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  • Details about robust standard deviation from "Distribution" module?

    The JMP documents guide me to the book by Huber & Ronchetti (2009). But it's still not clear for me how to calculate the robust standard deviation.Thanks!

    jennyli jennyli
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 12:10 PM
    4521 views | 3 replies
  • How to access System Preferences in JSL, specifically the date format setting

    I've searched around and haven't found any simple way to get System Preferences settings from within JSL.  I'm developing on a Mac – (JMP 14 & 15) – but would also like to know how to do this on Windows.  The closest I got was a discussion on how to get the language code: System Service( Get Language Code );System Service sounds like and interesting function, but I couldn't find any documentation ...

    SteveTerry SteveTerry
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 11:21 AM
    1456 views | 1 replies
  • Selection Filter Not Interactive in HTML (trying to use Dashboards Offline)

    Hello,I am using JMP 15 and trying to generate an interactive HTML Dashboard using a simple graph as a filter.  I did this from the Dashboard builder using the "Filter +1 dashboard" template. Everything is working fine within JMP, however, when I attempt to save as interactive HTML with Data I get a message saying that interactive HTML is only partially applied.  The log file states that selection...

    CBroomell CBroomell
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    Jul 21, 2020 11:04 AM
    1613 views | 2 replies
  • JSL "getpicture" command is cropping graph?

    I'm trying to write a script that saves graphs as images, however the saved image is always a truncated version of the graph instead of the entire graph. Here's example images and the script that generated them (notice the X axis is cut off, as is the legend on the far right:)  dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big" ); Ycols = {"height", "weight"}; For( iMetric = 1, iMetric<= 2, iMetric+=1, metr...

    markschwab markschwab
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 10:45 AM
    1977 views | 5 replies
  • How do I fix base level for indicator function parameterization

    If my data has 1's and 0's in a column for a X and I am running a regression of Y on X,  how can I force JMP to select one of those as baseline values (instead of JMP picking it based on its internal rule) in creating indicator function parameterization? Thanks

    goutam goutam
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 7:53 AM
    1199 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Details about robust standard deviation from "Distribution" module?

    The JMP documents guide me to the book by Huber & Ronchetti (2009). But it's still not clear for me how to calculate the robust standard deviation.Thanks!

    jennyli jennyli
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 12:10 PM
    4521 views | 3 replies
  • How to access System Preferences in JSL, specifically the date format setting

    I've searched around and haven't found any simple way to get System Preferences settings from within JSL.  I'm developing on a Mac – (JMP 14 & 15) – but would also like to know how to do this on Windows.  The closest I got was a discussion on how to get the language code: System Service( Get Language Code );System Service sounds like and interesting function, but I couldn't find any documentation ...

    SteveTerry SteveTerry
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 11:21 AM
    1456 views | 1 replies
  • Selection Filter Not Interactive in HTML (trying to use Dashboards Offline)

    Hello,I am using JMP 15 and trying to generate an interactive HTML Dashboard using a simple graph as a filter.  I did this from the Dashboard builder using the "Filter +1 dashboard" template. Everything is working fine within JMP, however, when I attempt to save as interactive HTML with Data I get a message saying that interactive HTML is only partially applied.  The log file states that selection...

    CBroomell CBroomell
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 11:04 AM
    1613 views | 2 replies
  • JSL "getpicture" command is cropping graph?

    I'm trying to write a script that saves graphs as images, however the saved image is always a truncated version of the graph instead of the entire graph. Here's example images and the script that generated them (notice the X axis is cut off, as is the legend on the far right:)  dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big" ); Ycols = {"height", "weight"}; For( iMetric = 1, iMetric<= 2, iMetric+=1, metr...

    markschwab markschwab
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 10:45 AM
    1977 views | 5 replies
  • How do I fix base level for indicator function parameterization

    If my data has 1's and 0's in a column for a X and I am running a regression of Y on X,  how can I force JMP to select one of those as baseline values (instead of JMP picking it based on its internal rule) in creating indicator function parameterization? Thanks

    goutam goutam
    Discussions |
    Jul 21, 2020 7:53 AM
    1199 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Using JMP to Calculate Surface Flatness

     Has anyone used JMP to calculate the Minimum Zone surface flatness of a point cloud? I have some differences between two metrology areas for our surface flatness requirements and wanted to check them in JMP. There are different algorithms for doing the calculation. (There is an ASME standard for the general rule, ASME Y14.5: " a tolerance zone defined by two parallel planes within which the surfa...

    jay_holavarri jay_holavarri
    Discussions |
    Jul 20, 2020 11:26 AM
    1271 views | 0 replies
  • Save all scripts and close reports by JSL

    Trying to write a script for this I found the following below working. JMP15@Win10.The first part opens two tables and starts some Reports,and the second Closes all report Windows post saving scripts to belonging tables.But when the report has a local datafilter, the script is not working any more (get scriptable object doesn't get the Right reference).Is there a way to find proper reference for e...

    Georg Georg
    Discussions |
    Jul 20, 2020 7:48 AM
    1123 views | 0 replies
  • [JSL Contour Plot] Method of define contour plot, number, minimum, maximum

    The contour plot is very helpful to show 3D map, however the problem of defining the zone is always a trouble. In my typical jsl plot, I use something below to define the contour plot zone number = 8, maximum = 1.4, minimum =1. However, the table column :Length may change time to time, and the scale will have to be modified manually for each corresponding plot.   Does someone have experience how t...

    Stokes Stokes
    Discussions |
    Jun 25, 2020 12:09 PM
    984 views | 0 replies
  • Impact of screen resolution on html output

    Hi, I'm preparing a dashboard using jmp that will be used for a daily meeting. It contains information in form of data tables and text boxes. In order to transfer text sizes and colors for the text as well as the data tables into the html output I transformed them into pictures (rep = dt << get as report(); pic = rep << get picture(); ). I set up all font sizes on my external monitor and it worked...

    Ole Ole
    Discussions |
    Jun 9, 2020 6:21 AM
    945 views | 0 replies
  • How do I have two different chart types in a single graph using two axis?

    While doing some research to answer this question, I found this article on the JMP community that helped me get started. How do I do a combination bar and line plot using Overlay Plot?    Using the big class sample data example of height and weight I was able to create a bar chart for weight and a line plot for height on the same chart using the Overlay Plot.     To do this, first clear the row s...

    Bass_Masri Bass_Masri
    Discussions |
    Apr 28, 2020 4:28 PM
    3583 views | 0 replies
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