Here is an example that should get you started.
![txnelson_0-1654155994175.png txnelson_0-1654155994175.png](
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// Open Data Table: big
// → Data Table( "big class" )
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/big" );
biv = Bivariate( Y( :height ), X( :weight ), Fit Line( {Line Color( {212, 73, 88} )} ) );
Report( biv )[framebox( 1 )] << add graphics script(
Text Color( {212, 73, 88} );
xMin = Current Report()[axisbox( 2 )] << get min;
yMin = Current Report()[axisbox( 1 )] << get min;
xMax = Current Report()[axisbox( 2 )] << get max;
yMax = Current Report()[axisbox( 1 )] << get max;
textList = {};
Insert Into( textList, xMin + (xMax - xMin) * .25 );
Insert Into( textList, yMax - (yMax - yMin) * .1 );
R2 = Current Report()["Summary of Fit"][Number Col Box( 1 )][1];
R2 = "R^2 = " || Format( R2, "Fixed Dec", 5, 3 );
Text( Right Justified, textList, R2 );
textList = {};
Insert Into( textList, xMin + (xMax - xMin) * .32 );
Insert Into( textList, yMax - (yMax - yMin) * .15 );
Slope = Current Report()["Parameter Estimates"][Number Col Box( 1 )][2];
Slope = "Slope = " || format(Slope,"Fixed Dec",9,5);
Text(Right Justified, textList, Slope);
report(biv)["Linear Fit"] << visibility("collapse");
report(biv)[PictureBox(2)] << visibility("collapse");
Documentation for the Graphic additions, and the Display Tree manipulationq can be found in the Scripting Guide and the Scripting Index