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  • Non-Parametric-Test (JMP 17.2) Beginners Question

    Hallo liebe Community,

    ich habe eine ziemlich basale Statistik Frage:

    Ich habe ein "Medikament A", das nehmen etwa 200 Patienten ein
    Jetzt möchte ich die Gruppen vergleichen: 
    Nebenwirkung B "Present" oder "Absent" 

    Welchen Test verwende ich da? Ich dachte non-parametric über fit y to x und Wilcoxon-Test mit zwei Stichproben, Normal-Approxmation unter "Wahrscheinlichkeit > Z" den P-Value ablesen, um fe...

    mmkaz mmkaz
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2024 8:33 AM
    1020 views | 4 replies
  • Help with combined countour plot on BB with 4 factors

    Hi members! I conducted a Box-Behnken design with 4 factors and multiple responses. These responses have established conditions for maxima, minima, or target values. I would like to know how to create an overlaid and combined contour plot that shows and hachure (for each pair of factors) the region where the possible optimized experiment will be found. 

    ivanpicchi ivanpicchi
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    Jun 12, 2024 6:33 AM
    693 views | 2 replies
  • Einschätzung eines A-optimalen Designs

    Ich habe ein A-optimales Design, das als Screening Design dienen soll, mit folgenden Effizienz-Werten erstellt, Wie würden SIe diese Werte einschätzen? Wäre das als Screening-Design geeignet? $D [1]0,8632544  $A [1]1,208548  $Ge [1]0,768  $Dea [1]0,74  

    Thommy7571 Thommy7571
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    Jun 12, 2024 2:05 AM
    512 views | 1 replies
  • Invalid Rate Percentage

    1. I have 2 columns for total number of runs (A) and number of failed runs (B). I want to have the % of invalid runs by JMP. When I do it in Excel, I would do sum of column B divided by sum of column A. How can I do that in JMP please? And how to put that number in a report form? Is there a way to put that % in chart form?
    2. There is a column for me to mark either True/False for each row. And I wa...

    BiasedIguana305 BiasedIguana305
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2024 1:04 AM
    1311 views | 5 replies
  • File name by week

    Bonjour, Est-il possible d'enregistrer un fichier JMP qui a pour nom la semaine en cours de l'exécution du script. A l'aide d'un script, je construis une table de données JMP, j'aimerais à la fin de l'exécution du script, pouvoir enregistrer le fichier sous le nom suivant "Week24" et la semaine d'après le fichier serait "Week25".... Merci pour vos réponses.Names Default To Here( 1 ); //script... ...

    hcarr01 hcarr01
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2024 12:56 AM
    608 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Non-Parametric-Test (JMP 17.2) Beginners Question

    Hallo liebe Community,

    ich habe eine ziemlich basale Statistik Frage:

    Ich habe ein "Medikament A", das nehmen etwa 200 Patienten ein
    Jetzt möchte ich die Gruppen vergleichen: 
    Nebenwirkung B "Present" oder "Absent" 

    Welchen Test verwende ich da? Ich dachte non-parametric über fit y to x und Wilcoxon-Test mit zwei Stichproben, Normal-Approxmation unter "Wahrscheinlichkeit > Z" den P-Value ablesen, um fe...

    mmkaz mmkaz
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2024 8:33 AM
    1020 views | 4 replies
  • Invalid Rate Percentage

    1. I have 2 columns for total number of runs (A) and number of failed runs (B). I want to have the % of invalid runs by JMP. When I do it in Excel, I would do sum of column B divided by sum of column A. How can I do that in JMP please? And how to put that number in a report form? Is there a way to put that % in chart form?
    2. There is a column for me to mark either True/False for each row. And I wa...

    BiasedIguana305 BiasedIguana305
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    Jun 12, 2024 1:04 AM
    1311 views | 5 replies
  • Workflow: run selected step?

    Hi, is there a keyboard short cut in Workflow builder to run the selected step?

    From JSL editor I am really used to the comfort of:select + Num-Enter.. such that it feels kind of "complicated" to do it in Workflow Builder via left click  - right click (menu) - left click:  

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jun 11, 2024 9:50 PM
    984 views | 4 replies
  • Residual analysis DOE

    Dear community, I would like to ask for a bit of support on the interpretation of raw residuals. I analyzed data using 3K factorial with 3 factors and three levels, total runs 27. I got the next raw residuals vs predicted values. I am not pretty sure that the plot is ok, the variance seems quite equal from negative and positive a small pattern in the center I am not sure if there is a big issue. i...

    William29 William29
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    Jun 11, 2024 6:21 AM
    1064 views | 3 replies
  • Transfer JMP Software Administrators- jmp 18

    Hi,Is it possible to transfer the administrator's rights for JMP 18 to another person/email on My JMP or do I have to contact JMP to do it? 

    LoanNguyen LoanNguyen
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    Jun 11, 2024 1:47 AM
    503 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Formating when saving Journals as PDF

    The formatting that is inherent in a journal displaying a panel box is lost when saving that journal as a pdf.  Is there a way to maintain the thoughtful look and feel of the journal?PanelBox("Bill To", textbox("aaa"))I am still in JMP 14, on Windows 10.

    mann mann
    Discussions |
    Jun 7, 2024 2:38 PM
    522 views | 0 replies
  • Cox PH Survival plot with CI?

    We're trying to run a survival analysis with Cox proportional hazards for time to reinjure knees after surgery for those who return to sport before/after 9 months with covariate of age and level of sports. I'd like to be able to generate the survival plots with 95CI's along with the analyses.
    I've watched the recent tutorial but it didn't address these points.
    Can anyone point me to resources to do ...

    RodWhiteley RodWhiteley
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    Jun 7, 2024 5:05 AM
    420 views | 0 replies
  • ordinal logistic regression variable selection

    I’ve conducted an ordinal logistic regression analysis with 3 independent variables. I then want to ask if adding an interaction to an independent variable is warranted. What is the best approach for determining whether to retain the interaction term or not? Do you base this decision on the p-value of the parameter estimate of the interaction term, p-value of the interaction term in the Wald Test,...

    JudithSS JudithSS
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    Jun 6, 2024 6:19 AM
    405 views | 0 replies
  • ordinal logistic regression interaction effects

    JudithSS JudithSS
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    Jun 5, 2024 9:44 AM
    376 views | 0 replies
  • Statistical methods/details for confidence interval for probit models with an interaction term

    Hello,  I fitted a probit model with an interaction term by using the Fit Model platform and specifying the Effects( A, B, A*B ), where :A is a continuous variable and B is a dichotomous variable. In the parameter estimates section I got the Lower CLs and Upper CIs for the intercept, A, B, A*B. terms, respectively. Could you provide some details about how the confidence intervals are calculated fo...

    Jogger560 Jogger560
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    Jun 3, 2024 9:54 AM
    400 views | 0 replies
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