I am trying to recode data (0 to .) after I pull it in from an sql server using the post querry scipt. I am getting an error at the end of my script. I am able to run the script through on the data table itself but would like this to happen automatically when I put in the data.
Here is my scipt.
Add Properties to Table(
{New Script(
Current Data Table() << Begin Data Update;
For Each Row( :purity_2 = Match( :purity_2, 0, ., ., ., :purity_2 ) );
For Each Row( :purity_3 = Match( :purity_3, 0, ., ., ., :purity_3 ) );
For Each Row( :purity_4 = Match( :purity_4, 0, ., ., ., :purity_4 ) );
For Each Row( :plus50_2 = Match( :plus50_2, 0, ., ., ., :plus50_2 ) );
For Each Row( :plus100_2 = Match( :plus100_2, 0, ., ., ., :plus100_2 ) );
For Each Row( :plus140_2 = Match( :plus140_2, 0, ., ., ., :plus140_2 ) );
Current Data Table() << End Data Update;)}
Here is the error message:
Unexpected end of input. Perhaps there is a missing "," or ")".
Trying to parse arguments of function "Add Properties to Table".
Line 60 Column 45: Current Data Table() << End Data Update;)}►