Longitudinal Analysis of Survey Data with Structural Equation Modeling
Download slides and step-by-step notes for replicating examples of the 2025 SPSP professional development workshop on longitudinal SEM analysis.
Download slides and step-by-step notes for replicating examples of the 2025 SPSP professional development workshop on longitudinal SEM analysis.
The videos show the interactive and dynamic features of the SEM platform in JMP Pro 16. Replicate examples using confirmatory factor models--including the assessment of reliability and validity of new constructs, path analysis with latent variables, and longitudinal factorial invariance models.
Explore our comprehensive series of blog posts dedicated to various aspects of testing complex systems. Each post delves into different methodologies, best practices, and insights to help you enhance your testing processes.
You’ve finally done it. After hours and hours (maybe days even), you’ve collected the measurements and are ready to analyze your degradation data in JMP. But which platform should you use? Repeated Measures Degradation? Destructive Degradation? What’s the difference? And what’s with the plain old Degradation platform? Which one do you use? No need to panic! In this post, we’ll walk you through the...
JMP Research and Development (R&D) has started a new space within the JMP Community to highlight and record technical topics. This space includes blogs, technical reports, videos related to the technical details behind some of JMP's platforms, and highlights of publications and patents by our R&D staff.
To see why the definitive screening design is fantastic, consider that our potential model terms are all the main effects, two-factor interactions, and quadratic effects. Note that none of the model terms are confounded with each other.
What's the best method for getting hard-boiled eggs that are easy to peel and attractive? (Photos by Caroll Co) A typical scene in my kitchen: I make a batch of hard-boiled eggs with the hope of an easy peel and a beautifully cooked center. But when I sit down to enjoy my egg, I find that, sadly, it’s not so easy to peel – or I have discoloration around the yolk (or worse yet, sometimes both occur...
In my previous blog entry, I talked about my frustrations in making good-looking hard-boiled eggs that were easy to peel. My Internet searches found a number of different techniques that cooks said were essential to success, but I wanted to know which techniques were best. So I set up a designed experiment to study the factors that affect the qualities of a hard-boiled egg. Now for the results… ...
When I create a design, the first place I typically look to evaluate the design is the Color Map On Correlations. Hopefully, I see a lot of blue, implying orthogonality between different terms. The Color Map On Correlations contains both the model terms and alias terms. If you have taken a design of experiments/linear regression class, you may be familiar with the idea that correlation among predi...
It is fairly common that experiments run in a time sequence experience linear drift in the response over the course of the experiment. If you randomize the order of the runs, then the effect of this drift will not tend to bias the estimated factor effects, but it will increase the variance of those effects.Is there a better choice than random run order?I would usually advise investigators to rando...