I would love to see this as a default also. I have found a couple hacks that give me this on my main JMP as well as any JMP I use a shortcut with, but I'd rather JMP do the work than me
I submitted a collection of such Icons for v17, v18, v19EA, it's in the review process and should appear soon:
Actually, I applied 2 tricks:
#1: Via an AddIn one can add a commandto the main menu. Why a command? you cold also use a menu, but just with a command you can add an icon. And the icon is extremely helpful to get the version info at a glance.
@Ryan_Gilmore , could you please ping us once the review process is finished?
@nathan-clark , I tried to attach the files here, but unfortunately, sending jmpaddin files via the community doesn't work. I could send you the files via email.
@hogi When you did your EA example, can the def file handle EA in the version information or was that something you did with the display because 19 is in EA right now.
It would be cool to make it dynamic so the files would update dynamically based on the version of JMP the user has installed (17.2.0, 19EA3 etc)
As the icon and the text are defined via the jmpcust file, I don't think that it's possible to dynamically adjust the icon and the text.
I just created 3 AddIns, one for each version: v17, v18, v19 and use the AddIn min/maxJMPversion setting of the individual AddIns to determine which AddIn is active for which version.
Actually, for v17 one doesn't need such a version control because v17 uses the SAS AdDdIn Directory -- and the new versions use the JMP AddIn Directory.
v19EA is just v "19", no special treatment necessary.