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  • Is it possible to customize such buttons in the toolbar: a button next to an editor bar?

    The edit bar can fill in characters, click the button to run a JSL, JSL can automatically read the content of the edit bar and write into the variable. Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 11:01 PM
    429 views | 0 replies
  • How could I build display boxes in modal window basing on radiobox selection

    My code is like below, it works well if I click option 1 and 2 one by one, but multiple list box would be generated after I continuously click the option 1 which would make my users confused. How could I optimize the code? Many thanks. Another two question are:1. If I delete a panel box, would the boxed(like text box) be deleted too or just not displayed?2. How could I get the hierarchy of a modal...

    Atong Atong
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 4:40 PM
    1691 views | 6 replies
  • How do I create 2 or more legend boxes in Graph Builder and place each in the respective framebox/scalebox?

    I've highlighted a legend box that contains 2 legend models.  I'd like to put the first legend model in a stand alone legend box and place that legend box in the first framebox.  For the second legend model, I'd like to put it in a stand alone legend box and place that second legend box in the second framebox.  Is this possible by manipulating the graphbuilder script?  Thanks!    

    Prokaryote Prokaryote
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 1:13 PM
    3705 views | 12 replies
  • Pareto Analysis - generate table

    What is the fastest/easiest way to generate a table with he information that I get via % of total in Graph Builder? Unfortunately, % of total in Summary and Tabulate take all rows of the table as a references.But I need a separate analysis for each group - like in Graph Builder or in Pareto. Per Unit Rates in Pareto gives the correct list - but unfortunately, it's into 2 DisplayBoxes. As this is a...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 11:29 AM
    1022 views | 3 replies
  • Run radiobox using jsl

    Hi, Is there a way to run the radiobox using set?Tried the following code but doesn't workNames Default To Here( 1 ); New Window( "Example", r1 = Radio Box( {"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, das = r1 << get selected; if(r1 == "Green", Caption("Green")) ) ); r1 << set( 2, runscript(1) );

    Jackie_ Jackie_
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 11:14 AM
    660 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Is it possible to customize such buttons in the toolbar: a button next to an editor bar?

    The edit bar can fill in characters, click the button to run a JSL, JSL can automatically read the content of the edit bar and write into the variable. Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 11:01 PM
    429 views | 0 replies
  • Run radiobox using jsl

    Hi, Is there a way to run the radiobox using set?Tried the following code but doesn't workNames Default To Here( 1 ); New Window( "Example", r1 = Radio Box( {"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, das = r1 << get selected; if(r1 == "Green", Caption("Green")) ) ); r1 << set( 2, runscript(1) );

    Jackie_ Jackie_
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 11:14 AM
    660 views | 1 replies
  • Automate importing files

    I have imported an excel file using workflow and am editing the script to be more general. Within the import settings under Column names starts is a specific number but instead I want it to be when a specific condition is met (e.g. when row 5 column 2 says START with start being the column name).  Any help in the right direction is very appreciated.   The snippet of code is below with the importan...

    MedianRooster10 MedianRooster10
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 9:36 AM
    777 views | 2 replies
  • How do I change the number of decimals shown for a distribution plot?

    Hi,We recently moved from JMP 11 to JMP 13, and now the output of DoE looks different. In particular, more decimal points are shown than before (see screenshot). We want to avoid redoing all previous reports, so is there a way we can set the number of decimals in the distribution?Any feedback is highly appreciated!Sasker

    Sasker Sasker
    Discussions |
    Oct 18, 2023 9:52 AM
    4117 views | 4 replies
  • How to use JSL to replace characters with special symbols in ""?

    [{"ReqId":"200904","PoolId":"2001"}]How to[{\!"ReqId\!":\!"200904\!",\!"PoolId\!":\!"2001\!"}]Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Oct 17, 2023 9:44 PM
    1382 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Is it possible to customize such buttons in the toolbar: a button next to an editor bar?

    The edit bar can fill in characters, click the button to run a JSL, JSL can automatically read the content of the edit bar and write into the variable. Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Oct 19, 2023 11:01 PM
    429 views | 0 replies
  • Is it possible to have independent x-axis ordering within x-axis groups in graph builder?

    In the attached data table the saved script plots the chart below.I want the x-axis parameter bars to change in order with the highest number of fails appearing first within each week (i.e. a Pareto type plot within each week)I created a FailOrder column for ordering within each week, but it does not seem to do what I want. Is there a way, via JSL, to have the order of the parameters (Para) in asc...

    Neo Neo
    Discussions |
    Oct 17, 2023 7:33 AM
    476 views | 0 replies
  • Strange behavior using GenReg and Forward Selection

    Hi All,   I'm hoping someone might be able to help me to understand what is causing some strange behavior when I use GenReg and the Forward Selection Estimation Method.   So, I have some data that I'm running through GenReg with Forward Selection, where I have several model effects and a validation column as well. After performing the fit, I want to run some simulations on the Estimate column of t...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Oct 2, 2023 9:06 AM
    483 views | 0 replies
  • SIMCA classification method: what alternative options do I have in JMP and what are the pros/cons?

    Hello, I am after a combination of guidance and education. I have recently come across SIMCA as a classification approach. I believe this is not something JMP can address at the moment so my question is, which alternative options can I explore to achieve a similar goal and what would be the advantages/disadvantages when compared to the SIMCA method?  I am currently using JMP 17 Thank you very much...

    CamillaLiscio CamillaLiscio
    Discussions |
    Oct 2, 2023 5:55 AM
    759 views | 0 replies
  • What determines which data table is seen as "Associated Data" for New Window?

    What determines which data table is seen as associated data for a new window? First drawn report and it's data table? Something else? Is there a way to change that associated table / determine on creation what it should be (without first creating some report which will be removed)?   This example script will have the summary table as associated data, but I would like it to be the Big Class table. ...

    jthi jthi
    Discussions |
    Sep 21, 2023 9:44 AM
    521 views | 0 replies
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