when doing Hierarchical clustering? I would like to be able to use the value to determine the number of clusters to cut the dendogram at.Many thanks!

    kruprice kruprice
    Discussions |
    Oct 30, 2015 1:22 AM
    4338 views | 1 replies
  • how to write JSL script for basic equations, and then make an overlay plot out of it?

    I have several points defined in an JSL script and running that would generate a table and also overlay plots for each point.Say I have point1, point2, point3I want to define thatRATIO1 = point1*100/(point1+point2+point3)RATIO2 = point2*100/(point1+point2+point3)RATIO3 = point3*100/(point1+point2+point3)Then plot overlay of RATIO1, RATIO2, RATIO3 versus timestamp.I tried to use Assign(RATIO1, poin...

    wcheon3 wcheon3
    Discussions |
    Oct 29, 2015 11:25 AM
    4099 views | 2 replies
  • Balanced Incomplete Block Design on JMP

    How do I execute a balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) on the JMP software with 13 attributes, forming 13 blocks or choice sets, each attribute appearing 4 times across all choice sets, each choice set containing 4 attributes and each attribute appearing once with each other: (b, r, k, lambda) (13, 4,4,1) where b is number of blocks, r is the repitition per level, k is the number of attributes...

    saskbri saskbri
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    Oct 27, 2015 12:34 PM
    6881 views | 4 replies
  • Get Path() only returning the file name?

    I'm try to get the full path of the "current data table". Get Path() is only returning the file name. Yesterday it was returning the full path and I can't figure out what changed. Help!I'm using JMP 11.2.0 (64 bit) on Win7.Thanks,Tony

    tony_adames tony_adames
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    Oct 23, 2015 1:37 PM
    4806 views | 1 replies
  • Interpreting canonical structure and scores in discriminant analysis

    I'm trying to interpret the relative contributions of my variables in a discriminant function analysis of chemical data for three groups of rocks.  In a stepwise, linear, common covariance discriminant function analysis I'm able to generate non-overlapping 95% confidence ellipses for my three groups with no incorrectly assigned data points using 6 variables.  My understanding is that the scoring c...

    amzipkin amzipkin
    Discussions |
    Oct 20, 2015 3:25 PM
    3306 views | 0 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Interpreting canonical structure and scores in discriminant analysis

    I'm trying to interpret the relative contributions of my variables in a discriminant function analysis of chemical data for three groups of rocks.  In a stepwise, linear, common covariance discriminant function analysis I'm able to generate non-overlapping 95% confidence ellipses for my three groups with no incorrectly assigned data points using 6 variables.  My understanding is that the scoring c...

    amzipkin amzipkin
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    Oct 20, 2015 3:25 PM
    3306 views | 0 replies
  • Generalized Segmented Distributions

    A former classmate of mine from Graduate School has recently published a paper on Generalized Segmented Distributions.  Utilizing this method, the distribution can approach any continuous density function of arbitrary form.  The method is particularly effective in fitting data with sufficient observations that are skewed and/or multimodal.  The paper can be found here:The General Segmented Distrib...

    Steven_Moore Steven_Moore
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    Sep 17, 2015 11:54 AM
    2253 views | 0 replies
  • Running JSL Script After Creation of a File


    sophiaw sophiaw
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    Sep 1, 2015 9:56 AM
    2434 views | 0 replies
  • Clash?

    saitcopuroglu saitcopuroglu
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    Aug 18, 2015 6:43 AM
    2245 views | 0 replies
  • Incorporating Reference Lines into legend for multiple bivariate graphs.

    Hello everyone!I would like assistance in order to incorporate reference lines at certain numbers of the Y axis, horizontal lines, directly into the legend.This is my current script
      Y( :Cat),
      X( :Dog),
      Histogram Borders( 1 ),

      Where(:Recipe == "B_XX" & (:Tool == "A_XX")),
      Elements( Points( X, Legend( 1 ) ) ),
      {Add Ref Line( 140, Solid, "...

    saswatmishra50 saswatmishra50
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    Jul 13, 2015 1:00 PM
    2985 views | 0 replies
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