I have a couple of questions about stacking data columns in a script. When I do it manually, I get the following script from JMP:
Data Table( "Untitled 11" ) << Stack(
:Name( "EFL 20508-17DT_CG_100ms" ),
:Name( "FFL 20508-17DT_CG_100ms" ),
:Name( "EFL 20508-18DT_CG_100ms" ),
:Name( "FFL 20508-18DT_CG_100ms" ),
:Name( "EFL 20508-19DT_NOCG_2" ),
:Name( "FFL 20508-19DT_NOCG_2" )
Source Label Column( "Label" ),
Stacked Data Column( "Data" ),
Number of Series( 2 )
In my script, I have a list variable (MyList1) containing the column names, and I would like to stack those columns using "Multiple Series Stack" to create a new table. Also, for "Number of Series" I would like to include NItems(MyList2). Can someone help me with the syntax?
I think this should work:
StackDT = SplitDT << Stack( Columns( MyList1 ),
Source Label Column( "Source" ),
Stacked Data Column( "Data" ),
Number of Series( NItems( MyList2 ) )
but it gives me "Column not found in access or evaluation of 'Bad Argument' " in the log.