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  • Script to color cells in a DoE setup

    When creating DoEs, each column is usually a mixture of 2 or 3 different values (high and low values, and sometimes a center value). To better illustrate the DoE setup to myself and my coworkers, I manually color the cells in each column. The high values are colored red, the center values are colored green, and the low values are colored blue. It would be beneficial to automate this coloring proce...

    Steffen_Bugge Steffen_Bugge
    Discussions |
    Dec 30, 2022 2:35 PM
    1477 views | 5 replies
  • Missing LinkID after closing project file

    Hi,I'm having trouble with virtually connected tables. The link is broken once I close the project file, and I need to remove and reassign the LinkID attribute on the table column.Is there any way to solve this?    

    RicardoCosta RicardoCosta
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    Dec 29, 2022 2:45 AM
    1377 views | 4 replies
  • JSL to fit model, maximize desirability, and extract results with user-selectable columns

    Hello,  I'm working on a script that will allow users toSelect columns to fit into a modelIdentify the primary variable and specify the goal valueIdentify what column to split the model byAllow JMP to create the model, optimize desirability to hit the intended target, then output the model resultsCopy the results from a convenient output table  I have functional scripts that do what I want without...

    CitizenNo3 CitizenNo3
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    Dec 28, 2022 11:19 PM
    1330 views | 1 replies
  • How do I reverse the order of contrasts in the Stepwise platform?

    I have a variety of categorical factors that I am trying to fit in the Stepwise platform. For example, "Does the product have a FRAME, LINER, BAFFLE, INSULATION, etc.?"  These are listed in the stepwise menu as Frame{Y-N}, Liner (Y-N), Baffle{N-Y}, Insulation{N-Y}, etc.  Why are some contrasts listed as {Y-N} and others listed as {N-Y}?  This is really slows my analysis down as I build a model bec...

    Newbie_1 Newbie_1
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    Dec 28, 2022 3:00 PM
    1217 views | 4 replies
  • Importing a Gsheet

    Has anyone figured out how to import a gsheet from a google drive?

    D_Meakin D_Meakin
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    Dec 28, 2022 2:45 PM
    1052 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Missing LinkID after closing project file

    Hi,I'm having trouble with virtually connected tables. The link is broken once I close the project file, and I need to remove and reassign the LinkID attribute on the table column.Is there any way to solve this?    

    RicardoCosta RicardoCosta
    Discussions |
    Dec 29, 2022 2:45 AM
    1377 views | 4 replies
  • How do I reverse the order of contrasts in the Stepwise platform?

    I have a variety of categorical factors that I am trying to fit in the Stepwise platform. For example, "Does the product have a FRAME, LINER, BAFFLE, INSULATION, etc.?"  These are listed in the stepwise menu as Frame{Y-N}, Liner (Y-N), Baffle{N-Y}, Insulation{N-Y}, etc.  Why are some contrasts listed as {Y-N} and others listed as {N-Y}?  This is really slows my analysis down as I build a model bec...

    Newbie_1 Newbie_1
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    Dec 28, 2022 3:00 PM
    1217 views | 4 replies
  • Importing a Gsheet

    Has anyone figured out how to import a gsheet from a google drive?

    D_Meakin D_Meakin
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    Dec 28, 2022 2:45 PM
    1052 views | 2 replies
  • About ANOM for variances

    Hi, I'm now studying the ANOM for variances. I don't understand why it needs at least three groups to start the comparison. Does anyone know the reason behind this?  Thank you!

    GabrielZ GabrielZ
    Discussions |
    Dec 28, 2022 11:28 AM
    791 views | 1 replies
  • Discrete Choice Experiment: None of these options

    Dear community,  Just a quick question considering the formatting of the "No choice" option in JMP 17. If we have Option A, Option B, and Option C, where Option C = none of these options. Do we give three rows of data to JMP? Or would we give two rows of data in binary format, and when both option A = 0 and Option B =0, it will use this information that no option was selected?  In the images below...

    Declan_JMP Declan_JMP
    Discussions |
    Dec 26, 2022 11:21 PM
    1356 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Data puzzles via Hanukkah of Data is underway

    If you're looking for some data wrangling puzzles, the Hanukkah of Data series of daily puzzles is underway at They're on day 2 of 8 now. As far as I can tell, you can do them whenever and there's no competitive part. I'm doing them in JMP, of course!

    XanGregg XanGregg
    Discussions |
    Dec 19, 2022 11:21 AM
    660 views | 0 replies
  • Slope and Intercept Collector error "matrix must be non-singular in access or evaluation of 'Inv' , Inv/*###*/(x` * x)"

    HI all,I have a question about an error I'm getting when using @stan_koprowski's slope and intercept add-in. I've posted my question on the add-in's thread but due to the much lower exposure compared to discussion posts, I thought that it might be a good idea to ask here as well. I made a mock data table with three groups and several observations in each group. When I run the add-in I am getting t...

    Lavik17 Lavik17
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    Dec 19, 2022 10:20 AM
    735 views | 0 replies
  • C Stack Usage Error When Sending Code to R

    Hello, I'm trying to invoke some commands in R using the R Submit function in JSL and am getting the error below. Is this an issue with JMP17 and R integration? It only happens when I invoke a specific package using JSL so it's hard for others to replicate w/o installing R and the package as well. I'm using JMP 17.0 and R 4.2.0. Never saw this error with JMP 16. "Error: C stack usage 4123778 is to...

    vigslayer vigslayer
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    Dec 15, 2022 8:14 PM
    770 views | 0 replies
  • How to fix X Axis Settings for Operating Characteristic Curves

    I'm playing around with different scenarios on an Operating Characteristic curve in which the fraction defective is very small (screen shot below).  Every time I run a scenario, the x-axis automatically changes to a range that is way too wide to be useful and I have to change it back manually.Is there a way to make the x-axis setting constant? (I'm using Jmp Pro 16.1)Thanks! 

    The_Annie The_Annie
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    Dec 15, 2022 2:29 PM
    640 views | 0 replies
  • Response Screening Effect Size - logistic

    Related to the previous post How to get "Effect size" column with Response Screening functionality , I am also wondering how effect size in the response screening platform is calculated, specifically for categorical Y vs continuous X.  JMP help shows:  "When Y is categorical and X is continuous, the effect size is the square root of the average ChiSquare value for the whole model test."  Running b...

    wgardnerQS wgardnerQS
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    Dec 14, 2022 12:54 PM
    774 views | 0 replies
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