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Table/Summary option: side-by-side (sub)groups

☑ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!

☑ removes a "feels like bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


What inspired this wish list request?
With the Subgroup option in Table/Summary one can split group statistics by subgroups - several columns can be used as subgroups to get even more details.


At the moment, when several columns are selected as subgroups, all possible combinations are hierarchically listed.

For the example here:
Table summary - Subgroups
every single day of the week X every single day of the month gets a subgroup, ending up with 7 * 31 = 271 subgroups (dom, dow)



Sometimes, the user just wants to generate a fast overview with subgroups from several columns.

Therefore, subgroups should not be listed hierarchically, but just put next to each other (side-by-side subgroups *):


This is not possible yet in Table/Summary and the cool intersection feature feels more like a "bug"


As a workaround, the user can use the Tabulate Platform: 

Tabulate gives the user all the flexibility to choose between hierarchical listing of (sub)groups and putting (sub)groups side-by-side 

(actually: groups ... below each other

But Tabulate has several disadvantages:

- Tabulate doesn't provide interactive linking to the source table

- Tabulate doesn't provide sorting (right?)
- Tabulate doesn't support columns with modeling type multiple response


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

For the Table/Summary Platform, please add an option that allows the user to chose if several (Sub)group Categories should be intersected or just put next to each other.


Why is this idea important?

The click effort to generate a  summary with side-by-side (sub)groups (*) can be significantly reduced.

e.g. for the example in Table summary - Subgroups 

from ~ 17 clicks/dragNdrops to 5 clicks/dragNdrops.





more wishes submitted by  hogi_2-1702196401638.png

1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @hogi, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.