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  • How can I save and reuse a collection of clicks for faster processing?

    I see save session script but it seems to save everything starting from the beginning. Is there a way to save only part of the session having a set of consecutive clicks which can be rerun for similar other files?

    kpaudel0 kpaudel0
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    May 9, 2016 1:56 PM
    8492 views | 7 replies
  • JMP estimates vs. manual calculations

    HiI'm using JMP to verify my own calculations, but have some results I'm unable to find out why they are different in JMP.I've made a full quadratic model for a function with five variables, but the parameter estimates for the main (linear) effects (and intercept) are much higher in JMP than the ones I calculate myself. For the quadratic and interaction terms I get the same values.If use the estim...

    dixib dixib
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    May 9, 2016 12:41 PM
    15193 views | 7 replies
  • How to use column values as input for a formula in a script?

    All,   I beleive my question is very basic but I have yet to find an answer.   I have a data table as shown below   I wish to a) include 3 new columns labelled %CFB column 3, %CFB column 4 and %CFB column 5.  %CFB stand for % change from baseline.   b)  Into each new column I wish to enter the % change from baseline  with values derived from the following formula   %CFB = (x - Column 3)/Column 3,...

    floydfoxfb floydfoxfb
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    May 6, 2016 9:20 AM
    18344 views | 7 replies
  • How to add "center or axial point" to fractional factorial design?

    Hi all,I am trying to create a fractional factorial design for seven factors and one response. But I would also like to add "center or axial point" to the design to account for quadratic effect. I use quotation mark for the "center or axial point" because I don't know what to call these points. Essential these points that I want to add are center of one or two factor instead of all the factors.I'v...

    fjshi fjshi
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    May 6, 2016 8:18 AM
    18556 views | 15 replies
  • how do I stop a running JMP script

    how do I stop a running JMP script?I script has a journal and inter active button and tick-able filed. Very often the script report error at very beginning but I could not stop it running rather than wait.  I tried esc button but it does not work. 

    robust1972 robust1972
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    May 5, 2016 10:12 AM
    22337 views | 6 replies

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  • Co-Kriging with JMP and Matlab

    Hi!I was wondering if anyone already tried to work with Co-Kriging, using JMP together with Matlab. As JMP only fits Ordinary Kriging Models (Gaussian Process with Gaussian Correlation Function), I would like to send data (generated with Space Filling JMP Platform) from JMP to Matlab, fit the models there (Matlab), and bring the MODELS back to JMP, to use inside Profile Platform. Do you have any e...

    samuelbbaco0 samuelbbaco0
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    Dec 4, 2015 12:32 PM
    3392 views | 0 replies
  • Interpreting canonical structure and scores in discriminant analysis

    I'm trying to interpret the relative contributions of my variables in a discriminant function analysis of chemical data for three groups of rocks.  In a stepwise, linear, common covariance discriminant function analysis I'm able to generate non-overlapping 95% confidence ellipses for my three groups with no incorrectly assigned data points using 6 variables.  My understanding is that the scoring c...

    amzipkin amzipkin
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    Oct 20, 2015 3:25 PM
    3321 views | 0 replies
  • Generalized Segmented Distributions

    A former classmate of mine from Graduate School has recently published a paper on Generalized Segmented Distributions.  Utilizing this method, the distribution can approach any continuous density function of arbitrary form.  The method is particularly effective in fitting data with sufficient observations that are skewed and/or multimodal.  The paper can be found here:The General Segmented Distrib...

    Steven_Moore Steven_Moore
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    Sep 17, 2015 11:54 AM
    2265 views | 0 replies
  • Running JSL Script After Creation of a File


    sophiaw sophiaw
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    Sep 1, 2015 9:56 AM
    2440 views | 0 replies
  • Clash?

    saitcopuroglu saitcopuroglu
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    Aug 18, 2015 6:43 AM
    2255 views | 0 replies
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