I want to plot multiple XY graphs, representing steel defects over width (X) and length (Y).
I want to arrange them in rows in a grid, by the coilnumber (product number).
I use the following code:
Names default to here( 1 );
Fit Group(
Graph Builder(
Size( 100, 300 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend( 0 ),
Show Title ( 0 ),
Variables( X( :PercentBr ), Y( :PercentLe ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 1 ) )),
By( :cl_n )
<<{Arrange in Rows( 15 )}
However I can't get rid of the title.
Ideally I only want to have the coilnumber: eg. '01702557' for the first cell in the picture instead of 'Graph Builder CL_N=01702557'.
This way I can plot more products on one page.