I have two lists extracted from a data set, one list contains column names and another, certain values extracted (one value from each column) based on certain conditions.
List1 = {Wweight, O2 Uptake.......};
List2 = {38,59.08.....};
After this step, the user gets a JMP table like the one below as an output with options whether to remove the value extracted by the script or not:
The user either removes the value from the main table or decides to keep it.
What I am further trying to do is:
1) I run a script to find minimum values, and if the value matches the value against that column (which means that the user decided to keep the value) I want to get the next minimum value
2) If not, I extract the minimum value as is.
dt = current data table();
colNamesList = dt << get column names( string, numeric, continuous );
nc = N Items( colNamesList );
Names = {};
MinVals = {};
MinValList = {};
For( i = 1, i <= nc, i++,
Cols = Column( dt, i );
Insert into(Names, colNamesList[i]);
MinValue = Col Min( Cols );
Insert into(MinVals, MinValue);
MinRows = dt << get rows where( As Column( Cols ) == MinValue );
Insert into(MinValList, MinRows[1]);
dt1 = new table( "Data",
New Column( "Column Name", character, nominal, values(Names)),
New column( "Min value", numeric, nominal, values( MinVals)),
New Column( "Row Number", expression, nominal, values( MinValList ));
How can I match the values to check for each row whether the user has removed the value or not?
//Second Part
For( i = 1, i <= nc, i++,
Cols = Column( dt, i );
colMin = Col Min( Cols );
//If value in Col min is equal to value in MinValue, then skip that value and choose the next minimum value, else add that value to a new list