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  • should i use principal component analysis or k-means cluster analysis?

    Hi - I am trying to decide the best method of cluster analysis (e.g. principal component analysis, k-means, etc) to use for the following situation.  I have a mapped dataset with 12,928 records, each corresponding to a well with sample results.  Each row of data (each location on my map) has a well name, latitude, longitude, and results of compound A, compound B, compound C, compound D, compound E...

    learning_JSL learning_JSL
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2023 12:25 PM
    5477 views | 10 replies
  • issue to insert date variable into customsql

    Hi,I want to set the start and end datetime as variable then insert into customsql. in method one below, JMP Alert of converting issue. When I simply hard coded the start and end date as variable, it run without issue. I check both the start and end date type in both method, both are string(). Event the custom sql after substitute into are identical. I cannot find out why the method one not workin...

    dadawasozo dadawasozo
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    Jun 20, 2023 11:48 AM
    1057 views | 4 replies
  • How to set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function?

     HI, I want  set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function,  but always something wrong. the red code have some problem. I need color scale as Quantile Graph Builder( Size( 839, 726 ), Variables( X( :Prober_X ), Y( :Prober_Y ), Color( :OpticalPower ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ), SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 6, Pr...

    Solarwing Solarwing
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    Jun 20, 2023 9:32 AM
    469 views | 0 replies
  • Correlation Coefficient Calculation

    I'm trying to determine the correct way to caclulate the correlation value given in the table of correlations for a given DOE design (this is found in the color map when generating a DOE design). JMP support specialists have shared this formula with me, but I'm not sure it is matching. I'm attaching the small JMP file I'm examining as an example. 

    TriangleDJT TriangleDJT
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    Jun 20, 2023 8:58 AM
    3327 views | 7 replies
  • How to find tool that processed max number of cells in batch and place that tool ID in a new column.

    I have batches of cells that mostly get processed on one alignment tool. Occasionally a batch will be processed over a few alignment tools.I want to find the tool that processed the maximum number of cells in a batch and then add a column (MAX AL)at the end with that alignment tool ID. Thanks 

    fionaweston fionaweston
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    Jun 20, 2023 6:12 AM
    917 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • issue to insert date variable into customsql

    Hi,I want to set the start and end datetime as variable then insert into customsql. in method one below, JMP Alert of converting issue. When I simply hard coded the start and end date as variable, it run without issue. I check both the start and end date type in both method, both are string(). Event the custom sql after substitute into are identical. I cannot find out why the method one not workin...

    dadawasozo dadawasozo
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2023 11:48 AM
    1057 views | 4 replies
  • How to set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function?

     HI, I want  set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function,  but always something wrong. the red code have some problem. I need color scale as Quantile Graph Builder( Size( 839, 726 ), Variables( X( :Prober_X ), Y( :Prober_Y ), Color( :OpticalPower ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ), SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 6, Pr...

    Solarwing Solarwing
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2023 9:32 AM
    469 views | 0 replies
  • How To overlay a circle on existing graph builder plot

    Hello, I'm taking a baby step of JSL. I'd like to overlay a 150mm radius circle on the below image, which is a graph builder generated defect map example of silicon wafer. I just figured out "Circle({0,0}, 150 )" command, but it doesn't seem to work when I implemented the command in JSL script of the plot.   Could anyone help how to add a circle on it? 

    Albatross Albatross
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    Jun 20, 2023 5:52 AM
    2347 views | 6 replies
  • JMP and Bayesian Inference

    Hello, I was curious if JMP is compatible with Bayesian Inference and Statistics. I am currently working on a DOD sponsored project related to Bayesian decision theory and inference, related to Joint Test & Evaluation. Thank you.

    808duck 808duck
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    Jun 20, 2023 5:43 AM
    830 views | 1 replies
  • New Series on JSL and Visual Code Studio

    Just a heads up that we've been posting some additional JSL tricks on our LinkedIn Blog.   We have a weekly series that's been running currently focused on our Visual Code Studio Extension for JMP. Week 1: 2:

    wjlevin wjlevin
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    Jun 19, 2023 2:26 PM
    697 views | 0 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function?

     HI, I want  set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function,  but always something wrong. the red code have some problem. I need color scale as Quantile Graph Builder( Size( 839, 726 ), Variables( X( :Prober_X ), Y( :Prober_Y ), Color( :OpticalPower ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ), SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 6, Pr...

    Solarwing Solarwing
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2023 9:32 AM
    469 views | 0 replies
  • New Series on JSL and Visual Code Studio

    Just a heads up that we've been posting some additional JSL tricks on our LinkedIn Blog.   We have a weekly series that's been running currently focused on our Visual Code Studio Extension for JMP. Week 1: 2:

    wjlevin wjlevin
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    Jun 19, 2023 2:26 PM
    697 views | 0 replies
  • Overlaying histograms: Iterating a function through N number of columns?

    @PatrickGiuliano ,  As a response to our latest discussion : Re: How to overlay histograms in JMP Thanks a lot for the response. Also, 1) I would like to get more guidance on ' possibilities of iterating the Overlap function for more columns ( N number of Columns), if possible. the code for : Y Function(N, x):  can be iterated ?  Y Function(N, x);
    For(i = 1, i <= N Col(xm), i++,
    ym[i] = Min(Normal D...

    DecileDromedary DecileDromedary
    Discussions |
    Jun 19, 2023 6:31 AM
    447 views | 0 replies
  • problème importation base oracle avec Jump

    bonjour, quand j'importe une base type oracle avec Jump, j'obtiens pour certaines valeurs des caractères spéciaux; voir image.alors que dans la base de données, les cellules sont vides. est-ce que celà vient du client Oracle sur mon poste?est-ce que celà vient de la base oracle sur le serveur,est-ce que celà vient du client Jmp? cordialement  

    Françoise Françoise
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    Jun 12, 2023 9:12 AM
    475 views | 0 replies
  • Combine Rule

    Referring to Rules: Stepwise Regression Control Panel ( and Example of the Combine Rule : JMP Help Could somebody please further elaborate on the 2 tests when considering the entry for a term. It would also be immensely helpful if the explanation was based on stepwise backward selection. "Calculates p-values for two separate tests when considering entry for a term that has precedents. The ...

    CorpVi CorpVi
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2023 2:59 AM
    565 views | 0 replies
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