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Level VIII

Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

Thanks Experts!


There is a data interface that requires a 32-bit python interpreter to receive it.To emulate vscode running this 32-bit python.
The above operations can be implemented in python in the JMP environment
Its original installation requirements are:

#Create a 32-bit Python environment
conda create --name stock python=3.8 --platform win-32
#Change the conda source
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
#Change the pip source
pip config set global.index-url
#Install necessary libraries
pip install pywin32
pip install pytz
#Then pywin32 needs to be installed manually
C:\Users\tj07166.conda\envs\stock\Scripts\ -install

#Use Git to manage projects
First, create a remote repository, and then conduct git init locally to create a local repository.
Write a .gitignore file, and after performing add and commit, push it to the remote branch.
Install Git on the remote host, generate an SSH public key and fill it into the GitHub repository.
Use git clone.
Level VIII

Re: Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

OS win10

Level VIII

Re: Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

  • How to install pywin32?

Re: Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

pywin32 doesn't mean 32-bit Python it is a wrapper for the Win32 COM interface.  You can install pywin32 directly into the JMP environment which is 64-bits.  

import jmp
from jmputils import jpip
jpip('install', 'pywin32')

from win32com.client import Dispatch
Level VIII

Re: Can python in a JMP environment get the vscode environment?

Thanks Experts!
