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  • JMP 15 AppleScript Run Program()

    I've never used Run Program() before, and I need some help. Since JMP can't open password-protected Excel files, I'm working up a little Applescript to open them and export them as unprotected .csv. I'd like to run this Applescript from within a JSL script. Maybe if it works well, I'll create a little JMP user function to wrap it, so I can simulate in JMP the ability to open password-protected Exc...

    john_madden john_madden
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    Dec 8, 2019 12:11 PM
    4089 views | 5 replies
  • How to ask User select columns then proceed distribution

    Hi all, I'm currenly trying to learn the tableau script and want to releiazed one feature. Ask User choose 1 or many cloumn --> proceed distribuiton May I know how to relaized this?  thanks.

    Tooony Tooony
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    Dec 7, 2019 4:20 AM
    2886 views | 3 replies
  • Calling Standardize Attributes function on multiple Columns in Scripting

    Hi, I'd like to be able to call Standardize Attributes on multiple columns in JSL scripting.I tried searching but failed to find a function that would allow me to apply standardize attributes. On a side note, if the above function exists, how can I retrieve a list of selected columns from a table. This would allow me to select the columns and then run the script to change Type from Character to Nu...

    akuznetsovaapl akuznetsovaapl
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    Dec 6, 2019 10:42 AM
    3774 views | 3 replies
  • Installing a JMP addin with the addin.def on a Mac

    I want to install an addin without packing it into a .jmpaddin file (because I want it to be an active repo).  On Windows I just drag the addin.def file into JMP, but that doesn't seem to work on a Mac.  Anyone know how that works? I'm real bad at Mac.      

    vince_faller vince_faller
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    Dec 6, 2019 9:47 AM
    2212 views | 3 replies
  • accessing current column name in formula for that column

    how do I reference the column name of column containing formula in the formula?for instance, if column name is "3 bears" i want to fill that column (or any column) with a formula like this: Num(Word(1,current column name())) such that the column will be filled with the number 3 and upon renaming the column to "16 dogs" it would fill the column with the number 16 the intended application for this f...

    galactus3000 galactus3000
    Discussions |
    Dec 6, 2019 9:39 AM
    4853 views | 9 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Installing a JMP addin with the addin.def on a Mac

    I want to install an addin without packing it into a .jmpaddin file (because I want it to be an active repo).  On Windows I just drag the addin.def file into JMP, but that doesn't seem to work on a Mac.  Anyone know how that works? I'm real bad at Mac.      

    vince_faller vince_faller
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    Dec 6, 2019 9:47 AM
    2212 views | 3 replies
  • Box-Cox transformation with 0 values

    I tried to perform a Box-Cox transformation, but got an error because I have 0 values in some of my Y column. My data is tree regeneration density (stems/ha), so some plots had 0 stems in them. Is there a way around this error?

    TreeStatsNoob TreeStatsNoob
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    Dec 6, 2019 6:43 AM
    3064 views | 1 replies
  • Sample Size for DOE

    Hello,I write you to have some suggestion regarding on topic linked to the DOE.I have a industrial process. The outout (response) of the process is the percentage of scrap.The average of this scrap is around 1.5%.I want to create a DOE to identify main factors, interactions, model,...My question is: how I can determine the number of the replicates for each corner (for a specific power) to be sure ...

    Simone1 Simone1
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    Dec 5, 2019 2:35 AM
    96215 views | 11 replies
  • Is it possible to combine two pictures in one expression column?

    Hi, I have a table with two expression columns containing pictures. When I hover the mouse over the data points only one picture is displayed, despite both columns being labelled. What is the easiest way to display both pictures at the same time? For instance, is it possible to combine the two pictures in a single expression column so that when this is labelled, both pictures get displayed?I have ...

    nvi nvi
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    Dec 4, 2019 1:11 PM
    8444 views | 6 replies
  • plotting multiple graphs from a large data table

    Hi, I have a data table in which I track rise in measurement for different devices in different weeks and every day in current week.This table is dynamic and can have 30-40 products in some weeks.I need to plot rise trend and no of measurements in a graph.If I plot all devices the graph becomes clumsy.So I create a column device_number and would like to plot 5 devices in one graph.At the end I wan...

    Discussions |
    Dec 4, 2019 11:01 AM
    4958 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Difference between std error in "Parameter Estimates" and "Least Squares Means Table"?

    I am running mixed effects models and have noticed that the standard error for an effect in the "Parameter Estimates" table is different from the standard error reported in the Least Squares Means table for the same effect. How are they calculated differently? Thanks! 

    Ranae Ranae
    Discussions |
    Nov 26, 2019 11:44 AM
    1410 views | 0 replies
  • How can I run a .py python script and python scripts compiled as .exe from JMP

    Hello,  So I've written a JMP UI, and once I gather data from the user I have a button that dumps the form data to a CSV.Now I need to launch my python script and other .exe  (as an administrator), my python scripts pick up the user input from the CSV and perform the next steps.Right now it's a .py but I may need to run it through py2exe and compile it into an exe later so a solution that supports...

    xxvvcczz xxvvcczz
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    Oct 30, 2019 6:44 PM
    1660 views | 0 replies
  • Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for Split plot Design

    Hi, I have a problem where I want to do ANCOVA and It is new for me.We have,Main plot data (2 treatments)Subplot data (10 treatments)Yield datawe want to add lodging (%) score as a covariate. How to do it? (I have seen some video tutorial from Youtube but its not easy to understand for me) Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

    Harun-Or-Rashid Harun-Or-Rashid
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    Oct 29, 2019 9:03 PM
    1137 views | 0 replies
  • Send Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' Error

    I create a new window with variability chart, and put into journal. After that i want to save into pdf. But at the last line to save into PDF, it give me error like below. and nothing is saved into pdf. Need some advice which part i am doing wrong?  ErrorSend Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' , report_R235 << /*###*/SavePDF( "C:\LimTY\NXP\Product\Pegasus\Characterization\...

    OneNorthJMP OneNorthJMP
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    Oct 10, 2019 8:43 PM
    1186 views | 0 replies
  • Extract Report Data and Export it to Excel

    I am totally new to the JMP community and have a limited coding background. I am working with Life Distributions (Weibulls mostly), and I would like to create an Add-in that can do the following tasks once I have selected the best distribution fit: 1. Save specific report data from distribution (see the data tables in red) 2. Export the data into an excel sheet 3. Have the add-in button available ...

    jemairsmartes jemairsmartes
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    Sep 11, 2019 10:27 AM
    1938 views | 0 replies
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