I am trying to adapt a common means of depicting blood biomarker data, where your value is shown as being either within or out of a reference range. Now I could just present a table with the value and the reference range, but I'm trying to plot out something more like this example. There is a completely different way that I tried using parallel plots to basically show if a biomarker was within spec limits, but I honestly feel like this plot is ugly and hard to read (second attachment). I would only want to depict results from a single sample at a time or it would be too complex (and so will use a local data filter), but I am wondering if there are control charts that are effectively doing exactly what I want: depicting where your value falls along a pre-set reference interval. I feel fairly confident I can do better than this parallel plot (!), so any suggestions would be appreciated.
How does your data look like?
You can create something like this in JMP but it will take quite a lot of tinkering
You can also just have lines to indicate the reference values
or most likely better option is to use Page instead of group X or Group y (axis are most likely different for the measurements)
Or use Markers
And there are plenty of other options, you can find inspiration from Master List – Pictures from the Gallery – Advanced Graph Building Series and from Essential Graphing (jmp.com)