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Join other scientists, engineers, data and information analysts, academics and business leaders to share best practices and learn from peers. Find or start your JMP users group – within your organization, in your region, or focused on your industry or special interest.

  • Learn about techniques peers use to solve their toughest problems.
  • Talk with JMP technical experts and software developers to understand and influence future product directions.
  • Learn about new JMP products, capabilities and services as soon as they become available.
  • Receive discounted registration fees to Discovery Summit conferences worldwide.

User Groups are led by JMP users worldwide. JMP staff can help groups create agendas, locate users in your area, schedule JMP experts to present at meetings, find meeting locations and share best practices from other successful groups.

Check the list of established groups to see if there’s one that you want to join. If there is no group in your geographic region or special area of interest, JMP staff can help you start one. Contact us for more information.

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