Hi @psundar6 ,
@txnelson provides a very good solution.
An alternative approach using table sort and column formula could be done interactively or by scripting as follows:
dt = current data table();
dt << Sort(
By( :TimeStamp, :Tool ),
Replace Table,
Order( Ascending, Ascending )
dt << New Column( "to delete",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Formula( If( :Tool == Lag( :Tool, 1 ) & Date Difference( Lag( :TimeStamp, 1 ), :TimeStamp, "Minute" ) < 6, 1, 0 ), eval formula )
dt:to delete << suppress eval(true);
dt<< delete rows (dt<< get rows where (:to delete == 1));
let us know if it works for you.