Fuzzy string match
In the Recode pane, there is an option to group strings that allows fuzzy matching.Is there a JSL function for doing fuzzy string matching? If there is, I'm having trouble finding it. Help!John
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view all learning resourcesIn the Recode pane, there is an option to group strings that allows fuzzy matching.Is there a JSL function for doing fuzzy string matching? If there is, I'm having trouble finding it. Help!John
Hello Everybody,For visual purposes I would like to bold title/header of a panel box. What I have found was how to bold a text inside some box by using properties of Text Box but not the title or header. I would appreciate for hints how to do that. Best regards.Panel Box("This should be bold",
params = Check Box(list_params);
we have a table that is created from a db query. We use the date/time stamps in this table to determine start/stop times for more detailed queries. The problem we are having is that sometimes the date/time stamps at the end of the table are not a 'matched' set. In this table, we have created formula columns that help us identify which dates are on which row. We know the pattern that we need t...
Hi,I want to open a data table (using Big Class.jmp as example, but want to do this for any table) and create a summary table for each column, returning the number of non-missing values for each column (as shown in table below).N RowsN(name)N(age)N(sex)N(height)N(weight)404040404040I have tried two different approaches to this and have had no success (I'm using JMP 9.0.3 64bit).In the first exampl...
I scripted data preparation / data cleaning with various formula / formats and output data is ready for Insert(Write) to SQL server from JMP table. I connected to SQL, but not able to insert(append) data to SQL server database on target table. Can any one help on this situation to overcome on SQL statement to append. Here is my end script which is ready (JMP Table = "Upload") to write.
Hello Everybody,For visual purposes I would like to bold title/header of a panel box. What I have found was how to bold a text inside some box by using properties of Text Box but not the title or header. I would appreciate for hints how to do that. Best regards.Panel Box("This should be bold",
params = Check Box(list_params);
I scripted data preparation / data cleaning with various formula / formats and output data is ready for Insert(Write) to SQL server from JMP table. I connected to SQL, but not able to insert(append) data to SQL server database on target table. Can any one help on this situation to overcome on SQL statement to append. Here is my end script which is ready (JMP Table = "Upload") to write.
Hi! I have a full factorial design with four factors. Three of the factors have three levels and the other one has five levels. So I have 3x3x3x5 total runs with no replicates. I have a few questions as follows: 1. After running the model, it shows significant Lack of Fit. However, there are no replicated data points. How can JMP perform the lack of Fit test then?2. Since it shows lack of fi...
Hi everyone,I'm using JMP 11. Using a script, I build a (generic) control chart to plot our lab test results. The problem is that I sometimes don't have a upper or lower control limit (e.g.: trace metals: no UCL, Assay: No LCL). When there is a one-sided limit, I don't want to see the missing limit on the chart for obvious reasons. How can I remove one limit from the control chart?Thanks guys,...
Hi All - thank you in advance for your help
I am trying to save a finished tabulate report as a HTML file but it is not being saved.
I am using the below script:
dt1 = Open( "C:\***path***\Thermal_Test_results_DZ.csv" );
dt2 = dt1 << Tabulate(
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Add Table(
Column Table( Statistics( N ) ),
Column Table( Grouping Columns( :BIN ) ),
Column Table( Grouping Columns(
While doing some research to answer this question, I found this article on the JMP community that helped me get started. How do I do a combination bar and line plot using Overlay Plot? Using the big class sample data example of height and weight I was able to create a bar chart for weight and a line plot for height on the same chart using the Overlay Plot. To do this, first clear the row s...
Hello, How do I use JSL to calculate Z-scores at different levels of aggregation? I am working with cancer mortality data (1999 - 2015) at the county-level. I need to calculate Z-scores to compare each county to the others within a state and all counties within the country. I cannot simply use the standardize function because it automatically takes an average of rates--which is invalid unless the...
I am working with a very large database of image files and want to be able to display the file for the user for visual inspection from a script. I have been able to get the following code to load the DLL but get an error requesting a signature argument. Does anyone know how to get a signature string from the system to pass to the DLL. ERROR MESSAGE FORM LOG: Second argument to CallDLL must be a ...
Not a mac person. Does anyone know how to run a jsl script from command line on a mac? I specifically mean WITHOUT "//!" at the top of it. I have this but it only opens the file unless I have the "//!" open -g -W -a /Applications/JMP\ Pro\ 15.app/ $(pwd)/myscript.jsl
I am working with a multi level data. Data is attached.In this dataset, I have 8- X variable: cumulative risk (continuous), all other risk (dichotomous). 3- Y variables: insurance and practice (dichotomous) and time (continuous)I have one confounding variable Age (continuous). I will have to add random effect to X variable. But I am confused how to add confounding variable to this analysis. Can an...
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