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  • Pressure Test Method Results have a significant effect on my sample size and capability, how to avoid?

    Hello dear JMP community I will first explain the test method (no need to comment on whether it is right or wrong because this is what I got). The purpose is to detect a leakage.

    Measurement processPart is mounted to a pressure stationPressure station rotate a vacuum pump x times to create a vacuum (atmospheric pressure is approx. 1000mbar)Pressure p1 is sampled at time t1After 15 seconds p2 is sam...

    qLienceStats qLienceStats
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:58 PM
    287 views | 0 replies
  • Font Change (Global)

    I am wondering if there is a method to do global font change for everything shown in JMP ?I tried "File : Preferences" and increased font for all available items. (1st attachment).By doing this, there are some other menus/windows which got too small now to read (2nd attachment).I am using JMP16.1.I am open to JSL/Addin/Some other method to accomplish what I am trying to do.Thank youVikram 

    vikramavtar vikramavtar
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    Dec 5, 2024 10:26 PM
    886 views | 3 replies
  • Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

    Thanks Experts! There is a data interface that requires a 32-bit python interpreter to receive it.To emulate vscode running this 32-bit python.
    The above operations can be implemented in python in the JMP environment
    Its original installation requirements are:#Create a 32-bit Python environment conda create --name stock python=3.8 --platform win-32 #Change the conda source conda config --add channel...

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 3:12 PM
    664 views | 4 replies
  • Create MD5 hash for a file

    I am wanting to create a utility to create MD5 hashes for files.  The purpose is to have the hash to use later to verify the integrity of the file (that it has not been altered).    Here is the basic script I came up with?  Is this reasonable and appropriate for the task I want to accomplish?/* JMP JSL script to open data file as BLOB and calculate MD5 Hash */ Names Default To Here( 1 ); // subs...

    MathStatChem MathStatChem
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 2:14 PM
    775 views | 4 replies
  • Updating JMP PRO to 18.1.1 on Windows

    OK, I am not a Windows user, but support some folks that use the Windows version (I run Windows in Parallel on my Mac).  I recently received a notice of an update to 18.1.1.  I downloaded the file and ran it in Windows 11.  I get the option to Modify, Repair or Remove.  I have tried both modify and repair and neither brought the version to 18.1.1.  How do you do it?  So simple on a Mac...

    statman statman
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:58 AM
    2213 views | 12 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Pressure Test Method Results have a significant effect on my sample size and capability, how to avoid?

    Hello dear JMP community I will first explain the test method (no need to comment on whether it is right or wrong because this is what I got). The purpose is to detect a leakage.

    Measurement processPart is mounted to a pressure stationPressure station rotate a vacuum pump x times to create a vacuum (atmospheric pressure is approx. 1000mbar)Pressure p1 is sampled at time t1After 15 seconds p2 is sam...

    qLienceStats qLienceStats
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:58 PM
    287 views | 0 replies
  • Font Change (Global)

    I am wondering if there is a method to do global font change for everything shown in JMP ?I tried "File : Preferences" and increased font for all available items. (1st attachment).By doing this, there are some other menus/windows which got too small now to read (2nd attachment).I am using JMP16.1.I am open to JSL/Addin/Some other method to accomplish what I am trying to do.Thank youVikram 

    vikramavtar vikramavtar
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 10:26 PM
    886 views | 3 replies
  • Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

    Thanks Experts! There is a data interface that requires a 32-bit python interpreter to receive it.To emulate vscode running this 32-bit python.
    The above operations can be implemented in python in the JMP environment
    Its original installation requirements are:#Create a 32-bit Python environment conda create --name stock python=3.8 --platform win-32 #Change the conda source conda config --add channel...

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 3:12 PM
    664 views | 4 replies
  • Creating a Display Table from Scratch

    Hello All,

    I am interested in making a process screening output table such as the one pasted down below. This is taken directly from the process screening platform. However, I would like to add more column or remove some, especially columns from another datatable or ones that are not in the process screening module.

    I guess one could use the display functions but since I do not have a ton of experie...

    AdditiveRange10 AdditiveRange10
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:49 AM
    810 views | 5 replies
  • Add-ins in JMP Live Refresh Scripts

    We use an add-in to provide a set of functions to retrieve data from a specific source, enabling very short and succinct code to get data. To deploy this to JMP Live today though we are copying the entirety of those functions into the refresh scripts.  Does anybody have experience with something similar or know of a better way to handle this? Any chance the newer JMP Live versions support just usi...

    ih ih
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:07 AM
    385 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Pressure Test Method Results have a significant effect on my sample size and capability, how to avoid?

    Hello dear JMP community I will first explain the test method (no need to comment on whether it is right or wrong because this is what I got). The purpose is to detect a leakage.

    Measurement processPart is mounted to a pressure stationPressure station rotate a vacuum pump x times to create a vacuum (atmospheric pressure is approx. 1000mbar)Pressure p1 is sampled at time t1After 15 seconds p2 is sam...

    qLienceStats qLienceStats
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:58 PM
    287 views | 0 replies
  • help to get R squared predicted

    Hello!I installed a script from a community response regarding the calculation of R²pred, as shown in the image below (I'm using JMP 18 pro): (link da resposta do @erich_gundlach  In PRESS, R²pred didn't appear. (Press is low because I haven't reduced the model yet, don't worry =))  I really need to show these R²pre...

    ivanpicchi ivanpicchi
    Discussions |
    Dec 4, 2024 10:21 AM
    231 views | 0 replies
  • user defined Transform Category?

    How can I create a custom function which shows up in the Character submenu of  the new formula column menu? 


    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Dec 4, 2024 5:01 AM
    209 views | 0 replies
  • Copy xy plots becomes very slow

    I tried to copy a group of xy plots, it got stuck forever. I am aware that the time it takes to copy is proportional to the amount of data points. But this is the first time I had something never finished. Is there a way I can get this copy job done? Thank you!

    FrequencyMining FrequencyMining
    Discussions |
    Dec 2, 2024 10:58 AM
    299 views | 0 replies
  • Sample size calculation for accelerated life testing

    I am trying to use the interval explorer for parametric reliability life test planning tool for sample size required for an ALT test but need some clarification on the following questions.         1. Is the Weibull alpha the characteristic life at stress or at use life? 2. Is the Quantile the pFail at stress or use life and how does the quantile impact the required sample size?3. Is the calculated...

    EngrAkin EngrAkin
    Discussions |
    Nov 29, 2024 8:45 AM
    316 views | 0 replies
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