☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☑ removes something that feels like a bug
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
Unlike plots and reports, column formulas don't use the information: which rows are excluded? - by default.
If the user doesn't pay attention, this leads to erroneous, Max, Min Rank etc. values.
The workaround:
The user has to specify explicitly that excluded rows have to be excluded form the analysis.
Therefore some kind of Excluded() has to be added to the formulas as soon as rows are excluded:
Col Functions and Row States
The problem: The user has to know about the problem.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
- Please provide a shortcut button to add excluded()to the formula; The button could be placed between the columns list and the constants/variables menu.
- alternative:
For new users, please add Excluded() from Function List /Row States to the functions favorites
- to present it nicely visible at the top of the functions list.
Why is this idea important?
a) With the new button (or function favorite) a user can quickly add an excluded() expressions to his formula.
b) A new Jmp user doesn't expect that such expressions have to be added to the formula.
The availability of the button (or function favorite) will make him think, dig deeper and find out.
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