Hi all,
I am writing a UI and I include a section for the user to select output directory to save the generated data files. Following is the script:
// press the select button
selectDirectoryButtonPress = Function( {this},
outputLocation = Pick Directory( "Select output location." );
outputDir << setText( outputLocation );
// press the clear button
ClearDirectoryButtonPress = Function( {this},
outputDir << setText( "" );
However, the button sometimes works fine but sometimes raise a bug saying
Send Expects Scriptable Object{30} in access or evaluation of 'Send' , outputDir << /*###*/setText( outputLocation ) /*###*/.
Especially after the user has already select a directory path, pressing either button will have the send bug. I don't understand why this happen... I also have a section that ask the user to provide input file and that works fine every time.