I'm trying to get an event plot for a survival analysis with left and right censored data, plus failed items.
I uploaded data table and event plot. My problem is that I can not insert "x" to the right end of failed items (line 3 and 5).
If you look at line 4 and 5, they have different censor codes but they have same plotting. I was expecting to see an "x" on the right side of line 5.
What am I missing?

[*Edit by staffer sseligman: Including another relevant part of poster's question here.]
I attached a part of my real table:
event: 1= failed 0=no event or censored
months to event: time from surgery to event
from surgery to today: from the date of surgery to today (disregarding the presence or absence of an event, drop out, etc...)
months from oldest: I inserted this column in order to insert left censoring (maybe it is not the right term). Given 0 the time of surgery of the first patient, months from oldest are the delay, in months, of the surgery of all the other patients
difference: it is the time to event, calculated for each patient from a 0, that is the time of the first surgery of the first patient.
For example, patient #5 was operated 9 months after the first one and failed after 102,9 months. In a time line where 0 is the surgery of the first patient, his failure should be placed at 112 months. Tha's why I'm expecting an "x" at 112 months and a triangle at 9 months.