I ran the script against the subset sample data you provided, and it ran without error and produced an transposed data table. I did find one small issue, which was the Test Names did not contain the complete name from the input data table. But other than that, it seems to have run correctly.

Here is the corrected JSL
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
// Transpose the Demographics
dtTrans1 = dt << Transpose(
columns( :SBIN, :HBIN, :Alarms, :Device, :Site ),
Transpose selected rows only( 1 ),
Output Table( "Transpose 1" )
// Change the name of the first column
dtTrans1:Label << set name( "Column 1" ) << Set Display Width( 150 );
// Change the new column names
For( i = 2, i <= N Cols( dtTrans1 ), i++,
Column( dtTrans1, i ) << set name( "Column " || Char( i + 4 ) ) << Set Display Width( 100 )
// Change the detail name of the Alarms
dtTrans1:Column 1[(dtTrans1 << get rows where( dtTrans1:Column 1 == "Alarms" ))[1]] = "Pass/Fail/Alarm";
// Create the Devce values
deviceRow = (dtTrans1 << get rows where( dtTrans1:Column 1 == "Device" ))[1];
For( i = 2, i <= N Cols( dtTrans1 ), i++,
Column( dtTrans1, i )[deviceRow] = i - 1
// Now Find all of the columns that are parameters
parameterColNamesList = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Cols( dt ), i++,
If( Is Missing( Num( Word( 1, Column( dt, i ) << get name, ":" ) ) ) == 0,
Insert Into( parameterColNamesList, Column( dt, i ) << get name )
// Transpose the parameter columns
dtTrans2 = dt << Transpose(
columns( Eval( parameterColNamesList ) ),
Transpose selected rows only( 0 ),
Output Table( "Transpose 2" )
// Add in the new columns to be created
dtTrans2 << Add Multiple Columns( "Column", 5, before first, Character );
// Add the columns 2-5 in the trans data table
dtTrans1 << Add Multiple Columns( "xColumn", 4,after(:Column 1), Character );
column(dtTrans1,i)<<set name("Column " || char(i));
// Add a row at the end of the table, and add the labels
dtTrans1 << add rows(1);
dtTrans1:Column 1[6] = "# Test Number";
dtTrans1:Column 2[6] = "Test Name";
dtTrans1:Column 3[6] = "Lo Limit";
dtTrans1:Column 4[6] = "Hi Limit";
dtTrans1:Column 5[6] = "Unit";
// Add the values to the new columns
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dtTrans2 ), i++,
dtTrans2:Column 1[i] = Word( 1, dtTrans2:Label[i], ":" );
dtTrans2:Column 2[i] = Substr( dtTrans2:Label[i], length( dtTrans2:Column 1[i] ) +3 );
specs = Column( dt, dtTrans2:Label[i] ) << get property( "spec limits" );
If( Is Missing( specs["LSL"] ) == 0,
dtTrans2:Column 3[i] = specs["LSL"]
If( Is Missing( specs["USL"] ) == 0,
dtTrans2:Column 4[i] = specs["USL"]
If( Column( dt, dtTrans2:Label[i] ) << get property( "Units" ) != "",
dtTrans2:Column 5[i] = Column( dt, dtTrans2:Label[i] ) << get property( "Units" )
// Get rid of the label column which is no longer needed
dtTrans2 << delete columns( :Label );
// Change the names of the Trans2 table to match the names in the Trans1 table
For( i = 6, i <= N Cols( dtTrans2 ), i++,
Column( dtTrans2, i ) << set name( "Column " || Char( i ) )
// Combine the 2 Transformed data tables
dtFinal = dtTrans1 << concatenate( dtTrans2 );
// Cleanup the no longer needed data tables
close( dtTrans1, nosave );
close( dtTrans2, nosave );