I want to get rid of subplot titles to get more space for the plots.
Hm, GraphBuilderGroupBoxes - quite uncooperative, as mentioned before
Seems that just the collapse and delete commands trigger some action, but even they don't help with the space consumption.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Airline Delays.jmp" );
dt << minimize window( 1 );
gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 916, 659 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Graph Spacing( 5 ),
Variables( X( :Day of Month ), Y( :Month ), Group Y( :Distance ), Wrap( :Airline ), Color( :Arrival Delay ) ),
Elements( Heatmap( X, Y, Legend( 5 ) ) )
gbb = Report( gb )[Graph Builder Box( 1 )];
Boxes = gbb << xpath( "//GraphBuilderGroupBox" );
New Window( "wait ...", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box( "select (?!?) the titles?" ), Button Box( "OK" ) ) );
For Each( {myBox, idx}, boxes, myBox << Select );
New Window( "wait ...", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box( "hide (?!?) the titles?" ), Button Box( "OK" ) ) );
For Each( {myBox, idx}, boxes, myBox << Set Property( "Visibility", "Hidden" ) );
New Window( "wait ...", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box( "collapse the titles?" ), Button Box( "OK" ) ) );
For Each( {myBox, idx}, boxes, myBox << Set Property( "Visibility", "Collapse" ) );
New Window( "wait ...", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box( "show the titles?" ), Button Box( "OK" ) ) );
For Each( {myBox, idx}, boxes, myBox << Set Property( "Visibility", "Visible" ) );
New Window( "wait ...", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box( "delete the titles?" ), Button Box( "OK" ) ) );
For Each( {myBox, idx}, boxes, myBox << delete );